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NAWARO CASCADING PILOT Endbericht JACOBSEN, S. (2000): Polylactide – Biologisch abbaubare Kunststoffe aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen für neue Anwendungen, Wechselwirkungen Jahrbuch 2000. KABUKI, T; NAKAJIMA, H*; ARAI, M; UEDA, S; KUWABARA, Y; DOSAKO, S, 2000. Characterization of novel antimicrobial compounds from mango (Mangifera indica L.) kernel seeds in Food Chemistry [Food Chem.]. Vol. 71, no. 1, pp. 61-66. KERSCHBAUMER S., Schweiger P. Untersuchungen über die Fettsäure- und Tocopherolgehalte v. Pflanzenölen, Landesanstalt für Pflanzenbau Forchheim 2000. KIRCHER N., Heilen, pflegen, kochen mit Speiseölen, Oeschverlag 2000. KIRK-OTHMER: Encyclopedia of chemical technology. 4.ed. New York, Wiley (1995). KRAUSMANN, Fridolin et al.: Nachwachsende Rohstoffe. Erhebung des landwirtschaftlichen Potentials zur Bedeckung alternativer Produkte. Studie der Umweltberatung Österreich, Wien (1993). KRÖHER, MICHAEL O. R, Functional Food: Neue Lebensmittel sollen wie Medikamente wirken - Das Essen der Zukunft. In: manager magazin, 3/2000, S. 180 ff. KROTSCHEK C., WIMMER R., NARODOSLAWSKY M.: Stoffliche Nutzung nachwachsender Rohstoffe in Österreich, Studie i.A. BMWV, Wien (1997). KAUP, M. nova-Institut Köln (2001): Wettbewerbsfähige und ökologische Produkte aus Nachwachsenden Rohstoffen? Übersichtsartikel unter http://www.naturfaser-wirtschaft.de/ KÜNAST, R, Bundesministerin für Verbraucherschutz, Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (2001): Nachwachsende Rohstoffe. Programm des Bundesministeriums für Verbraucherschutz, Ernährung und Landwirtschaft zur Förderung von Forschungs-, Entwicklungs-und Demonstrationsvorhaben, Berlin. KÜNAST, RENATE: Rede der Bundesministerin für Verbraucherschutz, Ernährung und Landwirtschaft, International Symposium on Renewable Resources for the Chemical Industry, 02.02.2005, Potsdam, Seminaris Seehotel. LAUFENBERG, GUENTHER; KUNZ, BENNO; NYSTROEM, MARIANNE, 2003: Review paper: Transformation of vegetable waste into value added products: (A) the upgrading concept; (B) practical implementations in Bioresource Technology 87, 167-198. LAUFENBERG, GÜNTHER; ROSATO, PIETRO; KUNZ, BENNO; 2004: Adding value to vegetable waste: Oil press cakes as substrates for microbial decalactone production in European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, Volume 106, Issue 4 , Pages 207 - 217 LEXIKON der Arzneipflanzen und Drogen, LEXIKON der Ernährung, KOMPAKTLEXIKON der Biologie, LEXIKON der Biologie, LEXIKON der Chemie, LEXIKON der Biochemie, alle: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, www.wissenschaft-online.de MACKWITZ , H.: Nachwachsende Rohstoffe und Sanfte Chemie - Forschungsbericht i.A. des BMWF (1997). MACKWITZ , H.; BELAZZI, Th.; SCHUSTER, H.: ”MATERIALOPTIMIERUNG UND VERFAHRENS- ENTWICKLUNG FÜR DEN FASERWERKSTOFF ZELFO”, im Auftrag der Zellform Ges.m.b.H. (1999). MACKWITZ, H.W.; BURNER, U., SCHEMITZ, S. 2002: Basische Elektrolyte aus Solanum tuberosum, Endbericht Forschungsprojekt i.A. Oekopharm, Wien – Unternberg. MACKWITZ , H. (Hrsg.): Kompendium Nachwachsende Rohstoffe, Grundlagen der Sanften Chemie - Stoffdossiers - Ressourcenkatalog - incl. CD-ROM, ecomed-Verlag, Landsberg (2001). MACKWITZ, H.W. et al. at ECCP (2001): Renewable Raw Materials. Their potential contribution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the European industry. European Climate Change Programme (ECCP) Working Group 5 “Industry”. Work Item “Renewable Raw Materials”, Final Report, 27 April 2001. MACKWITZ Hanswerner; BURNER, Ursula; KUBIN, Andreas; SCHEMITZ, Susanne - ARGE Naturstoffe: Naturkosmetik - Innovationen aus Pflanzen: Lichtschutz und Konservierung aus heimischen Pflanzenkulturen für naturkosmetische Erzeugnisse . Berichte aus Energieund Umweltforschung 19/2002. Im Auftrag des BMVIT und des BMLFUW. Wien Juli 2002. MAJID, A., HAROON, S., JOARDER, G.K., 1995. High protein feed from vegetable waste. Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 30 (2–3), 1–11. MITSOTAKIS J.G., Kenntnis des Olivenöls, Leipzig 1928. 208

