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LITERATURVERZEICHNIS cellular distribution of multidrugtransporter proteins in two major causes of medically intractable epilepsy: focal cortical dysplasia and glioneuronal tumors. Neuroscience 118: 417- 429. ARONICA, E., GORTER, J.A., RAMKEMA, M., REDEKER, S., OZBAS-GERCERER, F., VAN VLIET, E.A., SCHEFFER, G.L., SCHEPER, R.J., VAN, D.V., BAAYEN, J.C., TROOST, D., 2004. Expression and cellular distribution of multidrug resistance-related proteins in the hippocampus of patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia 45: 441–451. ARTURSSON, P., 1990. Epithelial transport of drugs in culture. I: a model for studying the passive diffusion of drugs over intestinal absorptive (Caco-2) cells. J. Pharm. Sci. 79: 476-482. ASCHNER, M., FITSANAKIS, V.A., DOS SANTOS, A.P., OLIVI, L., BRESSLER, J.P., 2006. Bloodbrain barrier and cell-cell interactions: methods for establishing in vitro models of the bloodbrain barrier and transport measurements. Methods Mol Biol. 341: 1-15. BACHMEIER, C.J., TRICKLER, W.J., MILLER, D.W., 2006. Comparison of drug efflux transport kinetics in various blood–brain barrier models. Drug Metab. Dispos. 34: 998-1003. BAKOS, É., HOMOLYA, L., 2007. Portrait of multifaceted transporter, the multidrug resistanceassociated protein 1 (MRP1/ABCC1). Pflugers Arch 453: 621-641. BALLABH, P., BRAUN, A., NEDERGAARD, M., 2004. The blood-brain barrier: an overview: structure, regulation, and clinical implications. Neurobiol Dis. 16: 1-13. BALTES, S., GASTENS, A.M., FEDROWITZ, M., POTSCHKA, H., KAEVER, V., LÖSCHER, W., 2007a. Differences in the transport of the antiepileptic drugs phenytoin, levetiracetam and carbamazepine by human and mouse P-glycoprotein. Neuropharmacology 52: 333-346. BALTES, S., FEDROWITZ, M., LUNA-TORTÓS, C., POTSCHKA, H., LÖSCHER, W., 2007b. Valproic acid is not a substrate for P-glycoprotein or multidrug resistance proteins 1 and 2 in a number of in vitro and in vivo transport assays. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 320: 331-343. BANKSTAHL, J.P., HOFFMANN, K., BETHMANN, K., LÖSCHER, W., 2008a. Glutamate is critically involved in seizure-induced overexpression of P-glycoprotein in the brain. Neuropharmacology 54: 1006-1016. BANKSTAHL, J.P., LÖSCHER, W., 2008. Resistance to antiepileptic drugs and expression of P- glycoprotein in two rat models of status epilepticus. Epilepsy Res. 82: 70-85. BATES, S. F.,CHEN, C., ROBEY, R., KANG, M., FIGG, W.D., FOJO, T., 2002. Reversal of multidrug resistance: lessons from clinical oncology. Novartis Found Symp. 243: 83-96; discussion 96- 102, 180-05. BAUER, B., HARTZ, A.M., FRICKER, G., MILLER, D.S., 2004. Pregnane X receptor up-regulation of P-glycoprotein expression and transport function at the blood-brain barrier. Mol. Pharmacol. 66: 413-419. BAUER, B., HARTZ, A.M., FRICKER, G., MILLER, D.S., 2005. Modulation of p-glycoprotein transport function at the blood-brain barrier. Exp. Biol. Med. 230: 118-127. BAUER, B., HARTZ, A.M., MILLER, D.S., 2007. Tumor Necrosis Factor {alpha} and Endothelin-1 Increase P-Glycoprotein Expression and Transport Activity at the Blood-Brain Barrier. Mol. Pharmacol. 71: 667-675. 180

