29.01.2014 Aufrufe

Department Maritime Systeme - Interdisziplinäre Fakultät ...

Department Maritime Systeme - Interdisziplinäre Fakultät ...

Department Maritime Systeme - Interdisziplinäre Fakultät ...


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Bericht des <strong>Department</strong>s <strong>Maritime</strong> <strong>Systeme</strong><br />

Anhang<br />

Prof. Dr. Fokke Saathof (fokke.saathoff@uni-rostock.de)<br />

Landeskulturelle Ingenieurbauwerke, Agrar- und Umweltwissenschaftliche <strong>Fakultät</strong>, Universität<br />

Rostock<br />

5 ausgewählte Publikationen:<br />

Cantré, S., Saathoff, F., Große, A.-K., and E. Nitschke. 2012. Dredged Materials in Dike Construction.<br />

First Results of the DredgDikes Large-Scale Field Tests in Rostock. Proceedings of the 12th<br />

Baltic Sea Geotechnical Conference 2012. Accepted for publication.<br />

Cantré, S., and F. Saathoff. 2011. Design parameters for geosynthetic dewatering tubes derived from<br />

pressure filtration tests. Geosynthetics International. 18 (3): 90 - 103.<br />

Cantré, S., and H. Schulz. 2011. Innovative Baggergutentwässerung mit geotextilen Schläuchen - ein<br />

mobiles System im Feldversuch. Wasser und Abfall 13 (3): 24 - 29.<br />

Cantré, S., and F. Saathoff. 2010. Design method for geotextile tubes considering strain : Formulation<br />

and verification by laboratory tests using photogrammetry. Geotextiles and Geomembranes<br />

29(3): 201 - 210.<br />

Thomas, H., and S. Cantré. 2009. Applications of low-budget photogrammetry in the geotechnical<br />

laboratory. The Photogrammetric Record, An International Journal of Photogrammetry 24<br />

(128): 332 - 350.<br />

Saathoff, F. 2009. Vergleich von geotextilen und mineralischen Filterschichten im Wasserbau.<br />

Sonderheft Geotechnik zur 11. Informations- und Vortragstagung über "Kunststoffe in der<br />

Geotechnik". Glückauf-Verlag, 2009. - ISBN 978-3-940476-21-0 , pp. 111 - 123.<br />

PD Dr. habil. Gerald Schernewski (gerald.schernewski@io-warnemuende.de)<br />

Küsten- und Meeresmanagement, Leibnitz - Institut für Ostseeforschung, Warnemünde<br />

Forschungsschwerpunkte: Anwendungsorientierte Küsten- und Meeresforschung<br />

5 ausgewählte Publikationen:<br />

McFadden, L. and G. Schernewski. 2012. Critical reflections on a systems approach application in<br />

practice: a Baltic lagoon case study. Reg Environ Change DOI 10.1007/s10113-012-0337-y<br />

Schernewski, G., N. Stybel & T. Neumann. 2012. Managing Eutrophication: Cost-effectiveness of<br />

Zebra mussel farming in the Oder (Szczecin) Lagoon. Ecology and Society.<br />

Schernewski, G., Fischer, E., Huttula, J. and Ras. 2012. Simulation tools to support bathing water<br />

management: Escherichia coli bacteria in a Baltic lagoon. Journal Coastal Conservation.<br />

Schernewski, G., Hofstede, J. and Neumann, T. (eds.) 2011. Global Change and Baltic Coastal<br />

Zones. Springer Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Series: Coastal Systems and Continental<br />

Margins, Vol. 1, 296p., ISSN: 1384-6434<br />

Schernewski, G., Behrendt, H. and T. Neumann. 2008. An integrated river basin-coast-sea modelling<br />

scenario for nitrogen management in coastal waters. Journal of Coastal Conservation 12,<br />

53-66. DOI: 10.1007/s11852-008-0035-6.<br />

Gutachtertätigkeiten/Gremienarbeit: Editor Journal for Coastal Conservation; Member of the<br />

International Advisory Panel UNESCO-IOC (Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission 2005 –<br />

2007); International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) and International Human Dimensions<br />

Programme on Global Environmental Change (IHDP) core project LOICZ (Land-Ocean Interactions in<br />

the Coastal Zone) (2004 – 2010); EUCC - Coastal & Marine (NGO), Leiden, The Netherlands.<br />

National representative and member of the executive committee; European Commission, DG<br />

Research, external expert.<br />

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