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[55] F. Taremi, S. Sjolander, and T. Praisner. Application of endwall contouring to transonic<br />

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[56] D. Dunn, G. Snedden, and T. von Backstroem. Numerical investigation into the unsteady<br />

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[57] T. Germain, M. Nagel, I. Raab, P. Schüpbach, R. Abhari, and M. Rose. Improving efficiency<br />

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[58] I. Raab, T. Germain, and J. Gier. Technologie zur aerodynamischen optimierung des<br />

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[59] G. Brennan, N. Harvey, M. Rose, N. Fomison, and M. Taylor. Improving the efficiency of<br />

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[60] M. Rose, N. Harvey, P. Seaman, D. Newman, and D. McManus. Improving the efficiency<br />

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[61] P. Gonzalez, M. Lantero, and V. Olabarria. Low pressure turbine design for rolls-royce<br />

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[62] J. Blackburn, G. Frendt, M. Gagne, J.-D. Genest, T. Kohler, and B. Nolan. Performance<br />

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[63] N. Harvey, G. Brennan, D. A. Newman, and M. Rose. Improving turbine efficiency using<br />

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[64] M. Höger, N. Sievers, and M. Lawerenz. On the performance of compressor blades<br />

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[65] M. Höger, P. Cardamone, and L. Fottner. Influence of endwall conturing on the transonic<br />

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[66] K. Becker, M. Lawerenz, C. Voss, and R. Mönig. Multi-objective optimization in axial<br />

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number GT-2008-51131), 2008.<br />

102 Literaturverzeichnis

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