23.11.2013 Aufrufe

Entstehung und Entwicklung kleinerer Städte

Entstehung und Entwicklung kleinerer Städte

Entstehung und Entwicklung kleinerer Städte


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82 G. Isenberg<br />

The archaeology of smaller historical towns is not a problem of method, but a<br />

question of interest . Towns of that type, at least in the Westphalian area, were<br />

quite often of later origin than the larger fo<strong>und</strong>ations . In addition, their<br />

development seems to be much more uniform, as there was little chance for<br />

the individual growth one would find in older and larger historical towns .<br />

The lesser age and the greater uniformity in development suggested the idea<br />

of a less historical importance of those towns, which caused a much reduced<br />

interest in their archaeology, let alone the establishment of a responsible<br />

urban archaeological committee, as has become more and more usual in older<br />

towns .<br />

One of the chances to increase attention to those towns is offered by<br />

surveying their archaeological remains . Since these towns were fo<strong>und</strong>ed and<br />

developed at a time when urban historical sources were increasing, the survey<br />

will cause less problems than in older fo<strong>und</strong>ations whose growth was not<br />

accompanied by written sources for a long time . This will allow to formulate<br />

much more precisely questions not able to be answered by interpreting<br />

historical sources, but only by archaeological work, without having to excavate<br />

to a large extent . This sort of attention is more appropriate for smaller towns<br />

and allows more knowledge to be gained about them without great expense .<br />

Literatur<br />

Ausgrabungen <strong>und</strong> F<strong>und</strong>e in Westfalen-Lippe, im Auftr. des Landschaftsverbands<br />

Westfalen-Lippe, herausgegeben von B . Trier, Mainz 1983ff ., Bd . lff .<br />

Bodendenkmalpflege in Altstädten . Materialien zur Bodendenkmalpflege im Rheinland,<br />

hrsg . vom Landschaftsverband Rheinland, Köln/Bonn 1992 .<br />

Haase, C. : Die <strong>Entstehung</strong> der westfälischen <strong>Städte</strong>, Münster 1960 .<br />

Isenberg, G. : Bodendenkmalpflege in <strong>Städte</strong>n <strong>und</strong> Dörfern. In : Denkmalschutz <strong>und</strong><br />

Denkmalpflege . 10 Jahre Denkmalschutzgesetz NRW, hrsg . von R . Grätz, H . Lange,<br />

H . Beu, Köln/Bonn 1991, S . 191-198 .<br />

Isenberg, G. : Soest <strong>und</strong> die Kölner Erzbischöfe aus archäologischer Sicht . In : Soester<br />

Zeitschrift 104, 1992, S . 4-15 .<br />

Isenberg, G. : Stadtarchäologie als Sicherung <strong>und</strong> Erschließung historischer Boden- <strong>und</strong><br />

Baubef<strong>und</strong>e . In : Geschichte der Stadt Münster, hrsg . von F.-J . Jakobi, Bd. 1, Münster<br />

1993, S . 411-446 .<br />

Westfalen . Hefte für Geschichte, Kunst <strong>und</strong> Volksk<strong>und</strong>e, Band 50ff., Münster 1972ff .

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