Hydraulikpresse - Hansa Flex

Hydraulikpresse - Hansa Flex Hydraulikpresse - Hansa Flex

17.12.2013 Aufrufe

Hydraulik-TecHnik & sicHerHeiT hydraulic technics & security drucKSPitZeN – urSache uNd wirKuNg druckspitzen wirken an hydraulischen bauteilen zerstörend. dabei ist weniger die Höhe des drucks für die zerstörerische Wirkung entscheidend, sondern der zeitliche anstieg. dieser wird mit der druckanstiegsgeschwindigkeit dp/dt in bar/s bezeichnet. Je schneller der druck ansteigt, desto höher ist somit die druckanstiegsgeschwindigkeit. steigt der druck in einem hydraulischen system zum beispiel von 0 auf 250 bar in 0,002 sekunden an, beläuft sich die druckanstiegsgeschwindigkeit (250/0,002) auf 125.000 bar/s. ein Wert, der in hydraulischen systemen zwar keine seltenheit darstellt, aber eine verheerende Wirkung auf bewegliche bauteile hat. ricHTiGe MessTecHnik um druckspitzen zu messen, müssen die verwendeten Messgeräte daten im Millisekundenbereich erfassen können. Möglich ist das nur mit elektronischen geräten mit einer abtastrate von mindestens 1.000 hz (1.000 werte in der sekunde). dabei ist die höhe der druckspitze allein nicht aussagekräftig genug. zusätzlich muss auch die zeit des anstiegs ermittelt werden. ursacHen treten druckspitzen regelmäßig auf, so werden schraubverbindungen und dichtungen ständig überbelastet. so entstehen unweigerlich leckagen, die für einen Maschinenstillstand sorgen. dabei können viele faktoren ursache für das auftreten von druckspitzen sein. Befindet sich luft im hydraulischen system, trifft die beschleunigte Ölsäule mit hoher geschwindigkeit auf die luftblase und komprimiert diese. dadurch wird die Ölsäule abrupt abgebremst. in diesem fall wirkt die kinetische energie der Ölsäule. Bei schnellen schaltvorgängen können ebenfalls druckspitzen entstehen. dabei wird die Ölsäule stark beschleunigt und verzögert. dies wirkt sich besonders bei langen rohrleitungen negativ aus. schnelle schaltübergänge an wegeventilen erzeugen häufig druckspitzen, insbesondere bei hoher druckdifferenz. extreme werte werden erreicht, wenn unterdruck mit luftauflösung vorhanden ist. hier sind insbesondere rücklaufleitungen betroffen. wenn 250 bar schlagartig in die rücklaufleitung schießen, kann dies wie eine detonation wirken. opTiMierunG sämtliche Maßnahmen zur optimierung des systems sollten mit Messungen begleitet und überprüft werden. zuerst muss die ursache gefunden werden und danach die optimierung geprüft werden. dabei ist es wichtig, keine Minderung der produktivität durch zu lange schaltvorgänge zu erzeugen. anGeboT die internationale hydraulik akademie (iha) in dresden unterstützt Betreiber hydraulischer anlagen mit moderner Messtechnik und umfassendem Know-how, die wirkliche ursache zu ermitteln und zu beseitigen. quelle: dipl.-ing. dierk peitsmeyer (internationale Hydraulik akademie, dresden) drucKSPitZeN KÖNNeN wie eiNe detoNatioN wirKeN 46 1|2011 HYDRAULIKPRESSE

