Abstract-Band - Fakultät für Informatik, TU Wien - Technische ...

Abstract-Band - Fakultät für Informatik, TU Wien - Technische ... Abstract-Band - Fakultät für Informatik, TU Wien - Technische ...

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30.01.2014 Aufrufe

information loss when trying to integrate multiple modeling tools across their technical boundaries. The Eclipse-based modeling tool SERAPIS by Sphinx IT Consulting defines a proprietary meta-language which is not compliant to MOF or any other modeling standard. As a consequence, metamodels specified in this meta-language and therefore also the instantiations of these metamodels cannot be interchanged with existing tools based on standards such as MOF which results in a vendor-lock for customers. The contribution of this master thesis is to develop a transformation approach allowing to translate metamodels and models from the SERAPIS technical space to the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF), which employs the meta-language Ecore as the de facto standard corresponding to MOF. The strategy to achieve this is based on an approach presented in the Ph.D. thesis by Dr. Manuel Wimmer who suggests a semi-automatic transformation for metamodels by mapping the corresponding meta-languages. Moreover, we specialize this approach to also enable the automatic transformation of SERAPIS models based on the mappings of their metamodels. The transformation approach developed in this work is implemented in the Eclipse DIE in order to prove its feasibility and to evaluate the generated results. Michal Skackov Web-based B2B documents mapping and transformation using Smooks Data Integration Framework hosted as cloud service Studium: Masterstudium Software Engineering & Internet Computing BetreuerIn: Ao.Univ.Prof. Dr. Christian Huemer 74 This thesis aims to enable SMEs and non-profit organisations to trade within electronic markets using modern, freely available information technologies and systems. These businesses are not capable of investing in integration, but are forced by larger business partners or governments to produce business documents of a certain standard. To help address these issues a free of charge, cloud-hosted transformation between two different business document types is explored. Related research questions are addressed in order to enable direct transformation using the Smooks Data Integration Framework by applying current technology to offer transformation as SaaS with the help of a Webbased mapping tool. This thesis follows the guidelines of design science research methodology. The main parts consist of related work relevant to B2B electronic exchange of structured business documents, their mapping and subsequent transformation. In summary, this thesis provides an overview of related work on B2B business document standards, their mapping and transformation, as well as current integration tools. The major contribution is the prototype implementation of a Web-based system using Smooks to transform business documents. The most complex part relates to the actual interpretation of mapping and consecutive transformation. The implementation of the Web-based editor for mapping models for the data integration framework Smooks relates to a wide range of technologies. The jQuery framework, a library for JavaScript, is used for the user interface. The transformation works with help of FreeMarker, a template engine, and is hosted

as a freeof-charge cloud computing service within a Google App engine using Java. In conclusion, the prototype although not an out-of-the-box solution, allows users to define schema mapping with functionality comparable to that offered by products already on the market. Christoph Zehetner An Adaptable OCL Engine for Validating Models in Different Tool Environments Studium: Masterstudium Business Informatics BetreuerIn: O.Univ.Prof. Dr. Gertrude Kappel The need for validating models automatically, in the early design phase arose with the emergence of the Model-Driven Development (MDD) paradigm. Models are not any longer used just for brainstorming and communication purposes. The Object Management Group (OMG) suggests the usage of the Unified Modelling Language (UML) to define platform-independent models. UML has been widely accepted as the de facto standard for modelling objectoriented systems. This master thesis pointed out that UML models are not necessary expressive enough to provide all complex aspects of a system. Some aspects of the domain are more expressed in natural language, which will lead to ambiguities and to errors. There-fore the Object Constraint Language (OCL) can be used to specify conditions on models that must hold for the system. Apart from the development of standards for modelling systems, several vendors developed modelling tools or so called Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools to provide a wide range of instruments to support the MDD approach. The support depends on the ven-dors realization of the standards. In general there is a lack of validating models in CASE tools, which is essential in the early design phase. Additionally, there is only little support for writing OCL expressions for models. Thus, models defined by users of such tools are not nec-essarily valid against the wellformedness rules (WFR). The contribution of this masters thesis is to provide an adaptive solution for managing OCL transformation in different environments or CASE tools. Mappings patterns are defined to manage the schema matching between selectable environments (source and target schema). The OCL expressions are applied to a selectable source schema, which is mapped to a target schema. The goal of this work is to analyse the OCL expression and generate a semantically equivalent expression in the target schema depending on predefined trans-formation patterns. 75

as a freeof-charge cloud computing service within a Google App engine using<br />

Java. In conclusion, the prototype although not an out-of-the-box solution,<br />

allows users to define schema mapping with functionality comparable to that<br />

offered by products already on the market.<br />

Christoph Zehetner<br />

An Adaptable OCL Engine for Validating Models in Different Tool Environments<br />

Studium: Masterstudium Business Informatics<br />

BetreuerIn: O.Univ.Prof. Dr. Gertrude Kappel<br />

The need for validating models automatically, in the early design phase arose<br />

with the emergence of the Model-Driven Development (MDD) paradigm.<br />

Models are not any longer used just for brainstorming and communication<br />

purposes. The Object Management Group (OMG) suggests the usage of the<br />

Unified Modelling Language (UML) to define platform-independent models.<br />

UML has been widely accepted as the de facto standard for modelling objectoriented<br />

systems. This master thesis pointed out that UML models are not<br />

necessary expressive enough to provide all complex aspects of a system. Some<br />

aspects of the domain are more expressed in natural language, which will lead<br />

to ambiguities and to errors. There-fore the Object Constraint Language (OCL)<br />

can be used to specify conditions on models that must hold for the system.<br />

Apart from the development of standards for modelling systems, several<br />

vendors developed modelling tools or so called Computer-Aided Software<br />

Engineering (CASE) tools to provide a wide range of instruments to support the<br />

MDD approach. The support depends on the ven-dors realization of the<br />

standards. In general there is a lack of validating models in CASE tools, which is<br />

essential in the early design phase. Additionally, there is only little support for<br />

writing OCL expressions for models. Thus, models defined by users of such<br />

tools are not nec-essarily valid against the wellformedness rules (WFR). The<br />

contribution of this masters thesis is to provide an adaptive solution for<br />

managing OCL transformation in different environments or CASE tools.<br />

Mappings patterns are defined to manage the schema matching between<br />

selectable environments (source and target schema). The OCL expressions are<br />

applied to a selectable source schema, which is mapped to a target schema.<br />

The goal of this work is to analyse the OCL expression and generate a<br />

semantically equivalent expression in the target schema depending on predefined<br />

trans-formation patterns.<br />


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