23.10.2013 Aufrufe

Abpfiff - Deutscher Frauenrat

Abpfiff - Deutscher Frauenrat

Abpfiff - Deutscher Frauenrat


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To Michael Ballack<br />

Berlin, September 2, 2005<br />

Trafficking in Human Beings and Forced Prostitution during the Football World Cup 2006<br />

Dear Mr. Ballack,<br />

You might be surprised to receive a letter from the National Council of German Women’s Organizations in<br />

advance of the World Cup 200 . But many women are also looking forward to the matches and are following<br />

the preparation of the national team with its ups and occasional downs. Next year many of us – together with<br />

friends, sons, fathers, partners, mothers and daughters – will follow the football games. We will cross our fingers<br />

for you and hope that you enjoy your matches and, of course, have success.<br />

Unfortunately, for many other women this important event will not be a time of joy and happiness. There have<br />

been reports in the newspapers that the presence of prostitutes will be intensified during the World Cup. Most of<br />

these women will not have come of their own free will. Deceived with false promises, they are brought to<br />

Germany and will be forced to prostitute themselves. These women are as old as you, dear Mr. Ballack, and still<br />

full of hope concerning their future. But most of them will be disappointed and embittered to learn that their<br />

trust has been misused. They will be abused in order to satisfy the “needs” of men who planned to watch football<br />

matches.<br />

Dear Mr. Ballack, for many men in our country you and the other members of the National Team are an<br />

important role model – and often your word counts more than that of our politicians, as you well know.<br />

Thankfully some members of the National Team and certain football teams use their image and popularity in<br />

a positive way to help reduce violence between fans and hooliganism, to help reduce drug abuse and to prevent<br />

hostility to foreigners and racism.<br />

We ask your team and you urgently: Please speak out against the abuse of women. Please make clear that you<br />

don’t want football and the abuse of women’s rights and their dignity to be connected in any way. Please state<br />

that “real men” are against trafficking in human beings and forced prostitution. Invite your colleagues from<br />

other National Teams to join you in this.<br />

The <strong>Deutscher</strong> Frauenring, one of the oldest women’s federations in Germany, asked the German Football<br />

Federation to start a campaign with the motto: “Men against trafficking in human beings and forced<br />

prostitution!” and to use large banners, coffee cups, caps, etc. to demonstrate worldwide resistance and<br />

disapproval of these negative accompanying features of your sport.<br />

We ask you please to exert pressure on the management board of the DFB to carry out a campaign of this<br />

nature and to offer your help.<br />

This is a small step for you but it could contribute to a big step towards the achievement of human dignity for<br />

both men and women.<br />

We look forward to your answer and assure you of our support wherever possible.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Brunhilde Raiser<br />

President<br />

Letter to Michael Ballack, Captain<br />

of the German National Team

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