23.11.2013 Aufrufe

Entstehung und Entwicklung kleinerer Städte

Entstehung und Entwicklung kleinerer Städte

Entstehung und Entwicklung kleinerer Städte


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198 R . Flilckiger-Seiler<br />

fo<strong>und</strong>ed upon an extremely weak basis : an unfavourable location within the<br />

network of trade routes, little economic activity, a minimum of political<br />

independence and the lack of citizens' rights are the key-words characterizing<br />

these towns . The urban fo<strong>und</strong>ations after 1285 are mostly attributed to the<br />

competitive impulse or individual fo<strong>und</strong>er dynasties or to the last efforts of<br />

the declining aristocracy. The boom of towns-fo<strong>und</strong>ations observable aro<strong>und</strong><br />

Bulle at the beginning of the 14th century (three towns in the immediate area<br />

of Bulle, namely Vaulruz, La Tour-de-Treme and Corbieres II) is unique in<br />

Switzerland.<br />

However, not all of these comparatively numerous ten towns, crowded<br />

together within a small area, possessed all the elements that constitute a<br />

medieval town, and only a few assumed a central role as market-town in the<br />

region . In Basse-Gruyere a total of seven different dynasties were active as<br />

town fo<strong>und</strong>ers within a very limited area . In addition, three different<br />

jurisdictional circuits overlapped . The most important political power fighting<br />

for predominance between Freiburg and Lausanne from the 12th century to<br />

the 14th century existed in Basse-Gruyere .<br />

The decline of this medieval town landscape began as early as the 14th<br />

century. Aro<strong>und</strong> 1350 ten towns struggled for their right to exist in Basse-<br />

Gruyere within a distance of barely 18 km . This agglomeration limited the<br />

market and thereby greatly restricted the basis of living for each of them ; the<br />

reasonable relationship necessary for the economy had completely gone .<br />

Therefore, it is hardly surprising that a radical degeneration process started in<br />

the late 14th century. Following decades of economic difficulties, this process<br />

was decisively accelerate by the outbreak of plague shortely before 1350 . The<br />

evidence revealing that this first outbreak of the plague acted as a great<br />

turning-point in the development of Basse-Gruyere is striking . In almost all<br />

towns a rapid population decrease is demonstrated by the known land<br />

registers . The direct results of this economic shock are remarkable : most of the<br />

densely-crowded small towns lost their function and some disappeared from<br />

the map forever, whereas others became rural villages . This process of change<br />

from a town into a village may be divided into two directly interdependent<br />

phases : firstly, the structural change of the original society and secondly, the<br />

spatial change from a closed to an open system of construction .<br />

Literatur<br />

Abel, Wilhelm : Die Wüstungen des ausgehenden Mittelalters . In : Quellen <strong>und</strong> Forschungen<br />

zur Agrargeschichte, Bd . 1 . Stutgart 1976<br />

Ammann, Hektor: Über das waadtländische <strong>Städte</strong>wesen im Mittelalter . In : Schweizerische<br />

Zeitschrift für Geschichte 1953, S . 1-87 .<br />

Ammann, Hektor: Das schweizerische <strong>Städte</strong>wesen des Mittelalters in seiner wirtschaftlichen<br />

<strong>und</strong> sozialen Ausprägung . In : Receuils de la societe Jean Bodin, tome<br />

VII . Bruxelles 1956 .<br />

Beresford, Maurice Warwick : New Towns of the Middle Ages - Town Plantation in<br />

England, Wales and Gascony . London 1967 .

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