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[67] G. Endicott, T. Sonoda, M. Olhofer, and T. Arima. Aerodynamic improvement of a transonic<br />

fan outlet guide vane using 3d design optimization. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo,<br />

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[68] T. Sonoda, T. Arima, G. Endicott, and M. Olhofer. A new aerodynamic design concept for<br />

transonic swept fan outlet guide vanes. Proceedings of International Symposium on Air<br />

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[69] G. Kröger, C. Cornelius, and E. Nicke. Rotor casing contouring in high pressure stages of<br />

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[70] G. Kröger, C. Voss, E. Nicke, and C. Cornelius. Theory and application of axisymmetric<br />

endwall contouring for compressors. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo, (Paper number<br />

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[71] G. Kröger. Beeinflussung von Rotorspaltströmungen durch rotationssymmetrische Gehäusekonturen.<br />

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[72] C. Dorfner, E. Nicke, and C. Voss. Axis-asymmetric profiled endwall design using multiobjective<br />

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[73] C. Dorfner, A. Hergt, E. Nicke, and R. Mönig. Advanced non-axisymmetric endwall contouring<br />

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cascade design and compressor application. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, 133(Paper<br />

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[74] A. Hergt, C. Dorfner, W. Steinert, E. Nicke, and H.-A. Schreiber. Advanced nonaxisymmetric<br />

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[75] A. Hergt, J. Klinner, W. Steinert, C. Dorfner, and E. Nicke. Detailed flow analysis of a<br />

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[76] N. Harvey. Some effects of non-axisymmetric end wall profiling on axial flow compressor<br />

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[77] J. Lu, W. Chu, and Y. Wu. Effects of endwall profiling on axial flow compressor stage.<br />

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[78] S. Hu, X. Lu, H. Zhang, J. Zhu, and Q. Xu. Numerical investigation of a high-subsonic<br />

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[79] V. Iliopoulou, I. Lepot, and P. Geuzaine. Design optimization of a hp compressor blade<br />

and its hub endwall. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo, (Paper number GT-2008-50293),<br />

2008.<br />

Literaturverzeichnis 103

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