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Hals - Nasen - Ohren - Klinik und Poliklinik - Tumb1.biblio.tu ...

Hals - Nasen - Ohren - Klinik und Poliklinik - Tumb1.biblio.tu ...


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153. Löbe,L.P.,Katenkamp,D.<br />

Plasmozytomerkrankungen im Kopf-<strong>Hals</strong>-Bereich.<br />

Laryng.Rhinol.Otol.61 (1982) 388-391<br />

154. Loh,H.S.<br />

A retrospective evaluation of 23 reported cases of solitary plasmacytoma of the<br />

mandible,with an additional case report.<br />

Br.J.Oral.Maxillofac.Surg.22 (1984) 216-224<br />

155. Loas,M.,Terreni, M.R., Tresoldi,M.,Marcatti,M.,Campi,A., Triulzi,F.,Scotti,G.,<br />

Giovanelli,M.<br />

Solitary Plasmacytoma of the Sphenoid Sinus Involving the Pi<strong>tu</strong>itary Fossa: A Case<br />

Report and Review of the Litear<strong>tu</strong>re.<br />

Surg.Neurol. 37 (1992) 388-393<br />

156. LozanoGarcia,J.,Lopez Andreu,F., Martinez Sempere,J.,Osete<br />

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Plasmocitoma extramedular e hipercalcemia.<br />

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157. Maguda,T.A.,Maiden,S.D.<br />

Plasmocytoma of the nasal cavity.<br />

Arch.Otolaryngol.51 (1950) 258-262<br />

158. Maniglia,A.J.,Xue,J.W.<br />

Plasmacytoma of the larynx.<br />

Laryngoscope.93 (1983) 741-744<br />

159. Martinson,F.D.,Pulvertaft,R.J.V.<br />

Clinical and live-cell s<strong>tu</strong>dy of extramedullay plasmacytoma of the upper respiratory<br />

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160. Matsumiya,K.,Ueyama,Y.,Kanayama,Y.,Iwasaki,M.,Yamaguchi,S.,Osafune,M.<br />

Extramedullary plasmacytoma (EMP) of urinary bladder.<br />

Urology.40 (1992) 67-69<br />

161. Mattick,W.L.<br />

Plasmocytoma:an unusual case with progressive involvement of Waldyer´s Ring and<br />

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Arch.Otolaryngology.51 (1950) 263-271<br />

162. Mattick,W.L.,Thibaudeau,A.A.,<br />

Extramedullary plasma-cell <strong>tu</strong>mors of the upper air passages, with report of a case.<br />

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163. Mayer-Obiditsch,I.,Meixner,M.,Pietschmann,H.,Rauhs,R.<br />

Langzeitbeobach<strong>tu</strong>ng eines extramedullären Plasmocytoms.<br />


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