Solubilisierung stark lipophiler Arzneistoffe in lipidhaltige ...

Solubilisierung stark lipophiler Arzneistoffe in lipidhaltige ... Solubilisierung stark lipophiler Arzneistoffe in lipidhaltige ...

23.10.2012 Aufrufe

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Literaturverzeichnis 120. Testosterone: Elecsys® Systems 1010/2010/MODULAR ANALYTICS E170 - product brochure, Roche diagnostics GmbH, Mannheim, DE, (2001). 121. Taeuber, U., Schroeder, K., Dusterberg, B., und Matthes, H., Absolute bioavailability of testosterone after oral administration of testosterone-undecanoate and testosterone, Eur. J. Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet. 11 (1986) 145-149. 122. Farthing, M. J., Vinson, G. P., Edwards, C. R., und Dawson, A. M., Testosterone metabolism by the rat gastrointestinal tract, in vitro and in vivo, Gut 23 (1982) 226-234. 123. Martin, R. P., Loriaux, D. L., und Farnham, G. S., Enterohepatic cycling of metabolized testosterone in the male dog, Steroids Suppl. ΙΙ (1965) 149-163. 124. Daggett, P. R., Wheeler, M. J., und Nabarro, J. D., Oral testosterone, a reappraisal, Horm. Res. 9 (1978) 121-129. 125. Foss, G. L., Clinical administration of androgens, Lancet 236 (1939) 502-504. 126. Nieschlag, E., Mauss, J., Coert, A., und Kicovic, P., Plasma androgen levels in men after oral administration of testosterone or testosterone undecanoate, Acta Endocrinol. 79 (1975) 366-374. 127. Frey, H., Aakvaag, A., Saanum, D., und Falch, J., Bioavailability of oral testosterone in males, Eur. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 16 (1979) 345-349. 128. Aakvaag, A. und Vogt, J. H., Plasma testosterone values in different forms of testosterone treatment, Acta Endocrinol. 60 (1969) 537-542. 129. Hamburger, C., Testosterone treatment and 17-ketosteroid excretion. V. Administration of testosterone per rectum, Acta Endocrinol. 28 (1958) 529-536. 130. Hirschhauser, C., Hopkinson, C. R., Sturm, G., und Coert, A., Testosterone undecanoate: a new orally active androgen, Acta Endocrinol. 80 (1975) 179-187. 131. Mazer, N. A., New clinical applications of transdermal testosterone delivery in men and women, J. Contr. Release 65 (2000) 303-315. 132. Altenburger, R. und Kissel, T., The human keratinocyte cell line HaCaT: an in vitro cell culture model for keratinocyte testosterone metabolism, Pharm. Res. 16 (1999) 766-771. 133. Noguchi, T., Charman, W. N. A., und Stella, V. J., The effect of drug lipophilicity and lipid vehicles on the lymphatic absorption of various testosterone esters, Int. J. Pharm. 24 (1985) 173-184. 134. Voorspoels, J., Remon, J. P., Eechaute, W., und De Sy, W., Buccal absorption of testosterone and its esters using a bioadhesive tablet in dogs, Pharm. Res. 13 (1996) 1228-1232. 135. Partsch, C. J., Weinbauer, G. F., Fang, R., und Nieschlag, E., Injectable testosterone undecanoate has more favourable pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics than testosterone enanthate, Eur. J. Endocrinol. 132 (1995) 514-519. 136. Davidson, D. W., O'Carroll, R., und Bancroft, J., Increasing circulating androgens with oral testosterone undecanoate in eugonadal men, J. Steroid Biochem. 26 (1987) 713-715. 137. Papadimas, J., Bili, E., Papadopoulou, F., Spanos, E., Tarlatzis, B., Kokkas, B., Pangalos, G., Bontis, J., und Mantalenakis, S., Testosterone undecanoate versus mesterolone in hypogonadal male patients, Epitheor. Klin. Farmakol. Farmakokinet. 10 (1996) 3-8. 138. Shackleford, D. M., Faassen, W. A., Houwing, N., Lass, H., Edwards, G. A., Porter, C. J., und Charman, W. N., Contribution of lymphatically transported testosterone undecanoate to the systemic exposure of testosterone after oral administration of two andriol formulations in conscious lymph duct-cannulated dogs, J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 306 (2003) 925-933. 139. Coert, A., Geelen, J., und De Visser, J., The pharmacology and metabolism of testosterone undecanoate (TU), a new orally active androgen, Acta Endocrinol. 79 (1975) 789-800. 140. Horst, H. J., Holtje, W. J., Dennis, M., Coert, A., Geelen, J., und Voigt, K. D., Lymphatic absorption and metabolism of orally administered testosterone undecanoate in man, Klin. Wochenschr. 54 (1976) 875-879. cxv

Literaturverzeichnis<br />

120. Testosterone: Elecsys® Systems 1010/2010/MODULAR ANALYTICS E170 - product brochure,<br />

Roche diagnostics GmbH, Mannheim, DE, (2001).<br />

121. Taeuber, U., Schroeder, K., Dusterberg, B., und Matthes, H., Absolute bioavailability of<br />

testosterone after oral adm<strong>in</strong>istration of testosterone-undecanoate and testosterone, Eur. J. Drug<br />

