02.08.2013 Aufrufe

Посмотреть инструкцию - Фирменный интернет-магазин ...

Посмотреть инструкцию - Фирменный интернет-магазин ...

Посмотреть инструкцию - Фирменный интернет-магазин ...


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34<br />

1 2<br />

SPIT<br />

EN<br />

Some ovens are completely equipped with stick<br />

engine and rotary spit for spit roast. The spit*<br />

allows to roast food in the oven rotary. It serves<br />

primarily for roasting barbeque, fowl, sausages<br />

and similar dishes. Switching the spit on and off<br />

occurs simultaneously with switching on and off of<br />

the Grill functions<br />

or .<br />

ATTENTION! No separate control rotary switch<br />

is assigned to the spit on the control panel.<br />


The cooling fan* is positioned in the upper part of<br />

the oven and serves to cool the inside surfaces of<br />

the furniture as well as the oven door. It switches<br />

on automatically as soon as the temperature of<br />

the outer surface of the oven exceeds 60°C.<br />

If you set up the oven temperature at 200°C, the<br />

fan starts in 10 min.<br />

It switches off automatically after the temperature<br />

of the outer surface of the oven has fallen below<br />

60°C.<br />

After the oven heated up to 200°C has been<br />

switched off, the fan stops in approx. 30 min.<br />


To use the device: turn the rotary switch 1<br />

clockwise as far as it will go and set the required<br />

time between 0 and 60 minutes.<br />

The mechanical Timer does not control the oven<br />

operation and only serves as a signal device<br />

which indicates the end of the operating function.<br />


The oven is equipped with oven light. The oven<br />

light is on as long as the oven is switched on. If<br />

you want to check up the food after having cooked<br />

it, set the rotary switch 2 oven operating mode in<br />

the light position.<br />

- if available

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