LITERATURVERZEICHNIS BAUER, B., HARTZ, A.M., PEKCEC, A., TOELLNER, K., MILLER, D.S., POTSCHKA, H., 2008. Seizure-induced up-regulation of P-glycoprotein at the blood-brain barrier through glutamate and cyclooxygenase-2 signaling. Mol Pharmacol. 73: 1444-1453. BAUER, B., YANG, X., HARTZ, A.M., OLSON, E.R., ZHAO, R., KALVASS, J.C., POLLACK, G.M., MILLER D.S., 2006. In vivo activation of human PXR tightens the blood-brain barrier to methadone through P-glycoprotein upregulation. Mol. Pharmacol. 70: 1212-1219. BECKER, C., DREWE, J., 2006. Interaktionen zwischen Antiepileptika und Arzneimitteln zur Therapie und Prophylaxe der Migräne. Epileptologie 23: 14-23. BEGLEY, D.J., 2004. ABC transporters and the blood-brain barrier. Curr Pharm Des 10: 1295–1312. BEGLEY, D.J., LECHARDEUR, D., CHEN, Z.D., ROLLINSON, C., BARDOUL, M., ROUX, F., SCHERMAN, D., ABBOTT, N.J., 1996. Functional expression of p-glycoprotein in an immortalised cell line of rat brain endothelial cells. RBE4. J. Neurochem. 67: 988-995. BEREZOWSKI, V., LANDRY, C., DEHOUCK, M.P., CECCHELLI, R., FENART, L., 2004. Contribution of glial cells and pericytes to the mRNA profiles of P-glycoprotein and multidrug resistanceassociated proteins in an in vitro model of the blood-brain barrier. Brain Res. 1018: 1-9. BERG, A.T., BERKOVIC, S.F., BRODIE, M.J., BUCHHALTER, J., CROSS, J.H., BOAS, W.V., ENGEL, J., FRENCH, J., GLAUSER, T.A., MATHERN,, G.W., MOSHE, S.L., NORDLI, D., PLOUIN, P., SCHEFFER, I.E., 2010. Revised terminology and concepts for organization of seizures and epilepsies: Report of the ILAE Commission on Classification and Terminology, 2005-2009. Epilepsia 51: 676-685. BERNAS, M.J., CARDOSO, F.L., DALEY, S.K., WEINAND, M.E., CAMPOS, A.R., FERREIRA, A.J.G., HOYING, J.B., WITTE, M.H., BRITES, D., PERSIDSKY, Y., RAMIREZ, S.H., BRITO, M.A., 2010. Establishment of primary cultures of human brain microvascular endothelial cells to provide an in vitro cellular model of the blood–brain barrier. Nat. Protoc. 5: 1247–1254. BERTRAM, E.H., 2009. Temporal lobe epilepsy: where do the seizures really begin? Epilepsy Behav. 14 (Suppl 1): 32-37. BETHMANN, K., FRITSCHY, J.M., BRANDT, C., LÖSCHER, W., 2008. Antiepileptic drug resistant rats differ from drug responsive rats in GABA A receptor subunit expression in a model of temporal lobe epilepsy. Neurobiol. Dis. 31: 169-187. BITTER K., 1977. Superadditive cytostatic effects after combined administration of vincristine, bleomycin and methotrexate to Yoshida sarcoma. J Maxillofac Surg. 5: 115-117. BONATE, P.L., 1995. Animal models for studying transport across the blood-brain barrier. J. Neurosci. Methods. 56: 1-15. BOON, P., DE HERDT, V., VONCK, K., VAN ROOST, D., 2007b. Clinical experience with vagus nerve stimulation and deep brain stimulation in epilepsy. Acta Neurochir Suppl. 2007; 97(Pt 2): 273- 280. BOON, P., RAEDT, R., STEFAN, H., 2012. Innovative treatments for epilepsy: radiosurgery and local delivery. Handb Clin Neurol. 108: 971-981. BOON, P., VONCK, K, DE HERDT, V., VAN DYCKE, A., GOETHALS, M., GOOSSENS, L., VAN ZANDIJCKE, M., DE SMEDT, T., DEWAELE, I., ACHTEN, R., WADMAN, W., DEWAELE, F., 181


cellular distribution of multidrugtransporter proteins in two major causes of medically<br />

intractable epilepsy: focal cortical dysplasia and glioneuronal tumors. Neuroscience 118: 417-<br />