hydraulic technics & security Hydraulik-TecHnik & sicHerHeiT pressure peaks – cause and effecT pressure peaks are destructive to hydraulic components. and the destructive effect is created not so much by the magnitude of the pressure spike as by the temporal rate at which the pressure rise occurs. This is called the rate of pressure rise (dp/dt) and is measured in bar/s. The faster the pressure rises, the greater the rate of pressure rise. for example, if the pressure in a hydraulic system increases from 0 to 250 bar in 0.002 seconds, the rate of pressure rise (250/0.002) is recorded as 125,000 bar/s. a value that is not uncommon in hydraulic systems, but can have a catastrophic effect on moving parts. correcT MeasurinG equipMenT in order to measure pressure peaks, the measuring instruments must be capable of recording data in the millisecond range. this is only possible with electronic devices with a scanning rate of at least 1,000 hz (1,000 values per second). at the same time, the magnitude of the pressure peak alone does not yield sufficient information. the time over which the pressure rose must also be determined. causes if pressure peaks occur regularly, threaded connections and seals are being overloaded constantly. leaks will inevitably occur, and this will force shutdown of the machinery. and the occurrence of pressure peaks can be attributed to many factors. if there is air in the hydraulic system, the accelerated oil column collides with the air bubble at high speed and compresses it. this causes the oil column to decelerate sharply. in this case, the cause is the kinetic energy of the oil column. pressure peaks can also arise during fast switching operations. under these conditions, the oil column is accelerated rapidly and then slowed down quickly. this has a damaging effect particularly in long pipelines. rapid switching operations at directional control valves often create pressure peaks, especially in the presence of a large pressure differential. extreme values are produced in the presence of negative pressure with dissolved air. return lines are particularly susceptible to this. if 250 bar are suddenly unleashed into the return line, it can have the same effect as an explosion. PreSSure PeaKS caN have the effect of aN eXPloSioN opTiMisaTion all operations for optimising a system should be verified and checked with measurements. in the first instance, the cause must be found, then the optimisation must be tested. it is important to ensure that no loss of productivity is caused due to excessively long switching operations. offer the international hydraulics academy (iha) in dresden assists the operators of hydraulic systems in identifying and eliminating the real cause with modern measuring equipment and comprehensive expertise. source: dipl.-ing. dierk peitsmeyer (international Hydraulics academy, dresden) HYDRAULIKPRESSE 1|2011 47

hydraulic technics & security Hydraulik-TecHnik & sicHerHeiT<br />

pressure peaks –<br />

cause and effecT<br />

pressure peaks are destructive to hydraulic components. and the destructive<br />

effect is created not so much by the magnitude of the pressure<br />

spike as by the temporal rate at which the pressure rise occurs. This is<br />

called the rate of pressure rise (dp/dt) and is measured in bar/s. The faster<br />

the pressure rises, the greater the rate of pressure rise. for example, if the<br />

pressure in a hydraulic system increases from 0 to 250 bar in 0.002 seconds,<br />

the rate of pressure rise (250/0.002) is recorded as 125,000 bar/s. a value<br />

that is not uncommon in hydraulic systems, but can have a catastrophic effect<br />

on moving parts.<br />

correcT MeasurinG equipMenT<br />

in order to measure pressure peaks, the measuring instruments must be capable<br />

of recording data in the millisecond range. this is only possible with electronic<br />

devices with a scanning rate of at least 1,000 hz (1,000 values per second). at the<br />

same time, the magnitude of the pressure peak alone does not yield sufficient<br />

information. the time over which the pressure rose must also be determined.<br />

causes<br />

if pressure peaks occur regularly, threaded connections and seals are being overloaded<br />

constantly. leaks will inevitably occur, and this will force shutdown of<br />

the machinery. and the occurrence of pressure peaks can be attributed to many<br />

factors. if there is air in the hydraulic system, the accelerated oil column collides<br />

with the air bubble at high speed and compresses it. this causes the oil column to<br />

decelerate sharply. in this case, the cause is the kinetic energy of the oil column.<br />

pressure peaks can also arise during fast switching operations. under these conditions,<br />

the oil column is accelerated rapidly and then slowed down quickly. this has<br />

a damaging effect particularly in long pipelines. rapid switching operations at<br />

directional control valves often create pressure peaks, especially in the presence<br />

of a large pressure differential. extreme values are produced in the presence of<br />

negative pressure with dissolved air. return lines are particularly susceptible to<br />

this. if 250 bar are suddenly unleashed into the return line, it can have the same<br />

effect as an explosion.<br />

PreSSure PeaKS<br />

caN have the effect<br />

of aN eXPloSioN<br />

opTiMisaTion<br />

all operations for optimising a system should be verified and checked with measurements.<br />

in the first instance, the cause must be found, then the optimisation<br />

must be tested. it is important to ensure that no loss of productivity is caused due<br />

to excessively long switching operations.<br />

offer<br />

the international hydraulics academy (iha) in dresden assists the operators of hydraulic<br />

systems in identifying and eliminating the real cause with modern measuring<br />

equipment and comprehensive expertise.<br />

source: dipl.-ing. dierk peitsmeyer (international Hydraulics academy, dresden)<br />



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