02.08.2013 Aufrufe

Посмотреть инструкцию - Фирменный интернет-магазин ...

Посмотреть инструкцию - Фирменный интернет-магазин ...

Посмотреть инструкцию - Фирменный интернет-магазин ...


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EN<br />

Electronic countdown timer<br />

The countdown timer is independent of all other<br />

timer functions, and can be used even if the oven<br />

is switched off.<br />

To switch on the countdown timer<br />

• Press the middle key 1 for 3 seconds.<br />

The symbol countdown timer 2 appears on the<br />

display<br />

• Press the keys 3 or 4 ( - or + ) to set the<br />

countdown time and wait for a few<br />

seconds.<br />

After a moment, the countdown timer starts the<br />

countdown and the current time of day and the<br />

symbol countdown timer 5 appear.<br />

The end of the countdown is indicated by the<br />

acustic signal - a double tone with the interval of 2<br />

seconds. At the same time, the symbol<br />

countdown timer 5 flashes.<br />

• To switch off the timer press any key.<br />

The symbol countdown timer 5 goes out.

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