19.08.2013 Aufrufe

Risiko Internet? - SwissEduc

Risiko Internet? - SwissEduc

Risiko Internet? - SwissEduc


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Subject: BULK E-MAIL CAN WORK 4 YOU!!<br />

We offer some of the best bulk e-mail prices on the <strong>Internet</strong>. Bulk e-mail can<br />

get you the best exposure on the net. What makes this kind of advertising<br />

so effective is the fact that you go to the potential customer. Not like search<br />

engines or print ads that the potential customer has to do all the searching.<br />

What we offer:<br />

$200.00 for 1 million e-mails sent<br />

$400.00 for 3 million e-mails sent<br />

$600.00 for 5 million e-mails sent<br />

$800.00 for 7 million e-mails sent<br />

$1000.00 for 10 million e-mails sent<br />

So why not give us a call and see what it is that we can do for you. Call<br />

anytime 209-669-0176.<br />

Kettenbriefe sind eine besondere Art von Spam-Mails. Kettenbriefe<br />

berichten häufig vom herzerweichenden Schicksal einer fiktiven Person.<br />

Andere Kettenbriefe haben einen finanziellen Hintergrund. Den<br />

Empfängern wird für jede verschickte E-Mail Geld versprochen. In<br />

beiden Fällen werden die Empfänger von Kettenbriefen aufgefordert,<br />

die Nachricht an möglichst viele Bekannte weiterzuleiten. Das Schneeballprinzip<br />

lässt die Zahl der versandten E-Mails oft rasant ansteigen.<br />

Little Jessica Mydek is seven years old and is suffering from an acute and very<br />

rare case of cerebral carcinoma. This condition causes severe malignant brain<br />

tumors and is a terminal illness. The doctors have given her six months to live.<br />

As part of her dying wish, she wanted to start a chain letter to inform people<br />

of this condition and to send people the message to live life to the fullest<br />

and enjoy every moment, a chance that she will never have. Furthermore, the<br />

American Cancer Society and several corporate sponsors have agreed to donate<br />

three cents toward continuing cancer research for every new person that gets<br />

forwarded this message. Please give Jessica and all cancer victims a chance.<br />

Die Betreiber von Spamming werden Spammer genannt. Manche<br />

Spammer verschicken ihre Nachrichten an Millionen von Empfängern.<br />

Stellt sich die Frage: Woher kriegen Spammer all die E-Mail-<br />

Adressen?<br />

132 www.internet-kompetenz.ch

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