Bewertung der Qualität objektorientierter Entwürfe - Worte-Projekt

Bewertung der Qualität objektorientierter Entwürfe - Worte-Projekt Bewertung der Qualität objektorientierter Entwürfe - Worte-Projekt
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30.10.2013 Aufrufe

176 Literatur Fowler, Scott (1997) Fowler, M.; Kendall, S.: UML Distilled: Applying the Standard Object Modeling Language. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1997. Fowler et al. (1999) Fowler, M.; Beck, K.; Brant, J.; Opdyke, W.; Roberts, D.: Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1999. Frühauf et al. (2000) Frühauf, K.; Ludewig, J.; Sandmayr, H.: Software-Projektmanagement und -Qualitätssicherung (3. Auflage). vdf, Zürich, 2000. Fujino (1999) Fujino, T.: Traditional Japanese Architecture Blends Beauty and Rationale. IEEE Software, 16(6), 1999, 101-103. Gamma et al. (1995) Gamma, E.; Helm, R.; Johnson, R.; Vlissides, J.: Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1995. Garvin (1984) Garvin, D.: What Does “Product Quality” Really Mean? Sloan Management Review, 25(3), 1984, 25-43. Garvin (1988) Garvin, D.: Managing Quality: The Strategic and Competitive Edge. Free Press, New York, 1988. Gelernter (1998) Gelernter, D.: Machine Beauty: Elegance and the Heart of Technology. BasicBooks, New York, 1998. Genero et al. (2000) Genero, M.; Piattini, M.; Calero, C.: Early Measures for UML Class Diagrams. L’Objet, 6(4), 2000, 489-515. Gibbon (1997) Gibbon, C.: Heuristics for Object-Oriented Design. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, 1997. Gibbon, Higgins (1996) Gibbon, C.; Higgins, C.: Teaching Object-Oriented Design with Heuristics. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 31(7), 1996, 12-16. Gilb (1988) Gilb, T.: Principles of Software Engineering Management. Addison- Wesley, Wokingham, 1988. Gilmore (1974) Gilmore, H.: Product Conformance Cost. Quality Progress, June 1974. Gillibrand, Liu (1998) Gillibrand, D.; Liu, K.: Quality Metrics for Object-Oriented Design. Journal of Object-Oriented Programming, 10(8), 1998, 56-59. Gillies (1992) Gillies, A.: Software Quality: Theory and Management. Chapman & Hall, London, 1992. Glass (1998) Glass, R.: Defining Quality Intuitively. IEEE Software, 15(3), 1998, 103-107. Glass (1999) Glass, R.: On Design. IEEE Software, 16(2), 1999, 103-104. Gosling et al. (1998) Gosling, J.; Joy, B.; Steele, G.: The Java Language Specification, Second Edition. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1998. Grady (1997) Grady, R.: Successful Software Process Improvement. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1997. Grotehen, Dittrich (1997) Grotehen, T.; Dittrich, K.: The MeTHOOD Approach: Measures, Transformation Rules, and Heuristics for Object-Oriented Design. Technical Report ifi-97.09, Universität Zürich, 1997.

Gursaran, Roy (2002) Gursaran; Roy, G.: On the Applicability of Weyuker Property 9 to Object-Oriented Structural Inheritance Complexity Metrics. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 27(4), 2001, 381-384. Haag et al. (1996) Haag, S.; Raja, M.; Schkade, L.: Quality Function Deployment Usage in Software Development. Communications of the ACM, 39(1), 41-49, 1996. Harrison et al. (2000a) Harrison, N.; Foote, B.; Rohnert, H. (Hrsg.): Pattern Languages of Program Design 4. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 2000. Harrison et al. (2000b) Harrison, R.; Counsell, S.; Nithi, R.: Experimental Assessment of the Effect of Inheritance on the Maintainability of Object-Oriented Systems. Journal of Systems and Software, 52(2-3), 2000, 173-179. Haynes (1996) Haynes, P.: Detection and Prevention of Software Cancer in OO Systems. OOPSLA’96 Workshop on Software Metrics, San Jose, CA, 1996. Henderson-Sellers (1996) Henderson-Sellers, B.: Object-Oriented Metrics. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1996. Henderson-Sellers et al. (1993) Henderson-Sellers, B.; Moser, S.; Seehusen, S.; Weinelt, B.: A Proposed Multi-Dimensional Framework for Object-Oriented Metrics. Proceedings of the First Australian Software Metrics Conference, Sydney, November 1993, 24-30. Hitz, Neuhold (1998) Hitz, M.; Neuhold, K.: A Framework for Product Analysis. Proceedings of the OOPSLA 1998 Workshop on Model Engineering, Methods, and Tool Interaction with CDIF, Vancouver, 1998. Hoare (1981) Hoare, C. A. R.: The Emperor’s Old Clothes. Communications of the ACM, 24(2), 1981, 75-83. Hofmeister et al. (2000) Hofmeister, C.; Nord, R.; Soni, D.: Applied Software Architecture. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 2000. Hopkins (1994) Hopkins, T.: Complexity Metrics for Quality Assessment of Object- Oriented Designs. In: Ross, M.; Brebbia, C.; Staples, G.; Stapleton, J. (Hrsg.): Software Quality Management II, Vol. 2: Building Quality into Software (Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software Quality Management, SQM’94). Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton, 1994, 467-481. Humphrey (1988) Humphrey, W.: Characterizing the Software Process: A Maturity Framework. IEEE Software, 5(3), 1988, 73-79. Humphrey (1990) Humphrey, W.: Managing the Software Process. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1990. Hunt, Thomas (1999) Hunt, A.; Thomas, D.: The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1999. Huston (2001) Huston, B.: The Effects of Design Pattern Application on Metric Scores. Journal of Systems and Software, 58(3), 2001, 261-269. IEEE Std. 610.12-1990 IEEE: IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology. IEEE Std. 610.12-1990. IEEE Std. 1028-1997 IEEE: IEEE Standard for Software Reviews. IEEE Std. 1028-1997. 177

