08.10.2013 Aufrufe

Radiation Hardness Studies of Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors ...

Radiation Hardness Studies of Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors ...

Radiation Hardness Studies of Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors ...


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B<br />

Abstract<br />

CMOS <strong>Monolithic</strong> <strong>Active</strong> <strong>Pixel</strong> <strong>Sensors</strong> (MAPS) demonstrated excellent performances in tracking<br />

detectors for charged particles. They provide an outstanding spatial resolution (few µm) and<br />

detection efficiency (> 99,9%) in combination with very low material budget (0,05% X0 per<br />

sensor) and good radiation tolerance (> 1 MRad, > 3 · 1013 neq<br />

cm2 ). MAPS are the technology <strong>of</strong><br />

choice for micro vertex detectors for the heavy ion experiments STAR and CBM and a potential<br />

candidate for a micro vertex detector at the ILC. Due to the luminosities needed to address the<br />

physic questions, radiation tolerance is in the focus <strong>of</strong> the sensor optimization. To approach the<br />

requirements <strong>of</strong> these experiments regarding radiation tolerance, the radiation tolerance <strong>of</strong> the<br />

sensors is being evaluated and improved within a joined R&D project carried out by the IPHC<br />

Strasbourg and IKF Frankfurt. The master thesis is part <strong>of</strong> this project.<br />

The master thesis focuses on the radiation damage in the sensors which could be reduced by<br />

thermal annealing. This was suggested by previous studies which were however restricted to<br />

ionizing radiation damage only. The results were reproduced and complemented by a first<br />

systematic study <strong>of</strong> the annealing effects <strong>of</strong> neutron irradiated MAPS. The feasibility <strong>of</strong> annealing<br />

ionizing radiation damage in the presence <strong>of</strong> non-ionizing radiation damage will be<br />

demonstrated.<br />

The results <strong>of</strong> the studies will be presented and the option to recover a strongly irradiated, MAPS<br />

based vertex detector by means <strong>of</strong> thermal treatment will be discussed.

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