15.09.2013 Aufrufe

Risch Andreas.pdf - Osteopathic Research

Risch Andreas.pdf - Osteopathic Research

Risch Andreas.pdf - Osteopathic Research


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Im weiteren Verlauf macht er dann einen Exkurs über Galen und Goethe und bringt<br />

deren philosophisches Verständnis von Natur und Gesundheit in den Kontext von<br />

osteopathischer Philosophie.<br />

Anschließend zitiert er J. Jealous, der seiner Meinung nach die Lehren von Still und<br />

Becker weiter entwickelt und die Lücke im osteopathischen Verständnis von<br />

Gesundheit schliesst. Er sei mehr pragmatisch und zugänglich und könne<br />

Gesundheit in einer Art und Weise beschreiben, die wir verstehen können. Jealous<br />

(1996) beschreibt Gesundheit als das „etwas Andere“ oder das Außergewöhnliche in<br />

uns ( Paulus, 2007):<br />

“It cannot be damaged, diseased, or lesioned. It is at the core of our being, it is unchangeable<br />

and cannot be increased or decreased. Health is the “true matrix”, the infrastructure of a living<br />

being that interfaces with every structural, physiologic and psychological expression”<br />

(Jealous, J. S. Around the Edges, #6, circa 1997, p. 1).<br />

“Health does not originate from a single place within the anatomy of an individual, but<br />

emerges from each cell and is present in all living fluids as the matrix from which insentient<br />

matter becomes animate” (Jealous, J. S. Biodynamics Curriculum 1999 Phase IV).<br />

Paulus (2007) fährt fort indem er Aussagen von Jealous und Sutherland anführt:<br />

“Jealous offers a treatment approach very similar to Becker and to Sutherland. He says to feel<br />

the Health of a patient you must drop from your sensory field perceptions of bone, membrane,<br />

fluid, central nervous system activity and most importantly lesions, dysfunctions, or disease.<br />

He teaches, “Even though the patient’s physiologic, structural or psychological processes are<br />

disordered, we can as Osteopaths offer the individual an experience of feeling completely<br />

balanced and whole.” Sutherland would ask us to realize a state of “Be Still and Know” in<br />

order to experience the Health. Jealous extends that teaching and asks for our observer to<br />

first become afferent (receiving), then to feel Health comes to you, rather than looking<br />

(efferently) to search for something. The perception of Health has no reciprocal tension and no<br />

emotional state. He states it can be sensed, but not palpated, by the operator as an<br />

identifiable matrix with a unique feel that is linked to the Breath of Life.”

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