08.10.2013 Aufrufe

Radiation Hardness Studies of Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors ...

Radiation Hardness Studies of Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors ...

Radiation Hardness Studies of Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors ...


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214 Measurements <strong>of</strong> the Prototype <strong>Pixel</strong> Devices<br />

hypothesis is based on a lack <strong>of</strong> n-well guard-rings around the test structures. These rings are<br />

present in the case <strong>of</strong> the main detecting arrays and they cut current paths from outside <strong>of</strong><br />

the active volume.<br />

Abbildung 3.7: Leckstrom als Funktion der Temperatur a) vor der Bestrahlung, b) nach der Bestrahlung,<br />

c) nach drei Wochen Lagerung bei Raumtemperatur und d) nach einem 24-stündigen<br />

Ausheizen des Chips bei einer Temperatur von 100 ◦C. Der Plot wurde [Dep02] entnommen.<br />

Figure 6-37: Variation <strong>of</strong> the leakage current related to a single nwell/p-epi<br />

diode (STANDARD and NPOL_FL) as a temperature<br />

function measured on MIMOSA III test structures (a) before<br />

irradiation and after 10 keV photons irradiations; (b) one day after, (c)<br />

3 weeks <strong>of</strong> room temperature annealing, and (d) after additional 24<br />

hours annealing at 100 °C.<br />

The second hypothetic reason, explaining the excess <strong>of</strong> the measured leakage current can be<br />

the modification <strong>of</strong> the test structures layout with respect to the actual pixels. The space<br />

occupied by the transistors was liberated and filled with a p + -type region and the test<br />

structures including their vicinity were not masked against filling with an n + -type region and<br />

poly-silicon * . Only the surface <strong>of</strong> the main detecting arrays was protected against filling. The<br />

filling is done automatically by foundry over the unprotected regions in order to satisfy filling<br />

ratios for each layer according to the DRC † rules. The created floating n + -type and poly-

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