Leitlinie „Behandlung der Akne“ - AWMF

Leitlinie „Behandlung der Akne“ - AWMF Leitlinie „Behandlung der Akne“ - AWMF

22.11.2013 Aufrufe

013/017 - Behandlung der Akne aktueller Stand: 02/2010 korrigierte Fassung: 10/2011 290. Lachnit-Fixson U, Kaufmann J. [Therapy of androgenization symptoms: double blind study of an antiandrogen preparation (SH B 209 AB) against neogynon (author's transl)]. Med Klin. 1977; 72: 1922-6. 291. Erkkola R, Hirvonen E, Luikku J, Lumme R, Mannikko H, Aydinlik S. Ovulation inhibitors containing cyproterone acetate or desogestrel in the treatment of hyperandrogenic symptoms. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 1990; 69: 61-5. 292. Charoenvisal C, Thaipisuttikul Y, Pinjaroen S, Krisanapan O, Benjawang W, Koster A, Doesburg W. Effects on acne of two oral contraceptives containing desogestrel and cyproterone acetate. Int J Fertil Menopausal Stud. 1996; 41: 423-9. 293. Dieben TO, Vromans L, Theeuwes A, Bennink HJ. The effects of CTR-24, a biphasic oral contraceptive combination, compared to Diane-35 in women with acne. Contraception. 1994; 50: 373-82. 294. Aydinlik S, Lachnit-Fixson U, Lehnert J. [Reduced estrogen ovulation inhibitor in acne therapy. Double-blind study comparing Diane-35 to Diane]. Fortschr Med. 1986; 104: 547-50. 295. Colver GB, Mortimer PS, Dawber RP. Cyproterone acetate and two doses of oestrogen in female acne; a double-blind comparison. Br J Dermatol. 1988; 118: 95-9. 296. Fugere P, Percival-Smith R, Lussier-Cacan S, Tetrault C, Farquhar DJ. The comperative efficacy and safety of Diane-35 versus Diane-50 in the treatment of moderate to severe acne and seborrhea: 12-month results. Recent Res Gynecol Endocrinol. 1988; 1: 590-608. 297. Monk BE, Almeyda JA, Caldwell IW, Green B, Pelta D, Leonard J, Du Vivier A, Johnson K, Tolowinska I. Efficacy of low-dose cyproterone acetate compared with minocycline in the treatment of acne vulgaris. Clin Exp Dermatol. 1987; 12: 319-22. 298. Seaman HE, de Vries CS, Farmer RD. Differences in the use of combined oral contraceptives amongst women with and without acne. Hum Reprod. 2003; 18: 515- 21. 299. Tan J. Hormonal treatment of acne: Review of current best evidence. J Cut Med Surgery. 2005; 8: 11-15. 300. Kaiser E. [Effect of a new hormonal contraceptive (Neo-Eunomin) in females with androgenization symptoms]. Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd. 1984; 44: 651-5. 301. Worret I, Arp W, Zahradnik HP, Andreas JO, Binder N. Acne resolution rates: results of a single-blind, randomized, controlled, parallel phase III trial with EE/CMA (Belara) and EE/LNG (Microgynon). Dermatology. 2001; 203: 38-44. 302. Moore C, Luderschmidt C, Moltz L, Oettel M, Klinger G, Schreiber G. Antiandrogenic propertiesof the dienogest-containing oral contrceptive Valette. Drugs of Today (Barc). 1999; 35: 69-78. 303. Palombo-Kinne E, Schellschmidt I, Schumacher U, Graser T. Efficacy of a combined oral contraceptive containing 0.030 mg ethinylestradiol/2 mg dienogest for the treatment of papulopustular acne in comparison with placebo and 0.035 mg ethinylestradiol/2 mg cyproterone acetate. Contraception. 2009; 79: 282-9. 304. Foster RH, Wilde MI. Dienogest. Drugs. 1998; 56: 825-33; discussion 34-5. 305. Maloney JM, Dietze P, Jr., Watson D, Niknian M, Lee-Rugh S, Sampson-Landers C, Korner P. Treatment of acne using a 3-milligram drospirenone/20-microgram ethinyl Seite 124 von 136

