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LITERATUR 183<br />

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[30] H. Heuser. Lehrbuch der Analysis. Teil 1. B. G. Teubner, 3. edition, 1984.<br />

[31] N. J. Higham. Accuracy and stability of numerical algorithms. SIAM, 2nd edition, 2002.<br />

[32] D. Jackson. On the approximation by trigonometric sums and polynomials. Trans. Amer.<br />

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[33] D. Jackson. The Theory of Approximation, volume XI of AMS Colloquium Publications.<br />

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[35] Y. Katznelson. An Introduction to Harmonic Analysis. Dover Books on advanced Mathematics.<br />

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[37] A. N. Kolmogoroff. A remark on the polynomials fo Chebyshev, deviating at least from a<br />

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[38] A. N. Kolmogoroff. On the representation of continuous functions of several variables<br />

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[39] N. P. Korneǐčuk. The best uniform approximation of differentiable functions. Dokl. Akad.<br />

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[40] N. P. Korneǐčuk. The exact constant in the theorem of D. Jackson on the best uniform approximation<br />

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[41] N. P. Korneǐčuk. On the existence of a linear polynomial operator which gives best approximation<br />

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[42] N. P. Korneǐčuk. The best approximation of continuous functions. Izv. Akad. Nauk. SSSR,<br />

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[43] E. Kreyszig. Introductionary Functional Analysis with Applications. John Wiley & Sons,<br />

1978.<br />

[44] H. Kuhn. Ein elementarer Beweis des Weierstraßschen Approximationssatzes. Arch.<br />

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