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Literatur Variables of Attention (TOVA) in adults and predicts early cognitive decline in a clinical setting. Adv Ther, 23(4), 582-600. Bryce, D., Szűcs, D., Soltész, F., & Whitebread, D. (2011). The development of inhibitory control: An averaged and single-trial Lateralized Readiness Potential study. Neuroimage, 57(3), 671-685. Bush, G., Frazier, J. A., Rauch, S. L., Seidman, L. J., Whalen, P. J., Jenike, M. A., et al. (1999). Anterior cingulate cortex dysfunction in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder revealed by fMRI and the Counting Stroop. Biological Psychiatry, 45(12), 1542-1552. Castellanos, F. X., Lee, P. P., Sharp, W., Jeffries, N. O., Greenstein, D. K., Clasen, L. S., et al. (2002). Developmental trajectories of brain volume abnormalities in children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. JAMA, 288(14), 1740-1748. Cattell, J. M. (1986). The Time it takes to see and name objects. Mind, 11, 63-65. Coles, M. G. H., Gratton, G., & Fabiani, M. (1990). Event-related brain potentials. In J. T. C. L. G. Tassinary (Ed.), Principles of psychophysiology: Physical, social, and inferential elements (pp. 413-455). New York, NY, US: Cambridge University Press. Cox, D. J., Humphrey, J. W., Merkel, R. L., Penberthy, J. K., & Kovatchev, B. (2004). Controlled-release methylphenidate improves attention during on-road driving by adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. J Am Board Fam Pract, 17(4), 235-239. Cox, D. J., Merkel, R. L., Kovatchev, B., & Seward, R. (2000). Effect of stimulant medication on driving performance of young adults with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: a preliminary double-blind placebo controlled trial. J Nerv Ment Dis, 188(4), 230-234. Cox, D. J., Merkel, R. L., Penberthy, J. K., Kovatchev, B., & Hankin, C. S. (2004). Impact of methylphenidate delivery profiles on driving performance of adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a pilot study. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 43(3), 269-275. Danielmeier, C., Wessel, J. R., Steinhauser, M., & Ullsperger, M. (2009). Modulation of the error-related negativity by response conflict. Psychophysiology, 46(6), 1288- 1298. Das, D., Cherbuin, N., Butterworth, P., Anstey, K. J., & Easteal, S. (2012). A populationbased study of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms and associated impairment in middle-aged adults. PLoS One, 7(2), e31500. Dopheide, J. A., & Pliszka, S. R. (2009). Attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder: an update. Pharmacotherapy, 29(6), 656-679. 103

Literatur Doyle, A. E., Willcutt, E. G., Seidman, L. J., Biederman, J., Chouinard, V. A., Silva, J., et al. (2005). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder endophenotypes. Biological Psychiatry, 57(11), 1324-1335. Duncan-Johnson, C. C. (1981). P300 latency: A new metric of information processing. Psychophysiology, 18(3), 207-215. Falkenstein, M., Hohnsbein, J., Hoormann, J., & Blanke, L. (1991). Effects of crossmodal divided attention on late ERP components: II. Error processing in choice reaction tasks. Electroencephalography & Clinical Neurophysiology, 78(6), 447-455. Fayyad, J., De Graaf, R., Kessler, R., Alonso, J., Angermeyer, M., Demyttenaere, K., et al. (2007). Cross-national prevalence and correlates of adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Br J Psychiatry, 190, 402-409. Gehring, W. J., Goss, B., Coles, M. G., & Meyer, D. E. (1993). A neural system for error detection and compensation. Psychological Science, 4(6), 385-390. Gratton, G., Coles, M. G., Sirevaag, E. J., Eriksen, C. W., & Donchin, E. (1988). Pre- and poststimulus activation of response channels: a psychophysiological analysis. J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform, 14(3), 331-344. Gratton, G., Coles, M. G. H., & Donchin, E. (1992). Optimizing the use of information: Strategic control of activation of responses. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 121(4), 480-506. Halperin, J. M., Sharma, V., Greenblatt, E., & Schwartz, S. T. (1991). Assessment of the Continuous Performance Test: Reliability and validity in a nonreferred sample. Psychological Assessment: A Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 3(4), 603-608. Hart, E. L., Lahey, B. B., Loeber, R., Applegate, B., & Frick, P. J. (1995). Developmental change in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in boys: a four-year longitudinal study. J Abnorm Child Psychol, 23(6), 729-749. Herrmann, M. J., Mader, K., Schreppel, T., Jacob, C., Heine, M., Boreatti-Hummer, A., et al. (2009). Neural correlates of performance monitoring in adult patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). World J Biol Psychiatry, 1-8. Herrmann, M. J., Römmler, J., Ehils, A. C., & Fallgatter, A. J. (2004). Source localization (LORETA) of the error-related-negativity (ERN/Ne) and positivity (Pe). Brain Res Cogn Brain Res., 20(2), 294-299. Hesslinger, B., Philipsen, A., Richter, H., & Ebert, D. (2003). Zur Psychotherapie der Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) bei Erwachsenen. Verhaltenstherapie, 13, 276-282. Hesslinger, B., Tebartz van Elst, L., Thiel, T., Haegele, K., Hennig, J., & Ebert, D. (2002). Frontoorbital volume reductions in adult patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Neurosci Lett, 328(3), 319-321. 104