NAWARO CASCADING PILOT Endbericht NAMASIVAYAM, C., KANCHANA, N., 1992. Waste Banana Pith as Adsorbent for color removal from wastewaters. Chemosphere 25 (11), 1691–1705. NAMASIVAYAM, C., KADIRVELU, K., 1996. Uptake of mercury (II) from wastewater by activated carbon from an unwanted agricult. solid by-product: coirpith.Carbon 1073(SGML) C, 1–6. NAMASIVAYAM, C., KADIRVELU, K., 1997. Activated carbons prepared from coir pith by physical and chemical activation methods. Bioresource Technology 62, 123–127. NAMASIVAYAM, C., MUNIASAMY, N., GAYATRI, K., RANI, M., RANGANATHAN, K., 1996. Removal of dyes from aqueous solutions by cellulosic waste orange peel. Bioresource Technology 57, 37–43. NANJUNDASWAMY, A.M., 1997. Processing. In: R.E. Litz (Ed.), The Mango, Botany, Production and Uses, Cab International, Wallingford, pp. 535–539. NYFFENEGGER, l., Office fédéral de l'agriculture, Bern (2000): Nachwachsende Rohstoffe mit Perspektive. http://www.kompost.ch/d/z2kompostieren/4_baw_zfass.htm PAULI, GÜNTHER (1998): UpSizing – The Road to Zero Emissions, More Jobs, More Income And No Pollution, Greenleaf Publishing, Sheffield, UK. ROTH L., KORMANN K., Ölpflanzen- Pflanzenöle, Ecomed 2000. SAMIM, Yasar: Beurteilung der technologischen Qualität von Zellulose, Hemizellulose und Lignin von alternativen biogenen Rohstoffen. Dissertation an der Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien (1998). SANS, C., MATA-ALVAREZ, J., CECCHI, F., PAVAN, P., BASSETTI, A., 1995. Volatile fatty acids production by mesophilic fermentation of mechanically-sorted urban organic wastes in a plug-flow Reactor. Bioresource Technology 51 (1), 89–96. SCHLEGEL, H.G. (1993): „Past and present Cycle of carbon on our planet“ in: FEMS Microbiology Rewiew 103 S. 347-354. SCHUSTER W., Ölpflanzen, DLG- Verlag 1992. SEERAM NP, MOMIN RA, NAIR MG, BOURQUIN LD.(2001), Cyclooxygenase inhibitory and antioxidant cyanidin glycosides in cherries and berries. Phytomedicine 2001 Sep;8(5):362-9. SOMMERFELD, H.: Modellreaktionen zur Technologie nachwachsender Rohstoffe, Dissertation Universität Bielefeld 1992; Verlag Shaker, Aachen (1993) ISBN 3-86111-417-8. SRIRANGARAJAN, A.N., SHRIKHADE, A.J., 1976. Mango peel waste as a source of pectin. Current science 45 (17), 620–621. SREENATH, H.K., CRANDALL, P.G., BAKER, R.A., 1995. Utilization of citrus by-products and wastes as beverage clouding agents. Journal Of Fermentation And Bioengineering 80 (2), 190– 194. TOLES, C.A. et al., 2000. Acid-activated carbons from almond shells: physical, chemical and adsorptive properties and estimated cost of production. Bioresource Technology 71, 87– 92. TOMA, R.B. et al., 1979. Physical and chemical properties of potato peel as a source of dietary fiber in bread. Journal of Food Science 44, 1403–1407, 1417. TRAN, C.T., MITCHELL, D.A., 1995. Pineapple waste––a novel substrate for citric acid production by solid-state fermentation. Biotechnology Letters 17 (10), 1107–1110. ULMER G.A., Heilende Öle, Ulmer Verlag. WANIOREK L. u. A., Kürbis und Kürbiskernöl. WIDMER, W., MONTANARI, A.M., 1995. Citrus waste streams as a source of phytochemicals. In: 107th Annual Meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society, Orlando/Florida, USA, vol. 107. pp. 284–288. YAMAMOTO K, OSAKI Y, KATO T, MIYAZAKI T.(1992) [Antimutagenic substances in the Armeniacae semen and Persicae semen] [Article in Japanese], Tokyo College of Pharmacy, Japan¸in Yakugaku Zasshi 1992 Dec;112(12):934-9. 209


<strong>Endbericht</strong><br />

NAMASIVAYAM, C., KANCHANA, N., 1992. Waste Banana Pith as Adsorbent for color removal from<br />

wastew<strong>at</strong>ers. Chemosphere 25 (11), 1691–1705.<br />

NAMASIVAYAM, C., KADIRVELU, K., 1996. Uptake of mercury (II) from wastew<strong>at</strong>er by activ<strong>at</strong>ed<br />

carbon from an unwanted agricult. solid by-product: coirpith.Carbon 1073(SGML) C, 1–6.<br />

