02.08.2013 Aufrufe

Посмотреть инструкцию - Фирменный интернет-магазин ...

Посмотреть инструкцию - Фирменный интернет-магазин ...

Посмотреть инструкцию - Фирменный интернет-магазин ...


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60<br />

1<br />

EN<br />


Oven<br />

The inner walls of the oven are covered with easy-<br />

to-clean high quality enamel. The very smooth<br />

surface prevents greasy food rests from sticking to<br />

the oven walls, thus, making cleaning fast and<br />

easy. The acid-proof enamel surface provides a<br />

long-term effective performance of the oven.<br />

Please clean the oven after every use.<br />

IMPORTANT!!! Safety precaution: before<br />

cleaning the oven, disconnect the plug<br />

from the power socket or the power cable<br />

from the oven.<br />

Clean the oven cavity and baking trays only with<br />

tepid water and a little bit of washing-up liquid.<br />

After having cleaned the oven, dry it with a dry<br />

cloth or just open the oven door.<br />

Do not use acid or alkaline substances (lemon<br />

juice, vinegar, salt, tomatoes etc.) to clean the<br />

AAB coated oven surfaces and baking trays. Do<br />

not use chlorine based products, acids or abrasive<br />

products to clean the enamel surfaces of the oven.<br />

Self-cleaning catalytic panels<br />

The Kaiser smooth-walled ovens are provided with<br />

inner self-cleaning catalytic panels 1.<br />

The fine-pored enamel coating of the panels is<br />

highly ecological. At the oven temperature above<br />

200° C, the enamel coating catalyzes grease and<br />

oil stains on its surface and gradually vaporizes<br />

them.<br />

If the oven is still not clean enough after cooking<br />

very greasy food, operate the empty oven for 60<br />

minutes (max.) at maximum temperature until it<br />

gets clean again.<br />

Never wash or clean self-cleaning panels with<br />

abrasive, acid, or alkaline products.

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