Euroimmun Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG - Universität zu Lübeck

Euroimmun Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG - Universität zu Lübeck Euroimmun Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG - Universität zu Lübeck
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01.11.2013 Aufrufe

6. Literaturverzeichnis 95 Yamamoto K, Inoue N, Masuda R et al. Cloning of hamster type XVII collagen cDNA, and pathogenesis of anti-type XVII collagen antibody and complement in hamster bullous pemphigoid. J Invest Dermatol 2002: 118: 485-492. Yancey K B. Adhesion molecules. II: Interactions of keratinocytes with epidermal basement membrane. J Invest Dermatol 1995: 104: 1008-1014. Yang Y, Dowling J, Yu Q C, Kouklis P, Cleveland D W, Fuchs E. An essential linker protein connecting actin microfilaments to intermediate filaments. Cell 1996: 86: 655-665. Yoshida M, Hamada T, Amagai M, Hashimoto K, Uehara R, Yamaguchi K, Imamura K, Okamoto E, Yasumoto S, Hashimoto T. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using bacterial recombinant proteins of human BP230 as a diagnostic tool for bullous pemphigoid. J Dermatol Sci 2006: 41: 21-30. Zillikens D, Wever S, Roth A, Weidenthaler-Barth B, Hashimoto T, Bröcker E B. Incidence of autoimmune subepidermal blistering diseases in a region of central Germany. Arch Dermatol 1995: 131: 957-958. Zillikens D, Giudice G J, Diaz L A. Bullous pemphigoid. An autoimmune blistering disease of the elderly. J Geriatr Dermatol 1996: 4: 35-41. Zillikens D, Diaz L A. Autoimmune bullous diseases. Burg G, Dummer R: Strategies for immunointervention in dermatology. Springer 1997: 217-226. Zillikens D. Acquired skin disease of hemidesmosomes. J Dermatol Sci 1999: 20: 134-154. Zillikens D, Herzele K, Georgi M et al. Autoantibodies in a subgroup of patients with linear IgA disease react with the NC16A domain of BP180. J Invest Dermatol 1999: 113: 947- 953.

7. Abkürzungsverzeichnis 96 7 Abkürzungsverzeichnis °C - Grad Celsius, aa - Aminosäure, A. dest. - Aqua destillata, Ak - Antikörper, AAk - Autoantikörper, AP - alkalische Phosphatase, AUC - „Area Under the Curve”, BP - bullöses Pemphigoid, BSA - Rinderserum Albumin, cDNA - „copy“ Desoxyribonukleinsäure, DEJ - dermo-epidermale Junktionszone, DIF - direkte Immunfluoreszenz, DNA - Desoxyribonukleinsäure, dNTP - Desoxyribonukleosidtriphosphat, Dsc - Desmocollin, Dsg - Desmoglein, DTT - Dithiothreitol, EDTA - Ethylendiamintetraessigsäure, ELISA - „enzymelinked immunosorbent assay“, EP - Euroimmun Primer, FITC - Fluoresceinisothiocyanat, FKS - fötales Kälberserum, gebr. - gebrauchsfertig, h - Stunde, HEK - Human Embryonic Kidney (humane embryonale Nierenepithelzelle), hu - human, Ig - Immunglobulin, IIF - indirekte Immunfluoreszenz, IFT - indirekter Immunfluoreszenz Test, kb - Kilobasen, kD - Kilodalton, LAD - Lineare IgA Dermatose, LB-Medium - Luria-Bertani-Medium, mA - Milliampere, ml - Milliliter, mM - millimolar, mo. - monoklonal, mRNA - “messenger RNA”, n - Probenanzahl, ng - Nanogramm, OFR - offener Leserahmen, PBS - “phosphate buffered saline”, PCR - Polymerasekettenreaktion, PG - Pemphigoid gestationis, PF - Pemphigus foliaceus, POD - Peroxydase, PV - Pemphigus vulgaris, RNA - Ribonukleinsäure, ROC - „Receiver Operating Characteristic“, rpm - „rounds per minute“ (Umdrehungsfrequenz), RT - reverse Transkriptase, TAE - Tris-Acetat-EDTA-Puffer, U - Unit, v/v - „volume/volume“, WB - Westernblot, w/v - „weight/volume“, well - Gefäß einer Kulturplatte, µl - Mikroliter, µM - mikromolar

6. Literaturverzeichnis 95<br />

Yamamoto K, Inoue N, Masuda R et al. Cloning of hamster type XVII collagen cDNA, and<br />

pathogenesis of anti-type XVII collagen antibody and complement in hamster bullous<br />

pemphigoid. J Invest Dermatol 2002: 118: 485-492.<br />

Yancey K B. Adhesion molecules. II: Interactions of keratinocytes with epidermal basement<br />

membrane. J Invest Dermatol 1995: 104: 1008-1014.<br />

Yang Y, Dowling J, Yu Q C, Kouklis P, Cleveland D W, Fuchs E. An essential linker protein<br />

connecting actin microfilaments to intermediate filaments. Cell 1996: 86: 655-665.<br />

Yoshida M, Hamada T, Amagai M, Hashimoto K, Uehara R, Yamaguchi K, Imamura K,<br />

Okamoto E, Yasumoto S, Hashimoto T. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using<br />

bacterial recombinant proteins of human BP230 as a diagnostic tool for bullous<br />

pemphigoid. J Dermatol Sci 2006: 41: 21-30.<br />

Zillikens D, Wever S, Roth A, Weidenthaler-Barth B, Hashimoto T, Bröcker E B. Incidence<br />

of autoimmune subepidermal blistering diseases in a region of central Germany. Arch<br />

Dermatol 1995: 131: 957-958.<br />

Zillikens D, Giudice G J, Diaz L A. Bullous pemphigoid. An autoimmune blistering disease<br />

of the elderly. J Geriatr Dermatol 1996: 4: 35-41.<br />

Zillikens D, Diaz L A. Autoimmune bullous diseases. Burg G, Dummer R: Strategies for<br />

immunointervention in dermatology. Springer 1997: 217-226.<br />

Zillikens D. Acquired skin disease of hemidesmosomes. J Dermatol Sci 1999: 20: 134-154.<br />

Zillikens D, Herzele K, Georgi M et al. Autoantibodies in a subgroup of patients with linear<br />

IgA disease react with the NC16A domain of BP180. J Invest Dermatol 1999: 113: 947-<br />


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