14.01.2014 Aufrufe

Programmreport 2012 - DORIS - Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz

Programmreport 2012 - DORIS - Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz

Programmreport 2012 - DORIS - Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz


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workers of the Wismut AG (3610S40007)“ conducted as case-control-study embedded in the Wismut-cohort<br />

relevant data had to be collected for about 600 persons. Informations of special interest are medical<br />

chest-x-rays due to routinely conducted examinations among uranium miners. Data collection comprised<br />

15 581 datasets on 640 persons.<br />


Phantoms are widely used within QC procedures of diagnostic X-ray equipment. Up to now no vendor-independent<br />

QA system for phantoms is established. Within the frame of the project “Development of procedures<br />

to determine the conformance of phantoms, used for quality assurance in radiography, with<br />

their specification in corresponding standards (3608S20001)“ non destructive test procedures were<br />

developed. Using these procedures it is possible to check the norm conformance of phantoms with adequate<br />

uncertainty. The test procedures have been used on a control sample from phantoms which are in clinical usage.<br />

Within these tests for an increased number of phantoms qualitative and quantitative faults have been<br />

found. It is to be assumed that in several cases the deviations within the phantoms have clear influence on<br />

the outcome of the tests.<br />

Active electronic personal dosemeters (EPD) are broadly used within personal dosimetry. Since some time it<br />

is known that the response of EPDs is dose rate dependent. At doses, which are too high for the EPD signal<br />

detection chain the response drops. The intention of the project “Dosimetry in pulsed X-ray fields using<br />

active electronic dosemeters (3610S20001)“ was to prove the usability of EPD for personal dosimetry<br />

within radiation diagnostics in human and veterinary medicine.<br />

The dose rate dependence of EPD of the device types Mk 2.3 and DMC2000X have been studied under laboratory<br />

conditions. It was found that at dose rates below about 1 Sv/h 1) the response of the EPDs was above<br />

80%, which was found suitable for their purpose.<br />

The maximum dose rate at all work places as well as whereabouts of assisting persons in human and veterinary<br />

medicine was estimated. The conservatism of the estimation was checked by measurements. In all but<br />

one cases the dose rate was clearly below 1 Sv/h. Thus, it is to be assumed that EPDs are fit for use in all<br />

working places in human and veterinary medicine.<br />


The organisers of the project “2nd Radiation Proteomics Workshop (3612S30032)“ on 30-31 January 2013<br />

in Neuherberg/Munich aimed to encourage the discussion between radiation biologists and proteomics specialists<br />

regarding new methods, challenges, state of the art and future co-operation in the field of radiation<br />

proteomics. During the intensive two days with lectures, posters, and information about the latest methodological<br />

highlights and challenges in proteomics, the status of radiation proteomics today was outlined and future<br />

goals speeding up the process of discovery of new molecular targets of ionising radiation were set. The focus<br />

of the discussions was: how could proteom analyses contribute to the issues individual radiation sensitivity,<br />

system effects of ionising radiation, biological effects of low dose and low dose rates and radiation effects on<br />

epigenetic mechanisms? In contrast to effects of high doses the health effects of low doses are still insufficiently<br />

explored. The investigation of the whole proteom with high throughput analyses could therefore provide<br />

new information about signaling pathways and mechanisms triggered by low dose ionising radiation in cells<br />

and organs. The workshop was organised by Helmholtz Center Munich and the Federal Office for Radiation<br />

Protection.<br />


In the first subproject of the research project “Physical optimisation and risk assessment of diagnostic<br />

and therapeutic procedures using ionising or non-ionising radiation (3608S04001)“ three functional imaging<br />

techniques were implemented and carefully optimised and validated for biologically-adapted radiotherapy<br />

using phantom experiments, namely (1.) H-1-Chemical-Shift-Imaging (H-1-CSI) at a 3-T-MRI system, (2.)<br />

dynamic positron emission tomography (PET) using F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) in combination with (3.)<br />

dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) CT at a modern hybrid PET/CT system. Due to the low spatial resolution<br />

1) The unit sievert per hour (Sv/h) is used to specify the measuring range of dosemeters. Pulsed fields apparently<br />

give rise to very high dose rates (in a range of several Sv/h). However, radiation exposure in fact occurs only<br />

during the short length of pulses which is in a range of milli- or microseconds<br />


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