Identifizierung und Charakterisierung von neuen Genen für die ...

Identifizierung und Charakterisierung von neuen Genen für die ... Identifizierung und Charakterisierung von neuen Genen für die ...
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07.10.2013 Aufrufe

- 68 - Für die einzelnen Domänen bestehen folgende Homologien zu bekannten Proteinen: Quelle: ProDom Dom0: Spezifisch für TRIM46, keine Homologie in NCBI-Datenbank außer zu TRIM46 anderer Spezies. Dom1: RING-Domäne. Homologie zu TRIM9. Dom2: RING-Domäne. Spezifisch für TRIM46, keine Homologie in NCBI-Datenbank außer zu TRIM46 anderer Spezies. Dom3: B-Box 1. Homologie zu TRIM36 und TRIM9. Dom4: B-Box 2: Homologie zur ganzen TRIM-Familie = stärkste konservierte Domäne der Familie. Dom5: Spezifisch für TRIM46, keine Homologie in NCBI-Datenbank außer zu TRIM46 anderer Spezies. Dom6: Coiled-Coil-Domäne. Homolog zu TRIM18 (MID1), TRIM36. Dom7a: Fibronectin-Typ III – FN3 -Domäne. Homolog zu TRIM36 und TRIM9. Dom7b: Spezifisch für TRIM46-Isoform1, keine Homologie in NCBI-Datenbank außer zu TRIM46 anderer Spezies. Dom8: SPRY –Domäne. Homolog zu TRIM36. Dom9: SPRY –Domäne. Homolog zu TRIM36. Funktionelle Annotation der Domänen von TRIM46: NCBI-Protein-Blast sowie SMART-EMBL ( ) erkennen die Domänen von TRIM-Isoform1 und –Isoform2 analog: Für die einzelnen Motive gibt es folgende zusammengefasste Hintergrundinformationen in den Datenbanken von NCBI und Smart-EMBL, die hier zitiert werden sollen: RING: “RAD18, RING-finger-containing E3 ubiquitin ligase [Signal transduction mechanisms]”. “E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase activity is intrinsic to the RING domain of c-Cbl and is likely to be a general function of this domain; Various RING fingers exhibit binding activity towards E2 ubiquitinconjugating enzymes (Ubc' s)”. “Quality control of intracellular proteins is essential for cellular homeostasis. Molecular chaperones recognise and contribute to the refolding of misfolded or unfolded proteins, whereas the ubiquitinproteasome system mediates the degradation of such abnormal proteins. Ubiquitin-protein ligases (E3s) determine the substrate specificity for ubiquitylation and have been classified into HECT, U-box and RING-finger families.” “The RING-finger is a specialised type of Zn-finger of 40 to 60 residues that binds two atoms of zinc, and is probably involved in mediating protein-protein interactions.”

- 69 - Bei TRIM46 allerdings schien die RING-BBC1-BBC2-CC-Struktur alleine nicht auszureichen, um Protein-Protein-Interaktionen zu vermitteln, da mit Isoform 1 (cDNA4) im Yeast-Two-Hybrid-Screen keine Protein-Partner gefunden wurden, wohl aber für Isoform 2 (cDNA12, siehe ab Seite 75). “There are two different variants, the C3HC4-type and a C3H2C3-type, which is clearly related despite the different cysteine/histidine pattern. The latter type is sometimes referred to as 'RING-H2 finger'.” “Several 3D-structures for RING-fingers are known. The 3D structure of the zinc ligation system is unique to the RING domain and is referred to as the 'cross-brace' motif. The spacing of the cysteines in such a domain is C-x(2)-C-x(9 to 39)-C-x(1 to 3)-H-x(2 to 3)- C-x(2)-C-x(4 to 48)-C-x(2)-C. Metal ligand pairs one and three co-ordinate to bind one zinc ion, whilst pairs two and four bind the second, as illustrated”. “Note that in the older literature, some RING-fingers are denoted as LIM-domains. The LIM-domain Znfinger is a fundamentally different family, albeit with similar Cys-spacing”. “Diseases involved in mutations with the RING-Domain”: “Zellweger syndrome (Peroxisome Biogenesis Factor 10; PEX10, lethal diseases that are characterized by neuronal, hepatic, and renal abnormalities and severe mental retardation), Adrenoleukodystrophy neonatal, Breast cancer-1 (Breast Cancer 1 Gene; BRCA1); Ovarian cancer; Breast-ovarian cancer; Papillary serous carcinoma of the peritoneum, Prostate cancer.” BBox: “The B-box zinc finger is an around 40 amino acids domain. One or two copies of this motif are generally associated with a ring finger and a coiled coil motif to form the so-called tripartite motif. It is found essentially in transcription factors, ribonucleoproteins and protooncoproteins, but no function is clearly assigned to this domain. It has been shown to be essential but not sufficient to localize the PML protein in a punctate pattern in interphase nuclei . Among the 7 possible ligands for the zinc atom contained in a B-box, only 4 are used and bind one zinc atom in a Cys2-His2 tetrahedral arrangement. The NMR analysis reveals that the B-box structure comprises two beta-strands, two helical turns and three extended loop regions different from any other zinc binding motif.” “Diseases involved in mutations with the BBox-Domain”: “Familial Mediterranean fever (Pyrin / Marenostrin) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by recurrent attacks of fever and inflammation in the peritoneum, synovium, or pleura, accompanied by pain. Amyloidosis with renal failure is a complication and may develop without overt crises”. BBC BBox-C-terminal: “Coiled coil region C-terminal to (some) B-Box domains. It is found in transcription intermediary factor 1-alpha, which associates with DNA-bound estrogen receptors; ring finger protein, a putative transcriptional regulator; and the GTP-binding protein Ard-1.”

