15.09.2013 Aufrufe

Risch Andreas.pdf - Osteopathic Research

Risch Andreas.pdf - Osteopathic Research

Risch Andreas.pdf - Osteopathic Research


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experience categories with 498 (35%). The single highest overall account of<br />

metaphors was attributed to the category of „OSP (Other Sensory Perception)“ with<br />

215 (15%) metaphors, followed by the „orientation“ category with 174 (12%)<br />

metaphors and the „science/technique/crafts“ category with 144 (10%) metaphors.<br />

Further high scores of metaphors received the „representation“ category with 113<br />

(8%) metaphors and the „relation“ category with 99 (7%) metaphors. These 5<br />

categories together account for more then 50% of all metaphors identified and<br />

resemble the biggest group of categories. By adding the next 5 categories in the<br />

order of rank with a total of 355 metaphors („weight/balance“: 83 (6%), „visual“: 77<br />

(5%), „space“: 71 (5%), „tactile/haptic/thermal“: 63 (4%) and „part/whole“: 61 (4%))<br />

more then two thirds (77%) of all the metaphors are distributed among these 10<br />

categories. For the categories „olfactory“ and „gustatory“ experience no metaphors<br />

could be identified. Other categories such as „acoustic“, „game/sports“,<br />

„circle/cycle/rhythm“ and „organism“ received the lowest scores of metaphors.<br />

In the physical body experience category group the concept of „change“ (categories<br />

„orientation“ and „front/back“) received 192 (14%) metaphors and the concept of<br />

„association“ (categories „relation“ and „part/whole“) 160 (11%) metaphors.<br />

In the thematic experience category group the sociological categories received 278<br />

metaphors (20%) (with 113 (8%) metaphors for „representation“ being the highest),<br />

the ecological categories received 76 (5%) metaphors and the technological category<br />

received 144 (10%) metaphors.

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