29.01.2014 Aufrufe

Department Maritime Systeme - Interdisziplinäre Fakultät ...

Department Maritime Systeme - Interdisziplinäre Fakultät ...

Department Maritime Systeme - Interdisziplinäre Fakultät ...


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Bericht des <strong>Department</strong>s <strong>Maritime</strong> <strong>Systeme</strong><br />

Anhang<br />

PD Dr. habil. Christel Baum (christel.baum@uni-rostock.de)<br />

Bodenkunde, Agrar- und Umweltwissenschaftliche <strong>Fakultät</strong>, Universität Rostock<br />

Forschungsschwerpunkte: Bodenbiologie<br />

5 ausgewählte Publikationen<br />

Langeveld, H.W.A., Quist-Wessel, P.M.F., Dimitriou, J., Aronsson, P., Baum, C., Schulz, U., Bolte, A.,<br />

Baum, S., Köhn, J., Weih, M., Gruss, H,; Leinweber, P., Lamersdorf, N., Schmidt-Walter, P.,<br />

Berendes, G. 2012. Assessing environmental impacts of Short Rotation Coppice (SRC)<br />

expansion: model definition and preliminary results. Bioenergy Research, 5: 621-6352.<br />

Zimmer, D., Baum, C., Meissner, R., Leinweber, P. 2012. Soil-ecological evaluation of willows in a<br />

floodplain. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 175: 245-2523.<br />

Jandl, G., Baum, C., .Blumschein, A., Leinweber, P. 2012. The impact of short rotation coppice on the<br />

concentrations of aliphatic soil lipids. Plant and Soil 350: 163-177.<br />

Hrynkiewicz, K., Dabrowska, G., Baum, C., Niedojadlo, K., Leinweber P. 2012. Interactive and Single<br />

Effects of Ectomycorrhiza Formation and Bacillus cereus Strains on the Phytoextraction of<br />

Cadmium and Zink and Expression of Metallothionein MT1 by Willows. Water, Air & Soil<br />

Pollution 223: 957-968.<br />

Zimmer D., Kruse, J., Baum C., Borca C., Laue M., Hause G., Meissner R. and P. Leinweber. 2011.<br />

Spatial distribution of As and heavy metals in willow roots from a contaminated floodplain<br />

soil measured by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. The Science of the Total Environment<br />

409, 4094-4100, ISSN: 0048-9697.<br />

Gutachtertätigkeiten/Gremienarbeit: Mitglied des Landesforstbeirates<br />

Prof. Dr. Hermann Bauwe (hermann.bauwe@biologie.uni-rostock.de)<br />

Pflanzenphysiologie, Mathematisch - Naturwissenschaftliche <strong>Fakultät</strong>, Universität Rostock<br />

5 ausgewählte Publikationen<br />

Hackenberg, C., Kern, R., Hüge, J., Stal, L., Tsuji, Y., Kopka, J., Shiraiwa, Y., Bauwe, H., and M.<br />

Hagemann. 2011. Cyanobacterial lactate oxidases serve as essential partners of N2-fixation<br />

and evolved to photorespiratory glycolate oxidases in plants. The Plant Cell 23: 2978-2990 -<br />

Faculty of 1000 'Must Read'.<br />

Bauwe, H., Hagemann, M., and A. Fernie. 2010. Photorespiration: players, partners and origin.<br />

Trends in Plant Science 15: 330-336.<br />

Eisenhut, M., Ruth, W., Haimovich, M., Bauwe, H., Kaplan, A., and M. Hagemann. 2008. The<br />

photorespiratory glycolate metabolism is essential for cyanobacteria and might have been<br />

conveyed endosymbiontically to plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of<br />

the United States of America 105: 17199-17204.<br />

Timm, S., Nunes-Nesi, A., Pärnik, T., Morgenthal, K., Wienkoop, S., Keerberg, O., Weckwerth, W.,<br />

Kleczkowski, L.A., Fernie, A.R., and H. Bauwe. 2008. A cytosolic pathway for the conversion<br />

of hydroxypyruvate to glycerate during photorespiration in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 20:<br />

2848-2859.<br />

Engel, N., van den Daele, K., Kolukisaoglu, Ü., Morgenthal, K., Weckwerth, W., Pärnik, T., Keerberg,<br />

O., and H. Bauwe. 2007. Deletion of glycine decarboxylase in Arabidopsis is lethal under<br />

non-photorespiratory conditions. Plant Physiology 144: 1328-1335 - Faculty of 1000<br />

'Recommended Reading'.<br />

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