Hydraulikpresse - Hansa Flex

Hydraulikpresse - Hansa Flex Hydraulikpresse - Hansa Flex

17.12.2013 Aufrufe

Hansa-fleX lÄnder-leXikon hansa-fleX country leXicon vorreiter der geSchichte als weltweit agierendes unternehmen kümmert sich Hansa-fleX in 38 ländern um alle kundenwünsche. in unserer neuen rubrik, dem Hansa-fleX länderlexikon, stellen wir in jeder ausgabe der Hydraulikpresse eines dieser länder vor. Wir beginnen mit frankreich, dem partnerland der diesjährigen Hannover Messe. Baskenmütze auf dem Kopf, ein Baguette unter dem arm und eine flasche rotwein in der hand. so stellen sich viele Menschen einen typischen franzosen vor. ein überbeanspruchtes Klischee. zwar schmeckt das Baguette nirgendwo auf der welt so gut wie in frankreich, wird rotwein in keinem anderen land so sehr genossen wie in der grande nation, aber deshalb gehören diese dinge nicht zur grundausstattung der franzosen. in den französischen hansa-fleX niederlassungen gehört die Baskenmütze nicht zur arbeitskleidung. GescHicHTe frankreich ist der fläche nach das größte land europas und war in der geschichte häufig vorreiter für gesellschaftliche veränderungen. König ludwig Xiv. (1638 – 1715) gilt bis heute als klassischer vertreter des absolutismus. während seiner 72jährigen regentschaft erreichte frankreich eine stark dominierende stellung in europa. an den europäischen höfen wurde fast ausschließlich französisch gesprochen, und beinahe überall auf dem Kontinent bauten Könige, fürsten und herzöge schlösser nach dem vorbild versailles. doch ebenso wie die absolutistische Monarchie in frankreich geboren wurde, hat man sie dort auch begraben. auf grund der schlechten lebensbedingungen kam es mit dem sturm auf die Bastille 1789 zur französischen revolution und der ersten erklärung der Menschenrechte. die nationalversammlung arbeitete eine verfassung aus und beschränkte die Macht des Königs. frankreich war fortan eine konstitutionelle Monarchie. diese staatsform hielt vier Jahre. nachdem König ludwig Xvi. versuchte aus frankreich zu fliehen, wurde er verhaftet und 1793 hingerichtet. Man rief die erste republik aus. während der nun folgenden terrorherrschaft unter robespierre ergriff napoleon Bonaparte 1799 mit einem staatsstreich die Macht im lande. 1804 ließ er sich foto/photo: istockphoto das TypiscHe kliscHee eines franzosen mit baskenmütze, baguette unterm arm sowie einem Glas rotwein in der Hand – so werden ihnen die Mitarbeiter in einer unserer französischen Hansa-fleX niederlassungen kaum begegnen. THe Typical sTereoType of a frencHMan usually features a beret, a baguette under his arm and a glass of red wine in hand – you are unlikely to meet anyone like this among the employees in the french branches of Hansa-fleX. 26 1|2011 HYDRAULIKPRESSE

hansa-fleX country leXicon Hansa-fleX lÄnder-leXikon HisTorical pioneers as a globally active corporation, Hansa-fleX responds professionally and flexibly to all of its customers’ wishes in 38 different countries. in our new series of articles, the Hansa-fleX countries lexicon, we will be providing thumbnail sketches of one of these countries in each new issue of Hydraulikpresse. We will start with france, the partner country for this year’s Hannover Messe. Beret on head, baguette under the arm, a bottle of red wine in hand. Many people still have this vision of a typical frenchman. a tired and outdated cliché. there is no argument that baguettes don’t taste as good anywhere else, and nowhere in the world is red wine appreciated as deeply as in the grande nation. But the modern frenchman is not defined by these observations alone. the beret does not figure at all in the hansa-fleX uniform for the branches in france. HisTory in terms of area, france is the largest country in europe, and historically it has often been a pioneer for social change. King louis Xiv. (1638 – 1715) is considered even today as the prime example of an absolute ruler. during his 72-year-long regency, france attained a supremely dominant position in europe. french was spoken almost exclusively in the courts of the european aristocracy, and kings, dukes and counts all over the continent built castles designed to emulate the model at versailles. But just as absolutist monarchy was born in france, so it also died there. in 1789, driven by the desperate conditions of their existence, the citizens of paris stormed the Bastille, sparking the french revolution and leading to the first ever declaration of human rights. the national assembly drew up a constitution and limited the power of the king. thereafter, france was to be constitutional monarchy. this form of government lasted four years. after attempting to flee france, King louis Xvi was arrested, and he was executed in 1793. the first republic was proclaimed. in the period that followed, known as the reign of terror and led by robespierre, napoleon Bonaparte seized power with a coup in 1799. in 1804, napoleon was crowned emperor. in the years after that, he gained control of almost all of europe. the french army was finally utterly destroyed following the failed russian campaign of 1812 and its defeat in the Battle of the nations at leipzig in 1813. the period that followed was characterised by deep hostility and several wars between germany and france. chancellor otto von Bismarck once called france the hereditary enemy of germany. fortunately, both nations have come a long way since then. after the end of the second world war, a period of reconciliation began between the two countries. today, there is a true franco-german accord. our two countries worked together to pave the way for the european union, and are now important trading partners for one another. france is also a founding member of nato and the united nations organization uno, and a permanent member of the security council. TourisM and econoMy france offers a wealth of attractions in terms of its countryside and culture. every year, countless tourists flock to its coasts, whether beside the english channel HYDRAULIKPRESSE 1|2011 27 foto/photo: istockphoto

