06.01.2014 Aufrufe

HYDRAULIKPRESSE 2/2013 - einseitig - Hansa Flex

HYDRAULIKPRESSE 2/2013 - einseitig - Hansa Flex

HYDRAULIKPRESSE 2/2013 - einseitig - Hansa Flex


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Cover TiTel<br />

<strong>Flex</strong>iBiliTy is iMpOrTanT<br />

“we really wanted to start production at Masal sooner, but unfortunately there<br />

were a few unforeseeable challenges that needed to be overcome first”, says<br />

Christian herrmann in an interview. the machinery for the plant-in-plant was<br />

at the customer’s site as early as December 2012. everything was ready. But the<br />

customer’s production location is not in the same state as any of the hanSa-FleX<br />

branches, and Brazil is a federation of states. “each state has its own legislation,<br />

so we had to negotiate a number of legal and fiscal hurdles”, continues Mr herrmann.<br />

once we had satisfied the local authorities, we were finally able to get<br />

started. today, two employees produce all of the hose lines that Masal needs for<br />

its production programme. these are made on site and delivered straight to the<br />

customer’s production line as ready-to-install kits, complete with all threaded<br />

connections. the facility is also responsible for assembling the threaded connections<br />

needed for production by Masal subsidiary Jacui in Cachoeira do Sul,<br />

which produces mainly agricultural machinery. “we<br />

are extremely satisfied with the services provided by<br />

hanSa-FleX in the plant-in-plant. the employees<br />

know how to respond to our production and orders<br />

situation flexibly and at very short notice”, thiago<br />

vitola praises the cooperation, for which there are<br />

already expansion plans for the future. For example,<br />

negotiations are currently in progress regarding the<br />

supply of bent pipes.<br />

clear prOcesses WiTH sap<br />

“the customer gains undeniable advantages from the plant-in-plant. he no longer<br />

has to set warehouse space aside for hose lines, threaded connectors and other parts.<br />

we take responsibility for that. we also assist Masal with our expertise in the development<br />

of new machines and advise them in the design of the hydraulic systems”, Christian<br />

herrmann explains the details of the cooperation. the items needed are ordered<br />

by the plant-in-plant from the central warehouse in Blumenau in the same way as<br />

all the other branches in Brazil. all hanSa-FleX locations in the largest country in<br />

South america are integrated in SaP, so execution of these processes is standardised.<br />

the fact that our colleagues have been able to complete a project like this in Brazil<br />

shows how well hanSa-FleX is organised on site. Consequently, our Brazilian<br />

subsidiary will undoubtedly achieve its ambitious targets in the future, and will<br />

continue to attract attention and respect. •<br />

all of the hoSe lineS<br />

for Production<br />

are Made on Site<br />

Das „Werk-im-Werk“ Konzept<br />

The “plant-in-plant” concept<br />

„Werk-im-Werk“ ermöglicht eine vollständige Integration unserer<br />

Dienstleistungen und Produkte in Ihre Produktionsabläufe – inklusive<br />

Schichtbetrieb. HANSA-FLEX unterhält dazu in Ihrem Unternehmen<br />

eine Fertigungsstätte mit definiertem Teilelager und allen Maschinen.<br />

The “plant-in-plant” concept provides for full integration of HANSA-FLEX<br />

services and products in your manufacturing processes – including shift<br />

operation. HANSA-FLEX maintains a production workshop with a specified<br />

stock of spare parts and all equipment at your company.<br />

Weiterführende Informationen finden Sie unter:<br />

For more detailed information, please visit:<br />

www.hansa-flex.com/solutions.html<br />

Zwei Mitarbeiter fertigen die benötigten schlauchleitungen und liefern sie direkt an die<br />

produktionslinie des kunden.<br />

Two employees make the hose lines needed and deliver them straight to the customer’s<br />

production line.<br />

<strong>HYDRAULIKPRESSE</strong> 2|<strong>2013</strong><br />


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