429.<br />


E.A., SCHEFFER, G.L., SCHEPER, R.J., VAN, D.V., BAAYEN, J.C., TROOST, D., 2004.<br />

Expression and cellular distribution of multidrug resistance-related proteins in the<br />

hippocampus of patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia 45: 441–451.<br />

ARTURSSON, P., 1990. Epithelial transport of drugs in culture. I: a model for studying the passive<br />

diffusion of drugs over intestinal absorptive (Caco-2) cells. J. Pharm. Sci. 79: 476-482.<br />

ASCHNER, M., FITSANAKIS, V.A., DOS SANTOS, A.P., OLIVI, L., BRESSLER, J.P., 2006. Bloodbrain<br />

barrier and cell-cell interactions: methods for establishing in vitro models of the bloodbrain<br />

barrier and transport measurements. Methods Mol Biol. 341: 1-15.<br />

BACHMEIER, C.J., TRICKLER, W.J., MILLER, D.W., 2006. Comparison of drug efflux transport<br />

kinetics in various blood–brain barrier models. Drug Metab. Dispos. 34: 998-1003.<br />

BAKOS, É., HOMOLYA, L., 2007. Portrait of multifaceted transporter, the multidrug resistanceassociated<br />

protein 1 (MRP1/ABCC1). Pflugers Arch 453: 621-641.<br />

BALLABH, P., BRAUN, A., NEDERGAARD, M., 2004. The blood-brain barrier: an overview: structure,<br />

regulation, and clinical implications. Neurobiol Dis. 16: 1-13.<br />


2007a. Differences in the transport of the antiepileptic drugs phenytoin, levetiracetam and<br />

carbamazepine by human and mouse P-glycoprotein. Neuropharmacology 52: 333-346.<br />

BALTES, S., FEDROWITZ, M., LUNA-TORTÓS, C., POTSCHKA, H., LÖSCHER, W., 2007b. Valproic<br />

acid is not a substrate for P-glycoprotein or multidrug resistance proteins 1 and 2 in a number<br />

of in vitro and in vivo transport assays. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 320: 331-343.<br />

BANKSTAHL, J.P., HOFFMANN, K., BETHMANN, K., LÖSCHER, W., 2008a. Glutamate is critically<br />

involved in seizure-induced overexpression of P-glycoprotein in the brain. Neuropharmacology<br />

54: 1006-1016.<br />

BANKSTAHL, J.P., LÖSCHER, W., 2008. Resistance to antiepileptic drugs and expression of P-<br />

glycoprotein in two rat models of status epilepticus. Epilepsy Res. 82: 70-85.<br />

BATES, S. F.,CHEN, C., ROBEY, R., KANG, M., FIGG, W.D., FOJO, T., 2002. Reversal of multidrug<br />

resistance: lessons from clinical oncology. Novartis Found Symp. 243: 83-96; discussion 96-<br />

102, 180-05.<br />

BAUER, B., HARTZ, A.M., FRICKER, G., MILLER, D.S., 2004. Pregnane X receptor up-regulation of<br />

P-glycoprotein expression and transport function at the blood-brain barrier. Mol. Pharmacol.<br />

66: 413-419.<br />

BAUER, B., HARTZ, A.M., FRICKER, G., MILLER, D.S., 2005. Modulation of p-glycoprotein transport<br />

function at the blood-brain barrier. Exp. Biol. Med. 230: 118-127.<br />

BAUER, B., HARTZ, A.M., MILLER, D.S., 2007. Tumor Necrosis Factor {alpha} and Endothelin-1<br />

Increase P-Glycoprotein Expression and Transport Activity at the Blood-Brain Barrier. Mol.<br />

Pharmacol. 71: 667-675.<br />


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