- 69 -<br />

Bei TRIM46 allerdings schien <strong>die</strong> RING-BBC1-BBC2-CC-Struktur alleine nicht auszureichen, um<br />

Protein-Protein-Interaktionen zu vermitteln, da mit Isoform 1 (cDNA4) im Yeast-Two-Hybrid-Screen<br />

keine Protein-Partner gef<strong>und</strong>en wurden, wohl aber <strong>für</strong> Isoform 2 (cDNA12, siehe ab Seite 75).<br />

“There are two different variants, the C3HC4-type and a C3H2C3-type, which is clearly related despite<br />

the different cysteine/histidine pattern. The latter type is sometimes referred to as 'RING-H2 finger'.”<br />

“Several 3D-structures for RING-fingers are<br />

known. The 3D structure of the zinc ligation<br />

system is unique to the RING domain and is<br />

referred to as the 'cross-brace' motif. The<br />

spacing of the cysteines in such a domain is<br />

C-x(2)-C-x(9 to 39)-C-x(1 to 3)-H-x(2 to 3)-<br />

C-x(2)-C-x(4 to 48)-C-x(2)-C. Metal ligand<br />

pairs one and three co-ordinate to bind one<br />

zinc ion, whilst pairs two and four bind the<br />

second, as illustrated”.<br />

“Note that in the older literature, some RING-fingers are denoted as LIM-domains. The LIM-domain Znfinger<br />

is a f<strong>und</strong>amentally different family, albeit with similar Cys-spacing”.<br />

“Diseases involved in mutations with the RING-Domain”:<br />

“Zellweger syndrome (Peroxisome Biogenesis Factor 10; PEX10, lethal diseases that are characterized by<br />

neuronal, hepatic, and renal abnormalities and severe mental retardation), Adrenoleukodystrophy<br />

neonatal, Breast cancer-1 (Breast Cancer 1 Gene; BRCA1); Ovarian cancer; Breast-ovarian cancer;<br />

Papillary serous carcinoma of the peritoneum, Prostate cancer.”<br />

BBox:<br />

“The B-box zinc finger is an aro<strong>und</strong> 40 amino acids domain. One or two copies of this motif are<br />

generally associated with a ring finger and a coiled coil motif to form the so-called tripartite motif. It<br />

is fo<strong>und</strong> essentially in transcription factors, ribonucleoproteins and protooncoproteins, but no<br />

function is clearly assigned to this domain. It has been shown to be essential but not sufficient to<br />

localize the PML protein in a punctate pattern in interphase nuclei . Among the 7 possible ligands for the<br />

zinc atom contained in a B-box, only 4 are used and bind one zinc atom in a Cys2-His2 tetrahedral<br />

arrangement. The NMR analysis reveals that the B-box structure comprises two beta-strands, two helical<br />

turns and three extended loop regions different from any other zinc binding motif.”<br />

“Diseases involved in mutations with the BBox-Domain”:<br />

“Familial Mediterranean fever (Pyrin / Marenostrin) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by<br />

recurrent attacks of fever and inflammation in the peritoneum, synovium, or pleura, accompanied by<br />

pain. Amyloidosis with renal failure is a complication and may develop without overt crises”.<br />

BBC BBox-C-terminal:<br />

“Coiled coil region C-terminal to (some) B-Box domains.<br />

It is fo<strong>und</strong> in transcription intermediary factor 1-alpha, which associates with DNA-bo<strong>und</strong> estrogen<br />

receptors; ring finger protein, a putative transcriptional regulator; and the GTP-binding protein Ard-1.”

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