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Hals - Nasen - Ohren - Klinik und Poliklinik - Tumb1.biblio.tu ...

Hals - Nasen - Ohren - Klinik und Poliklinik - Tumb1.biblio.tu ...


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72. Ferlito,A.,Carbone,A.,Volpe,R.,Recher,G.<br />

Late occurence of IgD myeloma in plasmacytoma of nasal cavity,cervical lymph node<br />

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J.Laryngol.Otology.96 (1982) 759-766<br />

73. Fishkin,B.G.,Spiegelberg,H.L.<br />

Cervical lymph node metastasis as the first manifestation of localized extramedullary<br />

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74. Fuerste,F.,Zuckerman,S.S.<br />

Extramedullary plasma cell <strong>tu</strong>mor.<br />

Arch.Otolaryng.51 (1950) 608-615<br />

75. Fujitani,T.,Ogasawara,H.,Hattori,H.,Isobe,T.<br />

Extramedullary plasmacytoma of the oropharynx producing κ-type Bence-Jones<br />

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Auris.Nasus.Larynx.5 (1978) 71-75<br />

76. Fukuya,T.,Yoshimitsu,K.,Kitagawa,S.,Murakami,J.,Masuda,K.,Nakamura,K.<br />

Plasmacytoma of the pancreatic head.<br />

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77. Gaffney,C.C.,Dawes,D.K.,Jackson,D.<br />

Plasmacytoma of the head and neck.<br />

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78. Gallego de la fuente,M.C.,Medina Banegas,A.,De La Cierva,F.,Osete Albaladejo,J.M.,<br />

Plasmocitoma solitario rinosinusal.<br />

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79. Gambino,D.R.<br />

Pathologic quiz case 2.Extramedullary plasmacytoma.<br />

Arch.Otolaryngol.Head.Neck.Surg.114 (1988) 92-93<br />

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Lokale Manifestationen von Plasmacytomen im <strong>Hals</strong>-<strong>Nasen</strong>-<strong>Ohren</strong>bereich.<br />

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81. Gaston,E.A.,Dollinger,M.R.,Strong,E.W.,Hajdu,St.I.<br />

Primary plasmacytoma of Lymph Nodes.<br />

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82. George,J.C.,Caldemeyer,K.S.,Kreipke,D.L.,Chalian,A.A.,Moran,C.C.<br />

Solitary plasmacytoma of the mastoid bone presenting as coalescent mastoiditis.<br />

Arch.Otolaryngol.Head.Neck.Surg.120 (1994) 1393-1394<br />

83. Gimenez.V.F.,Cortes,V.V.,Lopez-Rodriguez,A.,Perez-Climent,F.,Lozano-<br />

Blanco,I.,Carbonell-Sanchis,R.,Oliver-Guasp,C.<br />

Plasmocitoma solitario nasal.<br />


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