15.09.2013 Aufrufe

Risch Andreas.pdf - Osteopathic Research

Risch Andreas.pdf - Osteopathic Research

Risch Andreas.pdf - Osteopathic Research


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metaphors for sensory experience due to a high frequency of expressions related to<br />

this field. Four concepts in the physical body category group based on the personality<br />

model of F. Riemann were introduced as a structural guidance. The thematic<br />

experience group was divided into three concepts.<br />

Quantitative research was conducted by documenting frequencies of metaphors<br />

being used in different categories and concepts within the different groups of<br />

experience regarding the concepts of health in osteopathic thought, speech and<br />

practice as well as social/psychological/ethical implications and sensing/feeling<br />

health. Afterwards, a qualitative research was carried out in order to evaluate the<br />

resulting metaphoric concepts and analyze them trying to come to conclusions of the<br />

mental models used by osteopaths for the conceptualization of health. Efforts of<br />

triangulation were introduced and applied in the evaluation of data with different<br />

methods, i.e. quantitative and qualitative, in order to provide a wider spectrum of<br />

findings and better validation of the results.<br />

8. Results<br />

8.1 Quantitative analysis<br />

According to the prior defined description a total of 1,422 metaphors with an average<br />

of 142 metaphors per interview (117 - 188) were identified during the analysis of the<br />

10 interviews with a total amount of 36,634 words and an average amount of 3,663<br />

words per interview respectively. This shows an above average grade of<br />

metaphorization of 3.9 percent*. (Male osteopaths are slightly using more words<br />

(3,816 words per interview, 3.7% metaphorization) while female osteopaths are using<br />

more metaphors (145 metaphors per interview, 4.1% metaphorization).<br />

(*Moser (2000) could show grades of metaphorization between 1.9% and 3.1% and<br />

Heitmann (2006) between 1,8 and 3,3%).<br />

The total amounts of metaphors in the sensory experience categories were 358<br />

(25%), in the physical body experience categories with 566 (40%) and the thematic

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