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LITERATUR 181<br />

Uns ist in alten mæren<br />

wunders viel geseit<br />

von Helden lobebæren<br />

von grôzer arebeit<br />

Das Nibelungenlied<br />

Literatur 8<br />

[1] A. G. Aitken. On interpolation by iteration of proportional parts, without the use of differences.<br />

Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc., 3 (1932), 56–76.<br />

[2] V. G. Amel’kovič. A theorem converse to a theorem of Voronovskaya type. Teor. Funkčiǐ,<br />

Funkcional Anal. i Prilozen, Vyp, 2 (1966), 67–74.<br />

[3] M. Anthony. Discrete Mathematics of Neural Networks. Selected Topics. Monographs on<br />

Discrete Mathematics and Applications. SIAM, 2001.<br />

[4] V. I. Arnol’d. The representation of functions of several variables. Mat. Prosveˇsč,<br />

3 (1958), 41–61.<br />

[5] B. Bajˇsanski and R. Bojanić. A note on approximation by Bernstein polynomials. Bull.<br />

Amer. Math. Soc., 70 (1964), 675–677.<br />

[6] H. Berens and R. DeVore. A characterization of Bernstein polynomials. In E. W. Cheney,<br />

editor, Approximation Theory III, Proc. Conf. Hon. G. G. Lorentz, Austin/Tex., pages 213–<br />

219. Academic Press, 1980.<br />

[7] S. Bernstein. Sur l’ordre de la meilleure approximation des fonctions continues par des<br />

polynomes de degré donné. Memoires couronnés de l’Academie de Belgique, (1912), 78–<br />

85.<br />

[8] S. N. Bernstein. Démonstration du théorème de Weierstrass, fondée su le calcul des probabilitiés.<br />

Commun. Soc. Math. Kharkov, 13 (1912), 1–2.<br />

[9] E. Bishop. A generalization of the Stone–Weierstrass theorem. Pacific J. Math.,<br />

11 (1961), 777–783.<br />

[10] B. Brosowski and F. Deutsch. An elementary proof of the Stone–Weierstrass theorem.<br />

Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 81 (1981), 89–92.

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