19.11.2013 Aufrufe

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Broschüre als PDF - Mölnlycke Health Care

Broschüre als PDF - Mölnlycke Health Care


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Referenzauszug über die Wirksamkeit<br />

der Safetac ® Technologie.<br />

1. Price PEetal. Dressing-related pain in patients with chronic wounds: an international<br />

patient perspective. IWJ 2008<br />

2. Principles of best practice: Minimising pain at wound dressing related procedures.<br />

Aconsensus document. London, 2004<br />

3. Minimising pain at dressing-related procedures: “Implementation of pain relieving<br />

strategies”. Aconsensus document. Toronto, 2007.<br />

4. Dykes PJ et al. Effect of adesive dressings on the stratum corneum of the skin. JWC 2001<br />

5. White R.Evidence for atraumatic soft silicone wound dressing use. Wounds UK 2005<br />

6. Wiberg ABetal. Preventing maceration with asoft silicone dressing: in-vitro evaluations.<br />

Poster presented at the 3rd Congress ofthe World Union of Wound Healing Societies,<br />

Toronto, Canada, 2008.<br />

7. Meaume S, et al. Astudy to compare anew self adherent soft silicone dressing with a<br />

self adherent polymer Dressing in stage II pressure ulcers. OWM, 2003<br />

8. Dykes PJ.The effect of adhesive dressing edges on cutaneous irritancy and skin barrier<br />

function. JWC 2007<br />

9. Zillmer Retal. Biophysical effects of repetitive removal ofadhesive dressings on periulcer<br />

skin. JWC 2006<br />

10. White R.AMultinational survey of the assessment of pain when removing dressings.<br />

Wounds UK 2008<br />

<strong>Mölnlycke</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Care</strong> AG<br />

Heimstrasse 18, 8953 Dietikon<br />

T044 744 54 00 F044 744 54 11<br />

info.ch@molnlycke.com<br />

ww.molnlycke.com ·www.safetac.com

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