15.01.2014 Aufrufe

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The typical Ehinger-Schwarz characteristics encompass<br />

the highest excellence in jewelry making, a clean elegance<br />

and the groundbreaking creation of CHARLOTTE.<br />

They are firmly established in the precept of Haute<br />

Joaillerie. What new vision will you infuse to enrich this<br />

success story?<br />

As you know, the company was up to now managed by a man,<br />

my father and through my presence more femininity is flowing<br />

into the designs. For all the clarity and precision a feminine<br />

touch will now enrich the designs. The idea to this new direction<br />

was a long time coming, I have opened a new door, which<br />

reveals a hint of extravagance, sensuality and the feminine<br />

longing for jewelry.<br />

Caroline Schwarz does not accept cliches. She is unpretentious,<br />

completely natural, marvelously direct and since February<br />

2013, the successor of her father Wolf-Peter Schwarz.<br />

What inspires the young designer and what new ideas she will<br />

infuse into the family business, she reveals here.<br />

Caroline, you are at the top of one of the most important<br />

German jewelry company since February 2013. Do you think<br />

it was well over due for you to take full responsibility and<br />

ownership - or do you feel only now up to the challenge?<br />

Umm! (She laughs). Of course, I had great respect for this task.<br />

It is not just exciting to lead a five generation family business<br />

but rather it is a job with a tremendous amount of responsibility.<br />

I believe that things happen in life at exactly the right time. This<br />

transition presented itself at a time in which I feel the necessary<br />

amount of maturity and humility.<br />

Your family handed down the traditions and principles of<br />

impeccable workmanship from generation to generation.<br />

How do you feel personally about jewelry?<br />

I love jewelry! Even as a young girl, I was completely fascinated<br />

by the sparkling gems and pearls in the studio. It is a great<br />

fortune as a child to have been born into a world of dreams<br />

and beauty. However you learn very quickly that there is a lot<br />

of effort and hard work behind it. I also believe that jewelry<br />

does not only beautify, but it also empowers you. Maybe I ‚m a<br />

little superstitious. For example, when I lose a ring, I realize that<br />

much more is missing than the golden ribbon around my finger,<br />

I feel the loss of energy.<br />

You are a trained actress and love to represent. May we<br />

assume that you are your best muse?<br />

It would be wrong not to use my love for the stage. And yes, I<br />

use it gladly. It‘s always wonderful when friends or even strangers<br />

admire my jewelry creations and ask me to reserve it for<br />

them. But please, a clear no, I ‚m not my best muse. Definitely<br />

not! These are much more likely all the fantastic women that I<br />

encounter daily. Women who have empowered themselves and<br />

have overcome many obstacles and learned to enjoy all the<br />

different facets of their lives. <strong>Charlotte</strong> Rampling, I believe, is<br />

such a woman.<br />

Your safest strategy?<br />

Consciousness! You could also say: BE aware. For the company,<br />

this means: The transfer of knowledge from employee to<br />

employee, from my assistant to me, from me to each sales<br />

person. This is the only way we can continue the consistent<br />

high level of quality. The design language of Ehinger-Schwarz<br />

is now spoken in many countries worldwide. It is global and is<br />

totally unique. This balancing act can only be mastered if you<br />

are aware of all the steps.<br />

How do you manage to balance work and private life?<br />

(She laughs). What a question - not at all! And women who have<br />

mastered this task facinate me!<br />

Do you have a recurring source of inspiration in your life?<br />

Yes, they are remembrances and pictures from my childhood.<br />

Scents, memories, feelings.<br />

As a little girl I was completely fascinated by the sensuous<br />

grandeur of my mother and my grandmother. I get a lot of<br />

inspiration from this treasure chest. I am also obsessed by a<br />

beautiful game: Getting lost in foreign cities! Venice offers quite<br />

an experience to venture behind facades that you would have<br />

never discovered otherwise. But first and foremost I am inspired<br />

by other people. How do they dress? How do they move? What<br />

is their story? The whole life, the whole world is a work of art<br />

and is full of inspiration. Is that not fascinating?<br />

Nein, ich bin nicht meine beste Muse. Um Gottes<br />

Willen! Das sind viel eher all die phantastischen<br />

Frauen, die mir täglich begegnen. Frauen, die sich<br />

befreit haben und sich mit all ihren Facetten durch<br />

ihr Leben bewegen, nicht stehenbleiben und trotz<br />

mancher Grenzerfahrung auf dem Boden bleiben.<br />

<strong>Charlotte</strong> Rampling ist, glaube ich, eine solche<br />

Frau.<br />

Ihre sicherste Strategie?<br />

Bewußtsein! Man könnte auch sagen: bewußt<br />

SEIN. Für das Unternehmen bedeutet das: Der<br />

Wissenstransfer von Mitarbeiter zu Mitarbeiter, von<br />

meiner Assistentin zu mir, von mir zu jeder einzelnen<br />

Verkäuferin funktioniert. Nur so können wir<br />

das hohe qualitative Level konsequent fortführen.<br />

Die Formensprache von Ehinger-Schwarz wird inzwischen<br />

in vielen Ländern weltweit gesprochen.<br />

Sie ist global und dabei vollkommen einzigartig.<br />

Diesen Spagat können Sie nur meistern, wenn sie<br />

sich über sämtliche Schritte bewusst sind.<br />

Wie gelingt es Ihnen, Beruf und Privatleben<br />

auszubalancieren?<br />

(Sie lacht). Was für eine Frage - gar nicht! Und<br />

Frauen, die das komplett beherrschen, begeistern<br />

mich!<br />

Gibt es in Ihrem Leben eine immer wieder<br />

kehrende Inspirationsquelle?<br />

Ja, das sind Sequenzen und Bilder aus meiner<br />

Kindheit. Düfte, Stimmungen, Atmosphären. Als<br />

kleines Mädchen war ich vollkommen fasziniert<br />

von der sinnlichen Grandezza meiner Mutter und<br />

meiner Großmutter. Aus dieser Schatzkiste hole ich<br />

ganz viel Inspiration. Außerdem bin ich geradezu<br />

besessen von einem herrlichen Spiel: Das Verirren<br />

in fremden Städten! Venedig eignet sich ganz<br />

hervorragend dafür, einen Blick hinter Fassaden zu<br />

wagen, die man sonst nie entdeckt hätte. Aber in<br />

erster Linie inspirieren mich andere Menschen.<br />

Was ziehen sie an? Wie bewegen sie sich? Was<br />

ist ihre Story? Das ganze Leben, die ganze Welt ist<br />

ein Kunstwerk und steckt voller Inspiration. Ist das<br />

nicht schön?<br />


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