NAMASIVAYAM, C., KADIRVELU, K., 1997. Activ<strong>at</strong>ed carbons prepared from coir pith by physical and<br />

chemical activ<strong>at</strong>ion methods. Bioresource Technology 62, 123–127.<br />


dyes from aqueous solutions by cellulosic waste orange peel. Bioresource Technology 57,<br />

37–43.<br />

NANJUNDASWAMY, A.M., 1997. Processing. In: R.E. Litz (Ed.), The Mango, Botany, Production and<br />

Uses, Cab Intern<strong>at</strong>ional, Wallingford, pp. 535–539.<br />

NYFFENEGGER, l., Office fédéral de l'agriculture, Bern (2000): Nachwachsende Rohstoffe mit<br />

Perspektive. http://www.kompost.ch/d/z2kompostieren/4_baw_zfass.htm<br />

PAULI, GÜNTHER (1998): UpSizing – The Road to Zero Emissions, More Jobs, More Income And No<br />

Pollution, Greenleaf Publishing, Sheffield, UK.<br />

ROTH L., KORMANN K., Ölpflanzen- Pflanzenöle, Ecomed 2000.<br />

SAMIM, Yasar: Beurteilung der technologischen Qualität von Zellulose, Hemizellulose und Lignin von<br />

altern<strong>at</strong>iven biogenen Rohstoffen. Dissert<strong>at</strong>ion an der Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien<br />

(1998).<br />

SANS, C., MATA-ALVAREZ, J., CECCHI, F., PAVAN, P., BASSETTI, A., 1995. Vol<strong>at</strong>ile f<strong>at</strong>ty acids<br />

production by mesophilic ferment<strong>at</strong>ion of mechanically-sorted urban organic wastes in a<br />

plug-flow Reactor. Bioresource Technology 51 (1), 89–96.<br />

SCHLEGEL, H.G. (1993): „Past and present Cycle of carbon on our planet“ in: FEMS Microbiology<br />

Rewiew 103 S. 347-354.<br />

SCHUSTER W., Ölpflanzen, DLG- Verlag 1992.<br />

SEERAM NP, MOMIN RA, NAIR MG, BOURQUIN LD.(2001), Cyclooxygenase inhibitory and antioxidant<br />

cyanidin glycosides in cherries and berries. Phytomedicine 2001 Sep;8(5):362-9.<br />

SOMMERFELD, H.: Modellreaktionen zur Technologie nachwachsender Rohstoffe, Dissert<strong>at</strong>ion<br />

Universität Bielefeld 1992; Verlag Shaker, Aachen (1993) ISBN 3-86111-417-8.<br />

SRIRANGARAJAN, A.N., SHRIKHADE, A.J., 1976. Mango peel waste as a source of pectin. Current<br />

science 45 (17), 620–621.<br />

SREENATH, H.K., CRANDALL, P.G., BAKER, R.A., 1995. Utiliz<strong>at</strong>ion of citrus by-products and wastes<br />

as beverage clouding agents. Journal Of Ferment<strong>at</strong>ion And Bioengineering 80 (2), 190–<br />

194.<br />

TOLES, C.A. et al., 2000. Acid-activ<strong>at</strong>ed carbons from almond shells: physical, chemical and<br />

adsorptive properties and estim<strong>at</strong>ed cost of production. Bioresource Technology 71, 87–<br />

92.<br />

TOMA, R.B. et al., 1979. Physical and chemical properties of pot<strong>at</strong>o peel as a source of dietary fiber in<br />

bread. Journal of Food Science 44, 1403–1407, 1417.<br />

TRAN, C.T., MITCHELL, D.A., 1995. Pineapple waste––a novel substr<strong>at</strong>e for citric acid production by<br />

solid-st<strong>at</strong>e ferment<strong>at</strong>ion. Biotechnology Letters 17 (10), 1107–1110.<br />

ULMER G.A., Heilende Öle, Ulmer Verlag.<br />

WANIOREK L. u. A., Kürbis und Kürbiskernöl.<br />

WIDMER, W., MONTANARI, A.M., 1995. Citrus waste streams as a source of phytochemicals. In: 107th<br />

Annual Meeting of the Florida St<strong>at</strong>e<br />

Horticultural Society, Orlando/Florida, USA, vol. 107. pp. 284–288.<br />

YAMAMOTO K, OSAKI Y, KATO T, MIYAZAKI T.(1992) [Antimutagenic substances in the Armeniacae<br />

semen and Persicae semen] [Article in Japanese], Tokyo College of Pharmacy, Japan¸in<br />

Yakugaku Zasshi 1992 Dec;112(12):934-9.<br />


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