24.09.2013 Aufrufe

Federal Republic of Nigeria - Freiwillige-rueckkehr-paedz.de

Federal Republic of Nigeria - Freiwillige-rueckkehr-paedz.de

Federal Republic of Nigeria - Freiwillige-rueckkehr-paedz.de


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Medical care in <strong>Nigeria</strong> can be <strong>de</strong>scribed as ina<strong>de</strong>quate at best. Sufficient material and welltrained<br />

staff are lacking in many areas. As a result, most hospitals can <strong>of</strong>fer only very basic<br />

care, which can not compete with Western standards by far. The healthcare system is a selfpay<br />

system, which means that all medical costs, such as medication, medical treatment,<br />

checkups and admission to a hospital as an inpatient must be covered by the patients<br />

themselves. Upon admission to hospital, the patient must register first and pay a lump-sum<br />

before receiving treatment. When the treatment is completed, the remaining balance must be<br />

paid.<br />

Während die Aufnahme in einem <strong>de</strong>r staatlichen Krankenhäuser für <strong>de</strong>n durchschnittlich<br />

verdienen<strong>de</strong>n <strong>Nigeria</strong>ner erschwinglich ist, kostet ein Aufenthalt in einem <strong>de</strong>r vielen privaten<br />

Krankenhäuser <strong>de</strong>utlich mehr, dafür wird aber auch eine bessere medizinische Versorgung<br />

angeboten, die teilweise mit westlichem Standard mithalten kann.<br />

While admission to a public hospital is affordable for the average <strong>Nigeria</strong>n, hospitalization in<br />

a private hospital costs significantly more. In return, medical care is more advanced and can<br />

compete with Western standards.<br />

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2.3 Krankenversicherungen/ Health Insurance<br />

Eine alle <strong>Nigeria</strong>ner ab<strong>de</strong>cken<strong>de</strong> gesetzliche Krankenversicherung mit Zugang zu einer<br />

kostenlosen Grundversorgung, existiert <strong>of</strong>fiziell seit 1999. Allerdings erreichte sie bis dato<br />

nur 3,73% <strong>de</strong>r <strong>Nigeria</strong>nischen Bevölkerung. Wesentliche Nutznießer <strong>de</strong>s Systems sind<br />

bisweilen Zivilbeamte in <strong>de</strong>r Bun<strong>de</strong>sregierung und in Bauchi und Cross River States sowie<br />

300.000 Schwangere und Kin<strong>de</strong>r unter <strong>de</strong>m „Maternal and Child Health Project“ (MCHP).<br />

Eine private Krankenversicherung dagegen ist recht teuer, bietet dafür aber auch Zugang zu<br />

erstklassiger medizinischer Versorgung.<br />

A statutory health insurance scheme covering all <strong>Nigeria</strong>ns and giving them access to free<br />

healthcare was <strong>of</strong>ficially implemented in 1999. To date, however, only about 3.73% <strong>of</strong> the<br />

population benefit from it. Essential beneficiaries so far inclu<strong>de</strong> civil servants in the fe<strong>de</strong>ral<br />

government and in the states <strong>of</strong> Bauchi and Cross River, plus 300,000 pregnant women and<br />

their children un<strong>de</strong>r the Maternal and Child Health Project (MCHP). Private healthcare is<br />

unaffordable for many <strong>Nigeria</strong>ns, but provi<strong>de</strong>s access to first-class medical treatment.<br />

Liste einiger privater Krankenversicherungen in <strong>Nigeria</strong> - List <strong>of</strong> private health care insurance<br />

companies in <strong>Nigeria</strong><br />

Adic Insurance (bietet ein Medical Health Insurance Scheme an als Produkt)<br />

Adic Insurance, <strong>of</strong>fering a medical healthcare scheme as a product.<br />

Phone: 01 - 2805378-9; 01-2714977<br />

Fax: 01-2798058<br />

E-Mail: info@adicinsurance.com<br />

Website: http://www.adicinsurance.com/portal/<br />

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