01.11.2013 Aufrufe

Methodologie und Instrumentarium des Lead Partner Prinzips

Methodologie und Instrumentarium des Lead Partner Prinzips

Methodologie und Instrumentarium des Lead Partner Prinzips


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<strong>Methodologie</strong> <strong>und</strong> <strong>Instrumentarium</strong><br />

<strong>des</strong> <strong>Lead</strong> <strong>Partner</strong> <strong>Prinzips</strong><br />

Information­ <strong>und</strong> Cashflows<br />

Paying Authority<br />

Programme Bank Account<br />

JTS<br />

Assesses the Activity Report and<br />

the Payment Claim received<br />

Prepares the payment request to<br />

the Paying Authority<br />

Payment Claim Flow<br />

Money Flow<br />

Member States<br />

National Authority (or the<br />

JTS by delegation)<br />

authorises the payment<br />

Payment Claim<br />

Project <strong>Partner</strong><br />

Project <strong>Lead</strong> <strong>Partner</strong><br />

Submits an Activity Report and a Payment Claim every 6<br />

months<br />

Reimburses the other project partners according to their<br />

expenditure<br />

Project <strong>Partner</strong>

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