Angst, Furcht und ihre Bewältigung - oops - Carl von Ossietzky ...

Angst, Furcht und ihre Bewältigung - oops - Carl von Ossietzky ... Angst, Furcht und ihre Bewältigung - oops - Carl von Ossietzky ...
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25.10.2012 Aufrufe

26 die Psychologie spielen würde, ahnte Charles Darwin schon vor mehr 150 Jahren: “In the distant future I see open fields for far more important researches. Psychology will be based on a new foundation, that of the necessary acquirement of each mental power and capacity by gradation. Light will be thrown on the origin of man and his history” (Darwin 1999 [1859], S. 399). Literatur Andersson, M.B. (1994), Sexual Selection, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press Bowlby, J. (1975), Bindung. Eine Analyse der Mutter-Kind-Beziehung, München, Kindler [Orig.: Attachment and Loss. Vol. 1, Attachment, New York: Basic Books, 1969] Bowlby, J. (1998 [1973]), Attachment and Loss. Vol. 2, Separation, Anger and Anxiety, London: Pimlico Cook, M. und Mineka, S. (1989), “Observational conditioning of fear to fear-relevant versus fear-irrelevant stimuli in rhesus monkeys”, in: Journal of Abnormal Psychology 98, S. 448-459 Cook, M. und Mineka, S. (1990), “Selective associations in the observational conditioning of rhesus monkeys”, in: Journal of Experimental Psychology and Behavioral Process 16, S. 372-389 Cronin, H. (1991), The Ant and the Peacock: Altruism and Sexual Selection from Darwin to Today, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Daly, M. und Wilson, M. (1988), Homicide, New York: Aldine de Gruyter Daly, M. und Wilson, M. (1994), “Some differential attributes of lethal assaults on small children by stepfathers versus genetic fathers”, in: Ethology and Sociobiology 15, S. 207-217 Daly, M., Singh, L.S. und Wilson, M. (1993), “Children fathered by previous partners: a risk factor for violence against women”, in: Canadian Journal of Public Health 84, S. 209-210 Damasio, A.R. (1995), Descartes’ Irrtum. Fühlen, Denken und das menschliche Gehirn, München: Paul List Darwin, C. (1992), Die Abstammung des Menschen, Wiesbaden: Fourier [Orig.: The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex, London: Murray, 1871]

Darwin, C. (1998 [1878]), „Biographische Skizze eines Kindes“, in: Ritter, H. (Hg.), C. Darwin, Sind Affen Rechtshänder? Notizhefte M und N und die „Biographische Skizze eines Kindes“, Berlin: Friedenauer Presse, S. 139-157 Darwin, C. (1999 [1859]), The Origin of Species, New York: Bantam Books Darwin, C. (2000 [1872]). Der Ausdruck der Gemütsbewegungen bei dem Menschen und den Tieren, Frankfurt am Main: Eichborn Dugatkin, L.A. (1992), “Tendency to inspect predators predicts mortality risk in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata)”, in: Behavioral Ecology, 3, S. 124-127 Eibl-Eibesfeldt, I. (1995), Die Biologie des menschlichen Verhaltens. Grundriss der Humanethologie, München: Piper Freedman, D.G. (1974), Human Infancy. An Evolutionary Perspective, Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum Gomendio, M. und Colmenares, F. (1989), “Infant killing and infant adoption following the introduction of new males to an all-female colony of baboons”, in: Ethology 80, S. 223-244 Hassenstein, B. (1987), Verhaltensbiologie des Kindes, München: Piper Hrdy, S.B. (2000), Mutter Natur. Die weibliche Seite der Evolution, Berlin: Berlin Verlag Irons, W. (1998), “Adaptively relevant environments versus the Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness”, in: Evolutionary Anthropolog 6, S. 194-204 Macphail, E.M. und Bolhuis; J.J. (2001), “The evolution of intelligence: adaptive specializations versus general process”, in: Biological Reviews 76, S. 341-364 Marks, I.M. (1987), Fears, Phobias, and Rituals, New York: Oxford University Press Marks, I.M. und Nesse, R.M. (1994), “Fear and fitness: an evolutionary analysis of anxiety disorders”, in: Ethology and Sociobiology 15, S. 247-261 Mineka, S. Keir, R. und Price, V. (1980), “Fear of snakes in wild- and laboratoryreared rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta)”, in: Animal Learning and Behavior 8, S. 653-663 Mineka, S. Davidson, M. Cook, M. und Keir, R. (1984), “Observational conditioning of snake fear in rhesus monkeys”, in: Journal of Abnormal Psychology 93, S. 355-372 Nentwig, W. (2001), „Ausrottung von Arten“, in: Bibliographisches Institut und F.A. Brockhaus AG (Hg.), Der Brockhaus multimedial 2001 Nesse, R.M. (1990), “Evolutionary explanations of emotions”, in: Human Nature 1, S. 261-289 27

26<br />

die Psychologie spielen würde, ahnte Charles Darwin schon vor mehr<br />

150 Jahren: “In the distant future I see open fields for far more important<br />

researches. Psychology will be based on a new fo<strong>und</strong>ation,<br />

that of the necessary acquirement of each mental power and capacity<br />

by gradation. Light will be thrown on the origin of man and his<br />

history” (Darwin 1999 [1859], S. 399).<br />

Literatur<br />

Andersson, M.B. (1994), Sexual Selection, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press<br />

Bowlby, J. (1975), Bindung. Eine Analyse der Mutter-Kind-Beziehung, München,<br />

Kindler [Orig.: Attachment and Loss. Vol. 1, Attachment, New York: Basic<br />

Books, 1969]<br />

Bowlby, J. (1998 [1973]), Attachment and Loss. Vol. 2, Separation, Anger and<br />

Anxiety, London: Pimlico<br />

Cook, M. <strong>und</strong> Mineka, S. (1989), “Observational conditioning of fear to fear-relevant<br />

versus fear-irrelevant stimuli in rhesus monkeys”, in: Journal of Abnormal<br />

Psychology 98, S. 448-459<br />

Cook, M. <strong>und</strong> Mineka, S. (1990), “Selective associations in the observational<br />

conditioning of rhesus monkeys”, in: Journal of Experimental Psychology and<br />

Behavioral Process 16, S. 372-389<br />

Cronin, H. (1991), The Ant and the Peacock: Altruism and Sexual Selection from<br />

Darwin to Today, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press<br />

Daly, M. <strong>und</strong> Wilson, M. (1988), Homicide, New York: Aldine de Gruyter<br />

Daly, M. <strong>und</strong> Wilson, M. (1994), “Some differential attributes of lethal assaults on<br />

small children by stepfathers versus genetic fathers”, in: Ethology and Sociobiology<br />

15, S. 207-217<br />

Daly, M., Singh, L.S. <strong>und</strong> Wilson, M. (1993), “Children fathered by previous partners:<br />

a risk factor for violence against women”, in: Canadian Journal of Public<br />

Health 84, S. 209-210<br />

Damasio, A.R. (1995), Descartes’ Irrtum. Fühlen, Denken <strong>und</strong> das menschliche<br />

Gehirn, München: Paul List<br />

Darwin, C. (1992), Die Abstammung des Menschen, Wiesbaden: Fourier [Orig.: The<br />

Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex, London: Murray, 1871]

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