Literatur<br />

Doyle, A. E., Willcutt, E. G., Seidman, L. J., Biederman, J., Chouinard, V. A., Silva, J., et al.<br />

(2005). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder endophenotypes. Biological<br />

Psychiatry, 57(11), 1324-1335.<br />

Duncan-Johnson, C. C. (1981). P300 latency: A new metric of information processing.<br />

Psychophysiology, 18(3), 207-215.<br />

Falkenstein, M., Hohnsbein, J., Hoormann, J., & Blanke, L. (1991). Effects of crossmodal<br />

divided attention on late ERP components: II. Error processing in choice reaction<br />

tasks. Electroencephalography & Clinical Neurophysiology, 78(6), 447-455.<br />

Fayyad, J., De Graaf, R., Kessler, R., Alonso, J., Angermeyer, M., Demyttenaere, K., et al.<br />

(2007). Cross-national prevalence and correlates of adult attention-deficit<br />

hyperactivity disorder. Br J Psychiatry, 190, 402-409.<br />

Gehring, W. J., Goss, B., Coles, M. G., & Meyer, D. E. (1993). A neural system for error<br />

detection and compensation. Psychological Science, 4(6), 385-390.<br />

Gratton, G., Coles, M. G., Sirevaag, E. J., Eriksen, C. W., & Donchin, E. (1988). Pre- and<br />

poststimulus activation of response channels: a psychophysiological analysis. J<br />

Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform, 14(3), 331-344.<br />

Gratton, G., Coles, M. G. H., & Donchin, E. (1992). Optimizing the use of information:<br />

Strategic control of activation of responses. Journal of Experimental Psychology:<br />

General, 121(4), 480-506.<br />

Halperin, J. M., Sharma, V., Greenblatt, E., & Schwartz, S. T. (1991). Assessment of the<br />

Continuous Performance Test: Reliability and validity in a nonreferred sample.<br />

Psychological Assessment: A Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 3(4),<br />

603-608.<br />

Hart, E. L., Lahey, B. B., Loeber, R., Applegate, B., & Frick, P. J. (1995). Developmental<br />

change in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in boys: a four-year<br />

longitudinal study. J Abnorm Child Psychol, 23(6), 729-749.<br />

Herrmann, M. J., Mader, K., Schreppel, T., Jacob, C., Heine, M., Boreatti-Hummer, A., et<br />

al. (2009). Neural correlates of performance monitoring in adult patients with<br />

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). World J Biol Psychiatry, 1-8.<br />

Herrmann, M. J., Römmler, J., Ehils, A. C., & Fallgatter, A. J. (2004). Source localization<br />

(LORETA) of the error-related-negativity (ERN/Ne) and positivity (Pe). Brain Res<br />

Cogn Brain Res., 20(2), 294-299.<br />

Hesslinger, B., Philipsen, A., Richter, H., & Ebert, D. (2003). Zur Psychotherapie der<br />

Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) bei Erwachsenen.<br />

Verhaltenstherapie, 13, 276-282.<br />

Hesslinger, B., Tebartz van Elst, L., Thiel, T., Haegele, K., Hennig, J., & Ebert, D. (2002).<br />

Frontoorbital volume reductions in adult patients with attention deficit<br />

hyperactivity disorder. Neurosci Lett, 328(3), 319-321.<br />


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