26.10.2012 Aufrufe

Zivilschutz- Forschung - Bundesverwaltungsamt

Zivilschutz- Forschung - Bundesverwaltungsamt

Zivilschutz- Forschung - Bundesverwaltungsamt


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7 Literatur<br />

1. Ackermann-Liebrich, U. A., C. Braun, et al. (1992). „Epidemiologic analysis<br />

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8. Baker, D. J. (1996). „Advanced life support for acute toxic injury (TOXALS).“<br />

Eur J Emerg Med 3(4): 256-62.<br />

9. Baker, D. J. (1996). „Advanced life support for acute toxic injury (TOXALS).“<br />

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10. Baker, D. J. (1999). „Management of respiratory failure in toxic disasters.“<br />

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11. Barach, P., A. Rivkind, et al. (1998). „Emergency preparedness and response<br />

in Israel during the Gulf War.“ Ann Emerg Med 32 (2): 224-33.<br />

12. Bastenier, H. (1978). „[Disaster of Seveso].“ Brux Med 58(1): 3-12.<br />

13. Baxter, P. J. (1990). „Responding to major toxic releases.“ Ann Occup Hyg<br />

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14. Baxter, P. J. (1991). „Major chemical disasters.“ Bmj 302(6768): 61-2.<br />

15. Baxter, P. J., B. J. Heap, et al. (1995). „Thetford plastics fire, October 1991:<br />

the role of a preventive medical team in chemical incidents.“ Occup Environ<br />

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16. Beardsley, T. (1986). „Cameroon disaster: carbon dioxide blamed.“ Nature<br />

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17. Beausang, E. and K. Herbert (1994). „Burns from a dust explosion.“ Burns<br />

20(6): 551-2.<br />

18. Beckett, W. S. (1998). „Persistent respiratory effects in survivors of the Bhopal<br />

disaster.“ Thorax 53 Suppl.2: 543-6<br />


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