02.08.2013 Aufrufe

S45I70, 60I70 XL - Фирменный интернет-магазин бытовой ...

S45I70, 60I70 XL - Фирменный интернет-магазин бытовой ...

S45I70, 60I70 XL - Фирменный интернет-магазин бытовой ...


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48<br />

EN<br />


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4<br />

3<br />

Selecting program and<br />

Before the beginning of a wash cycle:<br />

• Draw out the lower and the upper basket,<br />

load the dishes and push them back. It is<br />

advisable first to load the lower rack<br />

basket, then the upper one,<br />

• Fill in a detergent dispenser.<br />

Caution! Load only dishwasher safe<br />

utensils.<br />

To select the program of a wash cycle:<br />

• Press button ON/OFF 1. The control light<br />

ON/OFF 2 is on,<br />

• By pressing the button selection of<br />

programs 3 consistently, you can select<br />

the required wash program – intensive,<br />

normal, rinsing, etc. – depending on the<br />

fouling factor. The selected wash program<br />

is indicated at the corresponding window 4<br />

on the control panel.<br />

• Close the door with some force, to ensure<br />

it is closed properly.<br />

You can hear a click which indicates that the door<br />

is tightly closed.<br />

Some seconds later the dishwasher begins a<br />

wash cycle.

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