nopal - fairlife

nopal - fairlife nopal - fairlife

28.08.2013 Aufrufe

Kapitel 5 154 [Study on chemical constituents from Opuntia enii]OBJECTIVE: To study the chemical composition of Opuntia dillenii. from Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi - Dec 2005 - Ying-kun Qiu, De-qiang Dou, Yu-ping Pei, et. al. Hypotensive activity, toxicology and histopathology of opuntioside-I and methanolic extract of Opuntia dillenii.Methanolic extract of Opuntia dillenii cladodes and its pure compound alpha-pyrone glycoside, opuntioside-I showed potent hypotensive activity in normotensive rats. from Biol Pharm Bull - Oct 2005 - Rubeena Saleem, Mohammad Ahmad, Aisha Azmat, et. al. Color, betalain pattern, and antioxidant properties of cactus pear (Opuntia spp.) clones.Total phenolics, ascorbic acid, and betalain contents of differently colored cactus pear clones (nine Opuntia fi cus-indica [L. from J Agric Food Chem - Jan 2005 - Florian C Stintzing, Kirsten M Herbach, Markus R Mosshammer, et. al. Use of nopal dietary fi ber in a powder dessert formulation]The development of diverse types of foods of low caloric value and with high content in dietary fi ber have occupied a preponderant place in the food industry in the last years, due to the growing interest of the consumers for a healthy and nutritious diet. from Arch Latinoam Nutr - Dec 2002 - Carmen Sáenz, Elena Sepúlveda, Nelly Pak Attitudes and beliefs among Mexican Americans about type 2 diabetes.Hispanics in the United States have a disproportionately high risk for non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 2 diabetes) compared with non-Hispanic whites. from J Health Care Poor Underserved - Nov 2004 - Gloria D Coronado, Beti Thompson, Silvia Tejeda

Systematic review of herbs and dietary supplements for glycemic control in diabetes.OBJECTIVE: To conduct a systematic review of the published literature on the effi cacy and safety of herbal therapies and vitamin/mineral supplements for glucose control in patients with diabetes. from Diabetes Care - Apr 2003 - Gloria Y Yeh, David M Eisenberg, Ted J Kaptchuk;jsessio nid=EC47ED517A2D271454AC73381444F60D?newsearch=1 &searchfor=Clinical&cid=med&queryText=opuntia&sortFiel d=score&SortOrder=desc&selectedDateRadio=5&medscapeS elect=0&journal= *********************** ERFAHRUNGSBERICHTE VON ORGANISATIONEN What Is Nopal Used for Today? Principal Proposed Uses Diabetes Hangover from Use of Alcohol Other Proposed Uses High Cholesterol Prostate Enlargement The nopal, or prickly-pear cactus, is one of the major national symbols of Mexico and appears on the Mexican fl ag. This cactus has a long history of use as food and medicine. Its fl eshy, leaf-like stems (cladodes), especially when young, are eaten as vegetables. The fruit is eaten raw, fermented into a beer, or turned into a cheese-like food. Medicinally, nopal fruit, stems, and fl owers have been used to treat diabetes, stomach problems, fatigue, shortness of breath, easy bruising, prostate enlargement, Kapitel 5 155

Kapitel 5<br />

154<br />

[Study on chemical constituents from Opuntia<br />

enii]OBJECTIVE: To study the chemical composition of Opuntia<br />

dillenii.<br />

from Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi - Dec 2005 - Ying-kun<br />

Qiu, De-qiang Dou, Yu-ping Pei, et. al.<br />

Hypotensive activity, toxicology and histopathology of opuntioside-I<br />

and methanolic extract of Opuntia dillenii.Methanolic<br />

extract of Opuntia dillenii cladodes and its pure compound<br />

alpha-pyrone glycoside, opuntioside-I showed potent hypotensive<br />

activity in normotensive rats.<br />

from Biol Pharm Bull - Oct 2005 - Rubeena Saleem, Mohammad<br />

Ahmad, Aisha Azmat, et. al.<br />

Color, betalain pattern, and antioxidant properties of cactus<br />

pear (Opuntia spp.) clones.Total phenolics, ascorbic acid, and<br />

betalain contents of differently colored cactus pear clones (nine<br />

Opuntia fi cus-indica [L.<br />

from J Agric Food Chem - Jan 2005 - Florian C Stintzing, Kirsten<br />

M Herbach, Markus R Mosshammer, et. al.<br />

Use of <strong>nopal</strong> dietary fi ber in a powder dessert formulation]The<br />

development of diverse types of foods of low caloric value and<br />

with high content in dietary fi ber have occupied a preponderant<br />

place in the food industry in the last years, due to the growing<br />

interest of the consumers for a healthy and nutritious diet.<br />

from Arch Latinoam Nutr - Dec 2002 - Carmen Sáenz, Elena<br />

Sepúlveda, Nelly Pak<br />

Attitudes and beliefs among Mexican Americans about type 2<br />

diabetes.Hispanics in the United States have a disproportionately<br />

high risk for non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 2<br />

diabetes) compared with non-Hispanic whites.<br />

from J Health Care Poor Underserved - Nov 2004 - Gloria D<br />

Coronado, Beti Thompson, Silvia Tejeda

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