Metab. Pharmacok<strong>in</strong>et. 11 (1986) 145-149.<br />

122. Farth<strong>in</strong>g, M. J., V<strong>in</strong>son, G. P., Edwards, C. R., und Dawson, A. M., Testosterone metabolism by<br />

the rat gastro<strong>in</strong>test<strong>in</strong>al tract, <strong>in</strong> vitro and <strong>in</strong> vivo, Gut 23 (1982) 226-234.<br />

123. Mart<strong>in</strong>, R. P., Loriaux, D. L., und Farnham, G. S., Enterohepatic cycl<strong>in</strong>g of metabolized<br />

testosterone <strong>in</strong> the male dog, Steroids Suppl. ΙΙ (1965) 149-163.<br />

124. Daggett, P. R., Wheeler, M. J., und Nabarro, J. D., Oral testosterone, a reappraisal, Horm. Res. 9<br />

(1978) 121-129.<br />

125. Foss, G. L., Cl<strong>in</strong>ical adm<strong>in</strong>istration of androgens, Lancet 236 (1939) 502-504.<br />

126. Nieschlag, E., Mauss, J., Coert, A., und Kicovic, P., Plasma androgen levels <strong>in</strong> men after oral<br />

adm<strong>in</strong>istration of testosterone or testosterone undecanoate, Acta Endocr<strong>in</strong>ol. 79 (1975) 366-374.<br />

127. Frey, H., Aakvaag, A., Saanum, D., und Falch, J., Bioavailability of oral testosterone <strong>in</strong> males,<br />

Eur. J. Cl<strong>in</strong>. Pharmacol. 16 (1979) 345-349.<br />

128. Aakvaag, A. und Vogt, J. H., Plasma testosterone values <strong>in</strong> different forms of testosterone<br />

treatment, Acta Endocr<strong>in</strong>ol. 60 (1969) 537-542.<br />

129. Hamburger, C., Testosterone treatment and 17-ketosteroid excretion. V. Adm<strong>in</strong>istration of<br />

testosterone per rectum, Acta Endocr<strong>in</strong>ol. 28 (1958) 529-536.<br />

130. Hirschhauser, C., Hopk<strong>in</strong>son, C. R., Sturm, G., und Coert, A., Testosterone undecanoate: a new<br />

orally active androgen, Acta Endocr<strong>in</strong>ol. 80 (1975) 179-187.<br />

131. Mazer, N. A., New cl<strong>in</strong>ical applications of transdermal testosterone delivery <strong>in</strong> men and women,<br />

J. Contr. Release 65 (2000) 303-315.<br />

132. Altenburger, R. und Kissel, T., The human kerat<strong>in</strong>ocyte cell l<strong>in</strong>e HaCaT: an <strong>in</strong> vitro cell culture<br />

model for kerat<strong>in</strong>ocyte testosterone metabolism, Pharm. Res. 16 (1999) 766-771.<br />

133. Noguchi, T., Charman, W. N. A., und Stella, V. J., The effect of drug lipophilicity and lipid vehicles<br />

on the lymphatic absorption of various testosterone esters, Int. J. Pharm. 24 (1985) 173-184.<br />

134. Voorspoels, J., Remon, J. P., Eechaute, W., und De Sy, W., Buccal absorption of testosterone<br />

and its esters us<strong>in</strong>g a bioadhesive tablet <strong>in</strong> dogs, Pharm. Res. 13 (1996) 1228-1232.<br />

135. Partsch, C. J., We<strong>in</strong>bauer, G. F., Fang, R., und Nieschlag, E., Injectable testosterone<br />

undecanoate has more favourable pharmacok<strong>in</strong>etics and pharmacodynamics than testosterone<br />

enanthate, Eur. J. Endocr<strong>in</strong>ol. 132 (1995) 514-519.<br />

136. Davidson, D. W., O'Carroll, R., und Bancroft, J., Increas<strong>in</strong>g circulat<strong>in</strong>g androgens with oral<br />

testosterone undecanoate <strong>in</strong> eugonadal men, J. Steroid Biochem. 26 (1987) 713-715.<br />

137. Papadimas, J., Bili, E., Papadopoulou, F., Spanos, E., Tarlatzis, B., Kokkas, B., Pangalos, G.,<br />

Bontis, J., und Mantalenakis, S., Testosterone undecanoate versus mesterolone <strong>in</strong> hypogonadal<br />

male patients, Epitheor. Kl<strong>in</strong>. Farmakol. Farmakok<strong>in</strong>et. 10 (1996) 3-8.<br />

138. Shackleford, D. M., Faassen, W. A., Houw<strong>in</strong>g, N., Lass, H., Edwards, G. A., Porter, C. J., und<br />

Charman, W. N., Contribution of lymphatically transported testosterone undecanoate to the<br />

systemic exposure of testosterone after oral adm<strong>in</strong>istration of two andriol formulations <strong>in</strong><br />

conscious lymph duct-cannulated dogs, J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 306 (2003) 925-933.<br />

139. Coert, A., Geelen, J., und De Visser, J., The pharmacology and metabolism of testosterone<br />

undecanoate (TU), a new orally active androgen, Acta Endocr<strong>in</strong>ol. 79 (1975) 789-800.<br />

140. Horst, H. J., Holtje, W. J., Dennis, M., Coert, A., Geelen, J., und Voigt, K. D., Lymphatic<br />

absorption and metabolism of orally adm<strong>in</strong>istered testosterone undecanoate <strong>in</strong> man, Kl<strong>in</strong>.<br />

Wochenschr. 54 (1976) 875-879.<br />


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