013/017 - Behandlung der Akne aktueller Stand: 02/2010 korrigierte Fassung: 10/2011 estradiol oral contraceptive administered in a 24/4 regimen: a randomized controlled trial. Obstet Gynecol. 2008; 112: 773-81. 306. van Vloten WA, van Haselen CW, van Zuuren EJ, Gerlinger C, Heithecker R. The effect of 2 combined oral Contraceptives containing either drospirenone or cyproterone acetate on acne and seborrhea. Cutis. 2002; 69: 2-15. 307. Shaw JC. Low-dose adjunctive spironolactone in the treatment of acne in women: a retrospective analysis of 85 consecutively treated patients. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2000; 43: 498-502. 308. Brown J, Farquhar C, Lee O, Toomath R, Jepson RG. Spironolactone versus placebo or in combination with steroids for hirsutism and/or acne. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2009: CD000194. 309. Cusan L, Dupont A, Gomez JL, Tremblay RR, Labrie F. Comparison of flutamide and spironolactone in the treatment of hirsutism: a randomized controlled trial. Fertil Steril. 1994; 61: 281-7. 310. Carmina E, Lobo RA. A comparison of the relative efficacy of antiandrogens for the treatment of acne in hyperandrogenic women. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2002; 57: 231- 34. 311. Kaplan B. Desogestrel, norgestimate, and gestodene: the newer progestins. Ann Pharmacother. 1995; 29: 736-42. 312. Wang HS, Wang TH, Soong YK. Low dose flutamide in the treatment of acne vulgaris in women with or without oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea. Changgeng Yi Xue Za Zhi. 1999; 22: 423-32. 313. Palatsi R, Hirvensalo E, Liukko P, Malmiharju T, Mattila L, Riihiluoma P, Ylostalo P. Serum total and unbound testosterone and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) in female acne patients treated with two different oral contraceptives. Acta Derm Venereol. 1984; 64: 517-23. 314. Upton GV, Corbin A. The relevance of the pharmacologic properties of a progestational agent to its clinical effects as a combination oral contraceptive. Yale J Biol Med. 1989; 62: 445-57. 315. Leyden J, Shalita A, Hordinsky M, Swinyer L, Stanczyk FZ, Weber ME. Efficacy of a low-dose oral contraceptive containing 20 microg of ethinyl estradiol and 100 microg of levonorgestrel for the treatment of moderate acne: A randomized, placebocontrolled trial. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2002; 47: 399-409. 316. Thiboutot D, Archer DF, Lemay A, Washenik K, Roberts J, Harrison DD. A randomized, controlled trial of a low-dose contraceptive containing 20 microg of ethinyl estradiol and 100 microg of levonorgestrel for acne treatment. Fertil Steril. 2001; 76: 461-8. 317. Lemay A, Dewailly SD, Grenier R, Huard J. Attenuation of mild hyperandrogenic activity in postpubertal acne by a triphasic oral contraceptive containing low doses of ethynyl estradiol and d,l-norgestrel. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1990; 71: 8-14. 318. Henzl MR. Norgestimate. From the laboratory to three clinical indications. J Reprod Med. 2001; 46: 647-61. 319. Lucky AW, Henderson TA, Olson WH, Robisch DM, Lebwohl M, Swinyer LJ. Effectiveness of norgestimate and ethinyl estradiol in treating moderate acne vulgaris. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1997; 37: 746-54. Seite 125 von 136

013/017 - Behandlung <strong>der</strong> Akne aktueller Stand: 02/2010<br />

korrigierte Fassung: 10/2011<br />

290. Lachnit-Fixson U, Kaufmann J. [Therapy of androgenization symptoms: double blind<br />

study of an antiandrogen preparation (SH B 209 AB) against neogynon (author's<br />

transl)]. Med Klin. 1977; 72: 1922-6.<br />

291. Erkkola R, Hirvonen E, Luikku J, Lumme R, Mannikko H, Aydinlik S. Ovulation<br />

inhibitors containing cyproterone acetate or desogestrel in the treatment of<br />

hyperandrogenic symptoms. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 1990; 69: 61-5.<br />

