23.11.2013 Aufrufe

Entstehung und Entwicklung kleinerer Städte

Entstehung und Entwicklung kleinerer Städte

Entstehung und Entwicklung kleinerer Städte


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108 M. Richter <strong>und</strong> T. Velimsky<br />

Summary<br />

Archaeological studies of the deserted towns of the 13th century in Bohemia<br />

The first problem discussed in this paper is the definition of the term small or<br />

smaller town in medieval Bohemia . In fact, there was only one large town in<br />

Bohemia at this time - Prague . On the Central European scale we must order<br />

in this group all socalled free regal towns (about 37 from more than 150 towns<br />

in Bohemia that were mentioned in the written-sources till 1306) . Archaeology<br />

was more interested in these larger towns . The problematic of the smaller<br />

localities was studied on several deserted medieval towns only.<br />

The first of them was the monastic town of Ostrov by Davle, fo<strong>und</strong>ed about<br />

1240 and destroyed between 1278-1283 . This dating was established only by<br />

the results of archaeological study, because there is no mention of this town in<br />

the written-sources .<br />

On the contrary for Zd'är nad Sdzavou, the fo<strong>und</strong>ation of the monastery of<br />

the same name, we have relatively extensive information from the monastery's<br />

chronicle . The town was built about 1254-1255 and after 15 years was<br />

transposed to the new place .<br />

For the fo<strong>und</strong>ation of the town in Kynsperk nad Ohri there is one<br />

important charter from 1232, but only new archaeological study discovered<br />

the remains of this site which existed for no more than about 20-30 years .<br />

The site of Stare Myto by Tisovä was the predecessor of the town Vysoke<br />

Myto . It is known only thanks to archaeological studies and existed perhaps<br />

between the years 1235-1260 .<br />

The last example is the deserted town in Decin, a fo<strong>und</strong>ation of King<br />

Premysl Otakar II after 1265 . This town existed about 100 years and was then<br />

translated to the new place .<br />

All these deserted towns looked similar : they were characterised by simple<br />

wooden or timber constructions of <strong>und</strong>ercarved huts, typical for the layout of<br />

colonists from Germany coming to Bohemia at this time . We can not forget<br />

that the transformation of these firsts provisional sites in the rich and<br />

developed towns of High Middle Ages was a long durating and difficult<br />

process .<br />

Literatur<br />

Archaeologica Pragensia 1984 : Sbornik prispevkü z XV.celostätni konference archeologü<br />

stredoveku »Pocätky a vyvoj rane stredoveke Prahy

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