24.11.2013 Aufrufe

0.1 Titelbild - Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S.

0.1 Titelbild - Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S.

0.1 Titelbild - Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S.


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Netzwerkmagazin 12|08<br />

understood. I also developed an example<br />

of information board and worksheet for<br />

this exhibit.<br />

Summary<br />

Texte publik gemacht<br />

In conclusion, this thesis reveals several<br />

empirical results, which are relevant to<br />

the future life of museums. First of all, an<br />

analysis of conventional museums and<br />

related child-orientated institutions<br />

revealed that children’s needs are still<br />

not focused on by museums. For that<br />

reason, these institutions are perceived<br />

by the youngest part of modern society<br />

as irrelevant and boring. This unwelcoming<br />

impression and negative attitude is<br />

strengthened by subjects unrelated to<br />

daily life, stiff atmosphere, antiquated<br />

methods of education and high entrance<br />

fees. As a result, the museum not only<br />

loses in competition with a huge edutainment<br />

industry, but also barely exists<br />

in the consciousness of the local society.<br />

In order to avoid such a situation for the<br />

future, museums have to make an effort<br />

to get to know modern society and the<br />

ways of communication most appropriate<br />

for it. The keywords in this discussion<br />

are networking and interactivity.<br />

The ideas presented in this thesis are<br />

conceptually developed to the point<br />

that they can be produced and tested in<br />

real museum life. Moreover, some of the<br />

parts of the project might be applied to<br />

other museums or even developed into<br />

a national system, which connects many<br />

museums in the country. As far as the<br />

theoretical work is concerned, this thesis<br />

reveals an urgent need for design<br />

research in the field of exhibition design<br />

for conventional museums. As for exhibition<br />

design practice, an attempt has<br />

been made to draw the attention of<br />

designers and planners to the issue of<br />

design inclusion, understood broadly as<br />

supplementing the needs of different<br />

people. It also thematises the child as an<br />

equal and essential user. This work<br />

opens the following questions for future<br />

discussion; Are we able to design for<br />

broader audiences? How can a designer<br />

support an individual’s process of learning?<br />

How can interactivity and noninteractive<br />

museum objects work together?<br />

What design requirements are<br />

there for multigenerational usage?<br />

Katarzyna Warpas was born in Goldap / Poland and studied Intermedia at the Nicolaus<br />

Copernicus University in Torun. In 2005, she came to Hildesheim as an exchange Student<br />

to the design Faculty of HAWK Hildesheim, where she received a diploma in Graphic Design.<br />

At the same university, she has just finished her Master Studies.<br />

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<strong>Alfred</strong> <strong>Toepfer</strong> <strong>Stiftung</strong> F.V.S.<br />


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