Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover

Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover

von elib.tiho.hannover.de Mehr von diesem Publisher
04.02.2014 Aufrufe

Manuskript I Choline nearly exhibited the same concentration estimates in the spinal cord as in the brain. Moreover, equal results were obtained assessing the concentration of N- acetyl-aspartate, myo-inositol and creatine. The acquisition of lactate and glutamate and glutamine displayed a higher concentration range in the spinal cord than in the brain, in case of glutamate and glutamine the difference was significant (p = 0.0001; Fig. 2 and Tab. 1). The metabolite concentration estimates in the spinal cord revealed a larger range than detected in the brain. Tab. 1: Range, quartile range and median of the concentration of different metabolites measured in the canine brain and spinal cord using magnetic resonance spectroscopy Metabolite: Location: Range (x max – x min ) in meq/L Quartile range (q 3 – q 1 ) in meq/L Median in meq/L Cho brain 0.12 – 66.83 2.35 – 7.46 5.70 spinal cord 0.00 – 132.17 1.22 – 8.43 3.46 NAA brain 5.60 – 32.64 7.27 – 16.69 10.70 spinal cord 1.21 – 78.99 3.87 – 14.62 10.91 mI brain 0.32 – 476.05 2.51 – 10.01 5.15 spinal cord 0.00 – 198.47 1.26 – 18.54 8.99 Cr brain 2.55 – 168.53 6.47 – 18.18 15.95 spinal cord 0.00 – 323.62 4.97 – 36.63 20.20 Lac brain 1.06 – 39.42 10.15 – 28.68 16.16 spinal cord 0.00 – 399.58 1.65 – 60.55 3.73 Glx brain 0.00 – 1050.14 7.19 – 30.24 12.07 spinal cord 0.00 – 5086.99 25.43 – 600.87 96.89 Tab. 1: Shows the range, quartile range and median of the concentration of the metabolites Cho (choline), NAA (N-acetyl-aspartate), mI (myo-Inositol), Cr (creatine), Lac (lactate) and Glx (glutamate and glutamine). The concentrations are represented in meq/L. Figure 3 depicts spectra of the phantom (a) with a 7x7x7 mm 3 voxel at body temperature in contrast to a voxel (5x7x25 mm 3 ) placed in the brainstem (b) of a dog. Both voxel are defined as small voxel in the current study. Values that could not definitely be allocated to a metabolite, for several reasons, are therefore evaluated as unreliable. These unreliable values obtained with the small voxel positioned in the brainstem are labeled by interrogation marks next to the metabolite name. 32

Manuskript I Fig. 3: ¹H magnetic resonance spectroscopy spectrum of a) phantom (voxel size 7x7x7 mm 3 at body temperature) and b) spectrum of a voxel placed in the spinal cord of one dog (voxel size 5x7x25 mm 3 at C2-C3 vertebral level); PRESS sequence (TE 35 msec., TR 2000 msec., at 3T). Both figures illustrate the peaks of the metabolites choline (Cho), creatine (Cr), glutamate and glutamine (Glx), lactate (Lac), myoinositol (mI), N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA) and scyllo-inositol (sI). Some of the spinal cord spectra peaks have an interrogation mark next to the metabolite name indicating an unreliable value. 33

Manuskript I<br />

Fig. 3: ¹H magnetic resonance spectroscopy spectrum of a) phantom (voxel size<br />

7x7x7 mm 3 at body temperature) and b) spectrum of a voxel placed in the spinal cord<br />

of one dog (voxel size 5x7x25 mm 3 at C2-C3 vertebral level); PRESS sequence (TE<br />

35 msec., TR 2000 msec., at 3T). Both figures illustrate the peaks of the metabolites<br />

choline (Cho), creatine (Cr), glutamate and glutamine (Glx), lactate (Lac), myoinositol<br />

(mI), N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA) and scyllo-inositol (sI). Some of the spinal<br />

cord spectra peaks have an interrogation mark next to the metabolite name indicating<br />

an unreliable value.<br />


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