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Godrics-Hollow.de - HHShip.pdf

Godrics-Hollow.de - HHShip.pdf

Godrics-Hollow.de - HHShip.pdf


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New Page 1<br />

book—not that she hadn’t tried. At breakfast on Thursday she bored them all stupid with flying tips she’d gotten out<br />

of a library book called Quidditch Through the Ages. Neville was hanging on to her every word, <strong>de</strong>sperate for<br />

anything that might help him hang on to his broomstick later, but everybody else was very pleased when Hermione’s<br />

lecture was interrupted by the arrival of the mail.<br />

- nicht sehr positiv.<br />

PS- Harry wur<strong>de</strong> ins Team gewählt<br />

It was really lucky that Harry now had Hermione as a friend. He didn’t know how he’d have gotten through all his<br />

homework without her, what with all the last-minute Quidditch practice Wood was making them do. She had also lent<br />

him Quidditch Through the Ages, which turned out to be a very interesting read.<br />

Harry learned that there were seven hundred ways of committing a Quidditch foul and that all of them had happened<br />

during a World Cup match in 1473; that Seekers were usually the smallest and fastest players, and that most serious<br />

Quidditch acci<strong>de</strong>nts seemed to happen to them; that although people rarely died playing Quidditch, referees had been<br />

known to vanish and turn up months later in the Sahara Desert.<br />

- SEHR positiv: tatsächlich fin<strong>de</strong>t Harry Freu<strong>de</strong> an einem fast geschichtlichem Buch und liest, um sich<br />

fortzubil<strong>de</strong>n. Er kommt Hermiones Interessen damit unbewusst sehr nahe.<br />

- Harry erfährt zu<strong>de</strong>m praktische Tipps und wird vor Gefahren gewarnt; etwas, was Hermione sicher sehr<br />

am Herzen liegt, zu<strong>de</strong>m sie das Buch zuvor selbst gelesen hatte. Womöglich hat es ihr etwas Angst<br />

gemacht, was für Gefahren da auf Harry lauern: sie hält ihm <strong>de</strong>n Rücken frei, damit er optimal trainieren<br />

kann, beim Match erkennt sie, die allein auf Harry fixiert ist, dass Harrys Besen bockt.<br />

- Hermione geht ein Risiko ein, wenn sie ein geliehenes Buch weiter verleiht, schließlich obliegt es ihrer<br />

Obhut, selbst wenn einer an<strong>de</strong>ren Person mit <strong>de</strong>m Gegenstand etwas passiert. Und das tut es: Snape<br />

nimmt das Buch an sich:<br />

PS- Snape nimmt Harry das Buch weg<br />

Unfortunately, something about their guilty faces caught Snape’s eye. He limped over. He hadn’t seen the fire, but he<br />

seemed to be looking for a reason to tell them off anyway.<br />

“What’s that you’ve got there, Potter?”<br />

It was Quidditch Through the Ages. Harry showed him.<br />

“Library books are not to be taken outsi<strong>de</strong> the school,” said Snape. “Give it to me. Five points from Gryffindor.”<br />

Doch wirklich interessant ist, was dieser Verlust auslöst:<br />

PS- <strong>de</strong>r Abend <strong>de</strong>s Tages da Snape das Buch nahm<br />

Harry felt restless. He wanted Quidditch Through the Ages back, to take his mind off his nerves about tomorrow. Why<br />

should he be afraid of Snape? Getting up, he told Ron and Hermione he was going to ask Snape if he could have it.<br />

- da hat Hermione offenbar ein feines Beruhigungsmittel für Harry ent<strong>de</strong>ckt.<br />

Nun will er es aber um je<strong>de</strong>n Preis zurück- er geht Snape bitten:<br />

http://www.godrics-hollow.<strong>de</strong>/hhship/hhrSHIPherosgirl2.html (2 von 3)23.04.2005 14:10:15

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