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28.02.2014 Aufrufe

erythrocytes (Baschong, et al., 2001; Clancy and Cauller, 1998). A combined treatment of sodium borohydride followed by cupric sulfate was applied in a recent study for formaldehyde-fixed cyrosections of rat brain. This way, a considerable green autofluorescence was reduced that was apparent in only a subpopulation of neurons and therefore provided an inherent potential of false positives in green fluorescence reporter studies (Spitzer, et al., 2011). Copper-mediated quenching was also used to eliminate lipofuscin autofluorescence (Kikugawa, et al., 1997; Schnell, et al., 1999) and to reduce autofluorescence of hemosiderin-laden macrophages in cortical tissue (Potter, et al., 2012). Two possible quenching mechanisms were suggested, either a static quenching in which the fluorescent molecule forms a tight complex with copper, or collisional quenching which involves a transfer of exited electrons to the copper ions (Potter, et al., 2012; Schnell, et al., 1999). Other techniques make use of disazo dyes like Trypan Blue (Mosiman, et al., 1997) or Pontamine Sky Blue (Cowen, et al., 1985). These dyes stain various constituents in tissue section and are thought to mask or absorb autofluorescence background. However, disazo dyes are known to fluoresce in red colour and therefore may interfere themselves with fluorophor-linked labeling procedures in the corresponding spectral range. The lipophilic disazo dye Sudan Black B has also been used as a successful treatment to control autofluorescence, in particular for lipofuscin-derived fluorescence in neural tissue (Oliveira, et al., 2010; Romijn, et al., 1999; Schnell, et al., 1999), myocardium and bone marrow or for fluorescent granules in myeloid cells (Baschong, et al., 2001). Recently, Sudan Black B has been shown to reduce autofluorescence also in murine renal tissue (Sun, et al., 2011). Since intracellular lipofuscin granules and other tissue constituents are stainable by the lipophilic dye, the quenching of autofluorescence by Sudan Black B was suggested to arise from masking the fluorescent tissue components locally, without interacting with them at the chemical level (Baschong, et al., 2001; Romijn, et al., 1999; Schnell, et al., 1999). Although Sudan Black B is chemically well characterized and the excitation and emission spectra have been thoroughly investigated (Frederiks, 1977; Pfuller, et al., 1977), the mechanisms of interference with autofluorescence have not been entirely solved, e.g. if Sudan Black staining may obscure excitation or rather quench the emitted light of the autofluorescent molecules. - 5 -

Further successful attempts that are described to reduce the inherent fluorescence of tissue samples are treatments by photobleaching of brain and liver tissue which were found to be favorable due to a tissue preserving capacity (Neumann and Gabel, 2002). However, other studies fail to significantly reduce autofluorescence in brain sections by UV irradiation (Oliveira, et al., 2010; Schnell, et al., 1999). Viegas and colleagues recently applied photobleaching as well as Sudan Black B and ammonia/ethanol treatment for murine liver, pancreas, and kidney tissue. They reported for pancreatic sections that the reduction of autofluoescence by Sudan Black B was not sufficient to allow the detection of direct immunofluorescence signals. However, UV-irradiation led to a near to total reduction of autofluorescence. The authors suggested a combination of UV-irradiation and Sudan Black treatment as a useful approach for the tested tissue types (Viegas, et al., 2007). In the current study we addressed the severe problems caused by unwanted autofluorescence observed in archival specimen from human pancreatic tissue. We used epifluorescence microscopy and digital imaging to analyze intensity and distribution of autofluorescence in these formalin-fixed tissue samples. Particularly granules of acinar cells, fiber-rich connective tissue, and erythrocytes were identified as major distinctive sources of bright autofluorescence. We applied several techniques to reduce this fluorescence. An optimized procedure of Sudan Black B treatment is demonstrated to eliminate natural and fixation-induced fluorescence without noticeable influence on tissue integrity. We further illustrate subsequent histochemical immunolabeling of specific epitopes in endocrine and exocrine pancreas using various fluorophores. The excellent outcome of the described Sudan Black B technique was confirmed by quantitative analysis methods and in comparison to other applied methods, such as photobleaching, cupric sulphate or Toluidine Blue treatment. - 6 -

erythrocytes (Baschong, et al., 2001; Clancy and Cauller, 1998). A combined<br />

treatment of sodium borohydride followed by cupric sulfate was applied in a recent<br />

study for formaldehyde-fixed cyrosections of rat brain. This way, a considerable<br />

green autofluorescence was reduced that was apparent in only a subpopulation of<br />

neurons and therefore provided an inherent potential of false positives in green<br />

fluorescence reporter studies (Spitzer, et al., 2011). Copper-mediated quenching was<br />

also used to eliminate lipofuscin autofluorescence (Kikugawa, et al., 1997; Schnell, et<br />

al., 1999) and to reduce autofluorescence of hemosiderin-laden macrophages in<br />

cortical tissue (Potter, et al., 2012). Two possible quenching mechanisms were<br />

suggested, either a static quenching in which the fluorescent molecule forms a tight<br />

complex with copper, or collisional quenching which involves a transfer of exited<br />

electrons to the copper ions (Potter, et al., 2012; Schnell, et al., 1999).<br />

Other techniques make use of disazo dyes like Trypan Blue (Mosiman, et al., 1997)<br />

or Pontamine Sky Blue (Cowen, et al., 1985). These dyes stain various constituents<br />

in tissue section and are thought to mask or absorb autofluorescence background.<br />

However, disazo dyes are known to fluoresce in red colour and therefore may<br />

interfere themselves with fluorophor-linked labeling procedures in the corresponding<br />

spectral range. The lipophilic disazo dye Sudan Black B has also been used as a<br />

successful treatment to control autofluorescence, in particular for lipofuscin-derived<br />

fluorescence in neural tissue (Oliveira, et al., 2010; Romijn, et al., 1999; Schnell, et<br />

al., 1999), myocardium and bone marrow or for fluorescent granules in myeloid cells<br />

(Baschong, et al., 2001). Recently, Sudan Black B has been shown to reduce<br />

autofluorescence also in murine renal tissue (Sun, et al., 2011). Since intracellular<br />

lipofuscin granules and other tissue constituents are stainable by the lipophilic dye,<br />

the quenching of autofluorescence by Sudan Black B was suggested to arise from<br />

masking the fluorescent tissue components locally, without interacting with them at<br />

the chemical level (Baschong, et al., 2001; Romijn, et al., 1999; Schnell, et al., 1999).<br />

Although Sudan Black B is chemically well characterized and the excitation and<br />

emission spectra have been thoroughly investigated (Frederiks, 1977; Pfuller, et al.,<br />

1977), the mechanisms of interference with autofluorescence have not been entirely<br />

solved, e.g. if Sudan Black staining may obscure excitation or rather quench the<br />

emitted light of the autofluorescent molecules.<br />

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