02.08.2013 Aufrufe

Посмотреть инструкцию - Фирменный интернет-магазин ...

Посмотреть инструкцию - Фирменный интернет-магазин ...

Посмотреть инструкцию - Фирменный интернет-магазин ...


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70<br />

EN<br />


The documentation provided with this oven has<br />

been printed on chlorine free bleached paper or<br />

recycled paper to show respect for the environment.<br />

The packaging has also been designed to avoid<br />

environmental impact. All materials, which make up<br />

the packaging, take into consideration the<br />

environment and can be re-used or recycled.<br />

By recycling and reusing, you help to save raw<br />

materials and reduce the bulk of domestic and<br />

industrial waste.<br />

Disposing of the packaging<br />

Please dispose of the packaging of your appliance<br />

in an environment friendly way.<br />

Recycled materials used for further packaging save<br />

raw materials and reduce waste volume.<br />

Disposing of old appliances<br />

The symbol on the appliance or on its packaging<br />

indicates that this appliance may not be treated as<br />

household waste. Instead, it shall be handed over to<br />

the authorized collecting centre for recycling old<br />

electrical and electronic appliances.<br />

By ensuring this appliance is disposed of correctly,<br />

you help to prevent potential negative<br />

consequences for the environment and human<br />

health, which could otherwise be caused by<br />

inappropriate waste handling of this product.<br />

For more detailed information on recycling of this<br />

appliance, please contact your local city office, your<br />

household waste disposal service or the shop<br />

where you purchased the product.

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