15.09.2013 Aufrufe

Risch Andreas.pdf - Osteopathic Research

Risch Andreas.pdf - Osteopathic Research

Risch Andreas.pdf - Osteopathic Research


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„The essence of metaphor is understanding and experiencing one kind of things in<br />

terms of another“ (Lakoff/Johnson, 1980).<br />

After Lakoff and Johnson metaphors penetrate our entire daily living. They are<br />

showing up not only in our language, but they are also effective in our thinking and<br />

acting (s. Lakoff/Johnson, 1980).<br />

4.1 Conceptual metaphors and metaphoric concepts<br />

According to Schmitt (2009) metaphors are defined as:<br />

a. words or phrases which have more than only literal meaning<br />

b. the literal meaning points to a source domain<br />

c. which is transfered onto a second, often more abstract target domain.<br />

A conceptual metaphor is consequently the experience and understanding of one<br />

aspect of reality through another (Schmitt, 1995). As a rule, we normally use a<br />

familiar, concrete and culturally embedded treasure of experience in order to grasp<br />

an abstract content which is difficult to comprehend. (Schiefer, 2005).<br />

Conceptual metaphors / metaphoric concepts are combinations of several<br />

metaphoric phrases which are transfered from a common area of experience onto an<br />

abstract area of understanding:<br />

Example: HEALTH IS A BALANCE<br />

well-balanced, to be even/uneven, equal/unequal, heavy/light, to find one's center, to<br />

adjust, to adapt, alignment<br />

Because the word “IS” means too much of equality, Schiefer (2005) proposes to use<br />

the word “AS” which can be understood according to Lakoff/Johnson (1980) as a<br />

“complex of experience”. The metaphor is not a way of speaking, but rather a way of<br />


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