292. Charoenvisal C, Thaipisuttikul Y, Pinjaroen S, Krisanapan O, Benjawang W, Koster<br />

A, Doesburg W. Effects on acne of two oral contraceptives containing desogestrel and<br />

cyproterone acetate. Int J Fertil Menopausal Stud. 1996; 41: 423-9.<br />

293. Dieben TO, Vromans L, Theeuwes A, Bennink HJ. The effects of CTR-24, a biphasic<br />

oral contraceptive combination, compared to Diane-35 in women with acne.<br />

Contraception. 1994; 50: 373-82.<br />

294. Aydinlik S, Lachnit-Fixson U, Lehnert J. [Reduced estrogen ovulation inhibitor in<br />

acne therapy. Double-blind study comparing Diane-35 to Diane]. Fortschr Med. 1986;<br />

104: 547-50.<br />

295. Colver GB, Mortimer PS, Dawber RP. Cyproterone acetate and two doses of<br />

oestrogen in female acne; a double-blind comparison. Br J Dermatol. 1988; 118: 95-9.<br />

296. Fugere P, Percival-Smith R, Lussier-Cacan S, Tetrault C, Farquhar DJ. The<br />

comperative efficacy and safety of Diane-35 versus Diane-50 in the treatment of<br />

mo<strong>der</strong>ate to severe acne and seborrhea: 12-month results. Recent Res Gynecol<br />

Endocrinol. 1988; 1: 590-608.<br />

297. Monk BE, Almeyda JA, Caldwell IW, Green B, Pelta D, Leonard J, Du Vivier A,<br />

Johnson K, Tolowinska I. Efficacy of low-dose cyproterone acetate compared with<br />

minocycline in the treatment of acne vulgaris. Clin Exp Dermatol. 1987; 12: 319-22.<br />

298. Seaman HE, de Vries CS, Farmer RD. Differences in the use of combined oral<br />

contraceptives amongst women with and without acne. Hum Reprod. 2003; 18: 515-<br />

21.<br />

299. Tan J. Hormonal treatment of acne: Review of current best evidence. J Cut Med<br />

Surgery. 2005; 8: 11-15.<br />

300. Kaiser E. [Effect of a new hormonal contraceptive (Neo-Eunomin) in females with<br />

androgenization symptoms]. Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd. 1984; 44: 651-5.<br />

301. Worret I, Arp W, Zahradnik HP, Andreas JO, Bin<strong>der</strong> N. Acne resolution rates: results<br />

of a single-blind, randomized, controlled, parallel phase III trial with EE/CMA<br />

(Belara) and EE/LNG (Microgynon). Dermatology. 2001; 203: 38-44.<br />

302. Moore C, Lu<strong>der</strong>schmidt C, Moltz L, Oettel M, Klinger G, Schreiber G.<br />

Antiandrogenic propertiesof the dienogest-containing oral contrceptive Valette. Drugs<br />

of Today (Barc). 1999; 35: 69-78.<br />

303. Palombo-Kinne E, Schellschmidt I, Schumacher U, Graser T. Efficacy of a combined<br />

oral contraceptive containing 0.030 mg ethinylestradiol/2 mg dienogest for the<br />

treatment of papulopustular acne in comparison with placebo and 0.035 mg<br />

ethinylestradiol/2 mg cyproterone acetate. Contraception. 2009; 79: 282-9.<br />

304. Foster RH, Wilde MI. Dienogest. Drugs. 1998; 56: 825-33; discussion 34-5.<br />

305. Maloney JM, Dietze P, Jr., Watson D, Niknian M, Lee-Rugh S, Sampson-Lan<strong>der</strong>s C,<br />

Korner P. Treatment of acne using a 3-milligram drospirenone/20-microgram ethinyl<br />

Seite 124 von 136

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