28.02.2014 Aufrufe

Was ist Tierwohl? [Download,*.pdf, 0,90 MB] - Landwirtschaft in ...

Was ist Tierwohl? [Download,*.pdf, 0,90 MB] - Landwirtschaft in ...

Was ist Tierwohl? [Download,*.pdf, 0,90 MB] - Landwirtschaft in ...


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Gute<br />

Gesundheit<br />

Angemessenes<br />

Verhalten<br />

6 Absence of <strong>in</strong>juries Sows and piglets:<br />

Lameness score<br />

Sows:<br />

Wounds on body; Vulva lesions<br />

7 Absence of disease Sows and piglets:<br />

Respiratory problems (cough<strong>in</strong>g, sneez<strong>in</strong>g, pump<strong>in</strong>g, tw<strong>ist</strong>ed snouts)<br />

Enteric problems (rectal prolapse, scour<strong>in</strong>g, constipation, hygiene of<br />

pigs)<br />

Neurological problems (tremor…); Health management strategy<br />

Management of sick animals; Criteria for euthanasia<br />

Hygiene/clean<strong>in</strong>g rout<strong>in</strong>e<br />

Sows:<br />

Reproductive problems (Metritis, mastitis, uter<strong>in</strong>e prolapse)<br />

Constipation; Sk<strong>in</strong> condition<br />

Ruptures and hernias; Local <strong>in</strong>fections<br />

Piglets:<br />

Neurological problems; Splay leg<br />

8 Absence of pa<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>duced<br />

by management<br />

procedures<br />

9 Expression of social<br />

behaviours<br />

10 Expression of other<br />

behaviours<br />

11 Good human-animal Sows:<br />

Sows:<br />

Mutilations (nose r<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>g, tail dock<strong>in</strong>g)<br />

Piglets:<br />

Mutilations (castration, tail dock<strong>in</strong>g, teeth clipp<strong>in</strong>g)<br />

Sows:<br />

Social behaviour<br />

Sows and piglets:<br />

Environmental enrichment<br />

Sows:<br />

Stereotypies; Exploratory behaviour<br />

Qualitative assessment

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