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[30] J. Adamczyk, M. Celestina, and E. Geitzer. The role of tip clearance in high-speed fan<br />

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[31] J. Bergner, M. Kinzel, H.-P. Schiffer, and C. Hah. Short length-scale rotating stall inception<br />

in a transonic axial compressor - experimental investigation. Proceedings of ASME Turbo<br />

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[32] C. Hah, J. Bergner, and H.-P. Schiffer. Short length-scale rotating stall inception in a<br />

transonic axial compressor - criteria and mechanisms. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo,<br />

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[33] C. Hah and D. Rabe. Role of tip leakage flows on flow instability in axial flow compressors.<br />

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[34] M. Inoue. High-frequency rotating instabilities in axial flow compressors. Proceedings of<br />

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[35] Y. Wu, Q. Li, J. Tian, and W. Chu. Investigation of pre-stall behaviour in an axial compressor<br />

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[36] Y. Wu, Q. Li, J. Tian, and W. Chu. Investigation of pre-stall behaviour in an axial compressor<br />

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[37] T. Nishioka, T. Kanno, and K. Hiradate. Rotor-tip flow fields near inception point of<br />

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[38] A. Wadia, M. Dhingra, Y. Neumeier, and J. Prasad. Compressor stability management.<br />

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[39] T. Nakano and A. Breeze-Stringfellow. A method for evaluating the aerodynamic stability<br />

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[40] C. Peng. Numerical predictions of rotating stall in an axial multi-stage compressor. Proceedings<br />

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[41] M. Choi, N. Smith, and M. Vahdati. Validation of numerical simulation for rotating stall in<br />

a transonic fan. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo, (Paper number GT-2011-46109), 2011.<br />

[42] N. Harvey and T. Offord. Some effects of non-axisymmetric end wall profiling on axial<br />

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