Gursaran, Roy (2002) Gursaran; Roy, G.: On the Applicability of Weyuker Property 9<br />

to Object-Oriented Structural Inheritance Complexity Metrics. IEEE Transactions on<br />

Software Engineering, 27(4), 2001, 381-384.<br />

Haag et al. (1996) Haag, S.; Raja, M.; Schkade, L.: Quality Function Deployment Usage<br />

in Software Development. Communications of the ACM, 39(1), 41-49, 1996.<br />

Harrison et al. (2000a) Harrison, N.; Foote, B.; Rohnert, H. (Hrsg.): Pattern Languages<br />

of Program Design 4. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 2000.<br />

Harrison et al. (2000b) Harrison, R.; Counsell, S.; Nithi, R.: Experimental Assessment<br />

of the Effect of Inheritance on the Maintainability of Object-Oriented Systems. Journal<br />

of Systems and Software, 52(2-3), 2000, 173-179.<br />

Haynes (1996) Haynes, P.: Detection and Prevention of Software Cancer in OO Systems.<br />

OOPSLA’96 Workshop on Software Metrics, San Jose, CA, 1996.<br />

Hen<strong>der</strong>son-Sellers (1996) Hen<strong>der</strong>son-Sellers, B.: Object-Oriented Metrics. Prentice<br />

Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1996.<br />

Hen<strong>der</strong>son-Sellers et al. (1993) Hen<strong>der</strong>son-Sellers, B.; Moser, S.; Seehusen, S.;<br />

Weinelt, B.: A Proposed Multi-Dimensional Framework for Object-Oriented Metrics.<br />

Proceedings of the First Australian Software Metrics Conference, Sydney, November<br />

1993, 24-30.<br />

Hitz, Neuhold (1998) Hitz, M.; Neuhold, K.: A Framework for Product Analysis. Proceedings<br />

of the OOPSLA 1998 Workshop on Model Engineering, Methods, and Tool<br />

Interaction with CDIF, Vancouver, 1998.<br />

Hoare (1981) Hoare, C. A. R.: The Emperor’s Old Clothes. Communications of the<br />

ACM, 24(2), 1981, 75-83.<br />

Hofmeister et al. (2000) Hofmeister, C.; Nord, R.; Soni, D.: Applied Software Architecture.<br />

Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 2000.<br />

Hopkins (1994) Hopkins, T.: Complexity Metrics for Quality Assessment of Object-<br />

Oriented Designs. In: Ross, M.; Brebbia, C.; Staples, G.; Stapleton, J. (Hrsg.): Software<br />

Quality Management II, Vol. 2: Building Quality into Software (Proceedings of the Second<br />

International Conference on Software Quality Management, SQM’94). Computational<br />

Mechanics Publications, Southampton, 1994, 467-481.<br />

Humphrey (1988) Humphrey, W.: Characterizing the Software Process: A Maturity<br />

Framework. IEEE Software, 5(3), 1988, 73-79.<br />

Humphrey (1990) Humphrey, W.: Managing the Software Process. Addison-Wesley,<br />

Reading, MA, 1990.<br />

Hunt, Thomas (1999) Hunt, A.; Thomas, D.: The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman<br />

to Master. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1999.<br />

Huston (2001) Huston, B.: The Effects of Design Pattern Application on Metric Scores.<br />

Journal of Systems and Software, 58(3), 2001, 261-269.<br />

IEEE Std. 610.12-1990 IEEE: IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology.<br />

IEEE Std. 610.12-1990.<br />

IEEE Std. 1028-1997 IEEE: IEEE Standard for Software Reviews. IEEE Std. 1028-1997.<br />


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