hansa-fleX country leXicon <strong>Hansa</strong>-fleX lÄnder-leXikon<br />

HisTorical<br />

pioneers<br />

as a globally active corporation, <strong>Hansa</strong>-fleX responds professionally<br />

and flexibly to all of its customers’ wishes in 38 different countries. in<br />

our new series of articles, the <strong>Hansa</strong>-fleX countries lexicon, we will<br />

be providing thumbnail sketches of one of these countries in each new issue<br />

of <strong>Hydraulikpresse</strong>. We will start with france, the partner country for this<br />

year’s Hannover Messe.<br />

Beret on head, baguette under the arm, a bottle of red wine in hand. Many people<br />

still have this vision of a typical frenchman. a tired and outdated cliché. there is no<br />

argument that baguettes don’t taste as good anywhere else, and nowhere in the<br />

world is red wine appreciated as deeply as in the grande nation. But the modern<br />

frenchman is not defined by these observations alone. the beret does not figure<br />

at all in the hansa-fleX uniform for the branches in france.<br />

HisTory<br />

in terms of area, france is the largest country in europe, and historically it has often<br />

been a pioneer for social change. King louis Xiv. (1638 – 1715) is considered even<br />

today as the prime example of an absolute ruler. during his 72-year-long regency,<br />

france attained a supremely dominant position in europe. french was spoken almost<br />

exclusively in the courts of the european aristocracy, and kings, dukes and<br />

counts all over the continent built castles designed to emulate the model at versailles.<br />

But just as absolutist monarchy was born in france, so it also died there.<br />

in 1789, driven by the desperate conditions of their existence, the citizens of paris<br />

stormed the Bastille, sparking the french revolution and leading to the first ever<br />

declaration of human rights. the national assembly drew up a constitution and<br />

limited the power of the king. thereafter, france was to be constitutional monarchy.<br />

this form of government lasted four years. after attempting to flee france,<br />

King louis Xvi was arrested, and he was executed in 1793. the first republic was<br />

proclaimed. in the period that followed, known as the reign of terror and led by<br />

robespierre, napoleon Bonaparte seized power with a coup in 1799. in 1804, napoleon<br />

was crowned emperor. in the years after that, he gained control of almost all of<br />

europe. the french army was finally utterly destroyed following the failed russian<br />

campaign of 1812 and its defeat in the Battle of the nations at leipzig in 1813.<br />

the period that followed was characterised by deep hostility and several wars between<br />

germany and france. chancellor otto von Bismarck once called france the<br />

hereditary enemy of germany. fortunately, both nations have come a long way<br />

since then. after the end of the second world war, a period of reconciliation began<br />

between the two countries. today, there is a true franco-german accord. our two<br />

countries worked together to pave the way for the european union, and are now<br />

important trading partners for one another. france is also a founding member of<br />

nato and the united nations organization uno, and a permanent member of the<br />

security council.<br />

TourisM and econoMy<br />

france offers a wealth of attractions in terms of its countryside and culture. every<br />

year, countless tourists flock to its coasts, whether beside the english channel<br />


27<br />

foto/photo: istockphoto

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